Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 645: Warrior's Heart!

The Japanese retreated!

When the morning sun shone warmly on the hill, the soldiers on the high ground heard the commanders' notice and rushed to the top of the hill to look at the opposite side.

Sure enough, there was no one in the Japanese trenches hundreds of meters away.

They defeated the Japanese with a small number of enemies.

Even if it was only temporary, it was a victory.

Whether it was the Sichuan Army or the Independent Battalion, since the battle with the Japanese army, they have always held on, and then retreated again and again.

Even if many Japanese soldiers were killed and wounded, the country also fell from their hands.

The flourishing Shanghai City was lost, the ancient Songjiang City was lost, and the solid Jiashan and Jiaxing defense lines were also lost.

Under the tyranny of the Japanese artillery fire, they seemed to never be able to win...

But now, the aggressive Japanese army actually retreated, after being beaten and bleeding in front of their positions.

The soldiers on the high ground wanted to cheer and raise their guns high.

However, their commanders were silent, facing the direction of Hill No. 3, standing upright.

The soldiers who were originally excited also fell silent.

Yes! The Japanese army retreated, but that was at the cost of their lives.

The battles on Hill No. 1 and Hill No. 2 were fierce enough throughout the day yesterday, but because the Japanese army focused on Hill No. 3, almost all artillery was poured on Hill No. 3, so their losses were much smaller than they seemed.

By the evening, no more than 50 seriously injured soldiers were transported to the rear from the two hills, and no more than 70 soldiers died in the battle.

Although there were more than 100 casualties, it was nothing compared to Hill No. 3, which was hit by 90% of the Japanese artillery fire and almost wiped out the entire army.

They made great contributions to this battle!

Of course, more importantly, the supreme commander did not declare victory, and it was still a battlefield at this time.

Like them, Tang Dao was also staring at Hill No. 3.

Since the death squad completely got rid of the pursuit of the Japanese army, he took Gu Xishui and his special operations team to take a shortcut back to the headquarters because he was worried about the war on the front line.

It was only ten minutes before he returned. He had just taken a few sips of hot water and briefly told his colleagues about the results of the night attack.

He was not surprised at all that the Japanese army finally chose to temporarily withdraw.

As long as Kunisaki Zheng was not a fool, the Kunisaki detachment that lost its food supply would definitely choose to temporarily withdraw.

Although the Laoshushan blocking battle lasted only one day, it at least bought three days for Jinling. The soldiers and civilians who wanted to retreat still had enough time to go through Ma'anshan to Wuhu and then to Jiangbei.

This was the meaning of him trying his best to stop the Japanese army here.

He wanted to fight for more life for the people of that city.

However, the sacrifice was too great. In just one day, more than 100 people were killed and wounded on the No. 1 and No. 2 high grounds, and only one person on the No. 3 high ground was able to stand and walk out of the position.

Tang Dao was familiar with the soldier named Potato. He encouraged him during the battle of Jiepai Village and gave him the Zhongzheng rifle of the veteran who died in the battle.

But Tang Dao was a little afraid to meet him.

Because Tang Dao knew what people feared most on the battlefield.

Not death, but loneliness.

All his comrades died, leaving only him. If the soldier asked him for people, how would he answer?

Most of his comrades were still on that position!

"Tang Dao, I'll go with you to the No. 3 high ground to have a look! I went up with Commander Lei last night and carried down all the wounded who could be carried down from the tunnel. But some of them were too seriously injured and could not be saved." Tan Tai Mingyue understood Tang Dao. Seeing Tang Dao's gaze towards the No. 3 high ground, she said softly.

After the battle last night, Lei Xiong personally led an infantry company to clean up the battlefield under the cover of night. However, because the position on the high ground had been completely destroyed and completely lost its defense, no troops were sent to garrison.

As for the Japanese army, perhaps because of this, no one climbed up to this silent cemetery again.

Yes, since the bombardment in the evening, both China and Japan knew very well that it was no longer a position, but a cemetery.

A large tomb that buried hundreds of Chinese soldiers and nearly a thousand Japanese infantry and cavalry.

The Chinese soldiers were looking for their own survivors on the top of the mountain, and the Japanese soldiers were on the hillside and at the foot of the mountain. Both sides were surprisingly tacit and no one attacked each other. Gu

Perhaps, neither wanted to disturb the moment of peace of their own victims!

Tomorrow, fight again! The living people should all think so.

"Yes! I have to go and see! I have to go and see." Tang Dao looked up at the sky and muttered to himself.

A pair of gentle hands took the initiative to hold Tang Dao's hand.

Except when the two were in private, Tan Tai's reporter had never made such a bold move.

It's not that he was afraid of being laughed at, but Tan Tai's reporter was extremely disciplined. On the battlefield, only life and death were considered, and some children's feelings were not worth mentioning.

But Tang Dao now made Tan Tai Ming Yue feel distressed, and she wanted to comfort him.

Because that was the first time that Tan Tai Ming Yue, who stood side by side with Tang Dao, saw Tang Dao's burning tears.

In her memory, Tang Dao had a cold face when the four lines were in dire straits. When he returned from the bloody battle in Songjiang Cangcheng, he even smiled at her to show her that he was alive and well and there was no need to worry. This iron-blooded tough guy who was ruthless on the battlefield and even ordered artillery to fire at his comrades, shed tears at the moment of winning the blocking battle and the night attack.

She knew that he was not because of the victory, but because of the soldiers and the sacrifice of the soldiers.

All victories are based on sacrifice.

Tang Dao had tears in his eyes before when facing sacrifice, but it was very rare for him to shed tears like now.

As a well-trained special forces soldier, he was rarely emotional. Even if his comrade-in-arms, who was as close as a brother, died in his arms, he just sat there silently all night.

The only time he lost control was because the captain died to cover his and his comrades' retreat. He sat in front of the captain's tombstone and smoked and drank all night, and cried all night.

From then on, he became stronger and gradually grew into the sharpest knife in the frontier military region.

Tang Dao once thought that he had been well-trained and would not easily shed tears for anyone in this life. He thought that when he came to this era, he was just a passer-by, he was just a small bug from the sky, and he just came to accompany some great people to experience this dark but extremely great era for the nation.

Everyone knows that my country is a sleeping dragon and a phoenix that has been reborn. If it does not burn, it cannot be reborn.

But the blazing burning is endless pain and the reincarnation of life.

That is something that only people in this era can experience.

So, Tang Dao was sad.

When the remnants of the soldiers on Hill No. 3 shouted to him hundreds of meters away through the phone: "Fire! Fire! Fire at me!", his body and heart were trembling.

From Weidong to Cai Yongguan to Tu Dou and then to those ordinary soldiers whose names he could not remember, they did not leave their names in the past time and space. Even the fierce battles they once fought with their lives will be gradually forgotten by the descendants they once tried to protect because of the passage of time.

Not many people will remember that time, this magnificent poison, will destroy everything, family affection, love, hatred, everything, will be obliterated in the singing and dancing.

Do they know that they are destined to be forgotten? They know that in such a war, all of them will become just a string of numbers. Even, in such a chaotic moment, as a ragtag army, it is just a luxury for them to become numbers.

In the future, it would be great to have a record of the 23rd Army fighting the Japanese invaders for several days in the Laoshu Mountain area of ​​Guangde.

However, they still did not choose to escape at the last moment of the battle.

They could have entered the forest from behind the mountain. They had done well enough. They blocked the attack of more than a thousand Japanese and Jing'an troops with only two infantry companies. They killed enemies several times their own. Their casualties had already far exceeded the bottom line of casualties of the so-called morale collapse defined by the Western world.

If they chose to retreat in the afternoon, no one, including Tang Dao, would blame them for it. They had done so well.

However, they still chose the last way.

Tang Dao believed that none of them wanted to die. They all wanted to live. Who didn't want to go back to see the parents who gave birth to me and raised me, who didn't want to hug the children who rarely saw them, and who didn't want to hold the wife who worked at home to raise children and support parents in his arms.

They are all ordinary Chinese. They may have thought about how to give their families a good life, but no one wants to die, let their mother cry blind, let their children lose their fathers, let their wives lose their husbands, and the pair of mandarin ducks at the head of the bed can only become lonely watchers from now on.

But they still chose this way.

Because, if not, the Japanese army will easily occupy the position and use it as a base to wantonly kill and wound the other two high grounds. They have to hold the Japanese army on the position and use the courage to die together to tell them that the Chinese may not be defeated, but they will never lack courage.

This is about the persistence of courage, even at the cost of life. At the same time, this is also a promise to those seriously injured who have given all their lives: Brother, you have tried your best, but I can't let you live, then use sacrifice to prove that I will not abandon you! Let us lie together on this small mountain top, pillowed by the mountains and rivers of the motherland, bathed in the morning glow and rain, and wait for the dawn!

Not a passer-by, not a spectator, not an accident, Tang Dao's long flowing tears told him that he was in this era. No matter whether he was great or ordinary, he would break through the darkness and welcome the dawn with this era and the people of this era.

Those who stood shoulder to shoulder with him were not NPCs in the game, but brothers.

But now, his brothers were gone, lying quietly on the hill that had almost turned into powder.

But as a commander, he had to bravely step on it and take them away.

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