Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 673 I’ll blow your soul to pieces!

Most of the explosive packages weigh 5 kilograms, but after adding the weight of the thick isolation plate and the delayed detonator, the overall weight of the explosive package is at least more than 8 kilograms. Driven by kinetic energy, it tumbles and dances in the air with its irregular trajectory. Smash down.

At first glance, they look like big rocks.

It is not surprising that the Japanese army has such doubts.

However, even if the Chinese used ancient tools, the 'rocks' smashed down by the clouds are still scary enough.

Any normal person knows that if this thing falls on you, your muscles and bones will be broken.

"Enemy attack!" Takeuchi Yunshan, who was riding his horse to the middle of the river valley, shouted sternly, jumped off his horse with agility that was inconsistent with his stature, turned over and hid behind a stone on the side of the mountain road.

Save your life first! The Japanese commander who frequently looked around during the march was not admiring the beautiful scenery. He was as cautious as he was. Even if the alarm was confirmed to be lifted, he was still considering what he would do if the Chinese made a surprise attack.

His unusual caution finally paid off...

What surprised him was that the Chinese did not fire any guns this time, but actually threw stones.

Is this too poor?

At that moment, Takeuchi Yunshan even felt a little funny.

Although there are a lot of "stones", those things are useless against a modern army with armored vehicles, machine guns, and infantry cannons!

However, before Takeuchi Yunshan's smile could change his facial expression according to his thoughts, a big stone hit the head of a soldier who was only fifty meters away from Takeuchi Yunshan.

The steel helmet played a great protective role. After the muffled sound of 'dong', the head did not bloom, that is, the neck suddenly became a little shorter.

Stones can also kill people. Couldn't this idiot be more agile? Takeuchi Yunshan wanted to scold this stupid subordinate. If his infantry regiment suffered too many casualties under a stone attack, he would be ridiculed, especially the navy and land troops.

But Takeuchi Yunshan may not have expected that this was just the beginning of the tragedy of his infantry regiment.

A ball of red light almost blinded the Japanese Army Colonel's eyes, and then there was a loud bang, and a dozen Japanese soldiers beside the Japanese infantry who were smashed to death seemed to have rockets on their butts, escaping the shackles of gravity and soaring into the air. rise.

idiot! That's a dynamite package.

The air wave generated by a full 5 kilograms of explosives almost blew over the helmet of the stunned Japanese Army Colonel fifty meters away.

The Japanese Army Colonel's heart dropped directly from his chest to his eyes, and he felt extremely cold.

He would rather have a thousand or ten thousand stones flying than believe that this is an explosive pack. There are dozens or even hundreds of explosive packs!

Unfortunately, as clouds of gunpowder smoke and sweeping air waves forced Takeuchi Yunshan to lie down behind a rock, he had to sadly admit that the Chinese had adopted a brand-new driving device that could move such pure explosives as Explosives were thrown hundreds of meters away.

"Spread out, all spread out!" The Japanese Army Colonel yelled crazily, resisting the dizziness caused by the loud sound that almost made him vomit.

However, his voice had long been drowned out by the continuous explosions.

There were violent explosions throughout the valley, and the thick smoke was like a sudden thick fog, with visibility only a few dozen meters.

The Japanese soldiers are not fools.

From the first explosive package falling on the head of a Japanese soldier, killing him half to death and rolling to the ground, it exploded and blew away all the Japanese soldiers within a radius of more than 30 meters, to 100 explosive packages falling randomly or randomly. It landed on the gravel ground in the river valley, or landed on the mountain road. The farthest one even landed in the Shuangxi River and exploded with a time difference of no more than five seconds.

But the reaction of the Japanese infantry was fast enough. When the "big rocks" started flying in the sky and could smash a face with blood at a glance, they dispersed, and most of them ran towards the wider river valley. There are also relatively dense bushes and jagged rocks that can be used as shelters.

Of course, the most important thing is that the valley is wide enough.

According to experience, the wider the place, the lower the probability of being hit by falling objects.

Gu Bin/span\u003eEmpiricism kills people!

The reason why the "heartless gun" cannot determine the victory of a battle is because of its biggest flaw, which is that it has almost no accuracy.

Not to mention that the Japanese soldiers looked up at the falling explosive packets tied with wooden boards and twisted at various angles and couldn't figure out where they landed. Even the Chinese officers and soldiers who fired the gun didn't know where the explosive packets that had been dislodged by the gunpowder would land. .

The orders they received were simply to throw the explosive packets over the ridge and into the valley. As for where to throw it, only the gods and Buddhas in the sky know.

This kind of aimless explosive packets, commonly known as flying blindly, are actually more terrifying than accurate artillery shells.

There is a crater in the ground where the shells have washed away. The veterans will jump into it without hesitation. If they are lucky enough, the chance of survival is extremely high.

But it doesn't work when encountering a few flying explosive packets. No one knows where it will fly, or how far it will fly? Or fly closer? If they are superimposed on the same position, no matter whether they are smart or stupid, there is no way to predict them.

The unpredictable consequence was that the wide area in the center of the river valley became the hardest hit area by the explosion, and the gravel for people to avoid became the accomplice of the surging explosive energy.

Maybe some people would say that the Japanese infantry were stupid and didn't wait until it was about to fall to determine its approximate location before running away?

However, what does a 5-kilogram explosive pack explode like? The killing radius of the air wave can reach almost 13 meters. The stones of various shapes and colors in the center of the river valley are also aimlessly shooting, and the killing power is no weaker than the so-called shrapnel.

Even if you are still more than 40 meters away from the explosive pack, if you are not well hidden, you may be beaten into a honeycomb mold by countless broken stones.

In such an environment, the consequence of being beaten into a honeycomb is most likely to be moldy.

The post-war battlefield inventory showed that the number of Japanese soldiers killed by flying stones was not less than that killed by the explosive air wave.

That really fulfilled the saying, don’t look at the small stones, we also have edges and corners!

When the smoke accumulated to a certain concentration, the Japanese infantry became even more confused. Who can see where the explosive pack came from?

What’s more, in addition to the constantly exploding air waves and the broken stones shooting everywhere, there are also bullets that resound through the river valley like popcorn.

The soldiers of the independent battalion will not miss this golden opportunity.

The smoke covered the entire river valley, but it did not affect the Chinese soldiers who were looking down from a high position. The shit yellow color was not too blurry in the blue smoke. It was just a distance of one or two hundred meters, so they just shot at the shadow.

If it hits, everyone is happy!

If it doesn't hit, it doesn't matter!

Especially for the Sichuan Army, they have never taken so many bullets in a battle.

From Tang Dao to the company commanders, they all looked like they were not tired. Each single soldier was issued 120 rounds of bullets, which was three times the amount used in the past.

However, the soldiers knew that if this battle was won, the more than 2,000 Japanese troops in the river valley would be equipped with more than a thousand rifles and hundreds of thousands of rounds of bullets. With this as a supplement, would they still have bullets to keep for the New Year?

Of course, the prerequisite for all this is to win this battle.

The soldiers fired at their fastest speed, not sparing any bullets. Almost every second, hundreds or thousands of bullets were fired into the valley.

Chinese soldiers, who always rely on precise firepower to strike the enemy, implemented the firepower coverage spirit required by the Tang Dao in an extremely thorough manner in the face of countless equipment temptations.

If you want to be rich, you must not only have dreams, but also have the courage to fight to the death for the future.

Anyway, if the consumption continues, it will take less than half an hour for the independent battalion to consume all the hard-earned accumulations in the past and become completely paupers, even poorer than the beggar Sichuan Army. Provide you with the fastest update of Rising from Eight Hundred, Chapter 673 Blow your soul to pieces! Free reading.

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