Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 674: Awakening

Flesh and blood flew everywhere in the valley for a while!

There were no heart-breaking screams, because all the sounds were drowned out by the muffled thunderous explosions and the incessant gunshots.

Not to mention that the vast majority of the remaining Japanese troops in the river valley had blood flowing from their ears. I don’t know how many people’s ears were deafened by the loud noise of the explosive packets that kept exploding, including the Chinese soldiers on the mountains whose ears were stuffed with cotton. At this time There is also a buzzing in the ears.

Almost everyone had the feeling that the scene in front of them looked very close, yet seemed very far away, giving it an extremely unreal feeling.

This is caused by a certain deviation in the human brain's perception system during the terrifying loud noise.

The Chinese soldiers relied entirely on their military instincts to endure the discomfort and shoot at all the visible targets in the valley.

The Japanese soldiers inside were completely in chaos. Some hid behind rocks, curled up into a ball as low as possible, and completely resigned themselves to fate; others were full of strong desire to survive, crawling on the ground using their hands and feet, hoping to find them. One is the safest position; others are frightened by the tragic sight of their bloody companions who were hit by air waves or stone fragments very close by, and they run wildly in an attempt to leave the area that is being wildly harvested by the death scythe.

Such people often die the fastest...

Calmness is the only skill that can escape hell.

Takeuchi Yunshan, who woke up from the panic, was one of the relatively calm Japanese soldiers.

"Order the 1st Squadron of the 5th Group to rush out of the valley at all costs and join the vanguard squadron in front to seize the commanding heights on both sides of the valley. The remaining infantry squadrons and heavy machine gun squadrons of the 5th Group, the artillery squads still in the valley and the two 94 armored vehicles immediately Establish a blocking position on the spot to prevent the Chinese on the mountain from rushing down. The Chinese cannot maintain such intensity of firepower all the time.

At the same time, the 3rd Squadron of the 4th Infantry Group, under the cover of the 1st and 2nd Squadron, attacked the Chinese on the mountains on both flanks. The 4th Squadron immediately retreated back with the escort squadron of the Wing Headquarters and defended the valley to prevent the Chinese. Cut off my escape. "After calming down, Takeuchi Yunshan gave orders in the loudest voice to the staff officer and the major captain who had been following him closely.

"In addition, the signal corps is ordered to send a signal to His Excellency the Captain of the Kunizaki Detachment, saying that our regiment was ambushed by the main force of the Chinese in the area of ​​Laojinkeng. The number of enemy troops ambushing our unit is at least 3,000. We request tactical guidance and ask Your Excellency the Detachment Leader to dispatch as soon as possible. Reinforcements, if possible, our wing needs air support."

Takeuchi Yunshan is not only strong-minded, but also has a clear mind. When faced with such a disaster, he can also make rational and correct analysis and judgment.

He used two infantry squadrons to counterattack up the ridge, and then used two infantry squadrons and a heavy machine gun squadron to establish positions in the valley to prevent the Chinese soldiers from rushing down and fighting hand-to-hand. This is not to say that he is afraid of hand-to-hand fighting with the Chinese, but that with today's The Japanese army's military formation and morale will suffer further losses if this is done.

And as long as he can stand firm, the shortcomings of the Chinese army's insufficient ammunition will be exposed.

Yes, these are all based on his judgment of the Chinese army's relatively rich combat experience. The Japanese Army Colonel concluded that the Chinese could not always maintain such intensity of firepower, including the kind of explosives that were still flying and falling in the sky. Bags, too.

It's always dark before dawn.

Somehow, when Takeuchi Yunshan thought of this, such a poetic sentence came to his mind.

But it seems very appropriate to the current situation.

The Chicken Soup for the Soul article is really harmful. The Japanese army commander who woke up from the panic drank a mouthful of chicken soup to himself, waiting for the Chinese army who ambushed him to run out of ammunition. No matter how bruised he was, he could still get it. Final victory.

Of course, while he was pouring chicken soup, the Japanese Army Colonel was actually very practical.

In addition to counterattacking and holding on to wait for the Chinese attack power to weaken, he also ordered the wing headquarters escort squadron and an infantry squadron to guard the rear.

No one will ever know about these secrets that only the Japanese Army Colonel himself knows.

Because, there are almost no flaws in his military orders. The 12 heavy machine guns of the 5th Infantry Brigade’s most powerful heavy machine gun squadron were left to the Japanese troops who established positions in the valley. There were even artillery squads that could be retained. That was 6 infantry cannon.

In addition, two 94 armored vehicles were allocated. The Japanese Army Colonel almost did his best to leave the strongest force under his command to the main infantry fighting in the river valley.

But he himself only had two infantry squadrons to guard the rear flank of the army for the entire army.

At first glance, it seems quite heroic and heroic, "The colonel will guard the retreat, and the brothers will be at ease."

Actually! If the situation changes and chicken soup cannot withstand it, the subtext will change to: If you can't hold it, then you can't hold it! Anyway, Colonel, I'm guarding the back.

Takeuchi Yunshan This is a red heart that can be grasped with both hands. If you can do it well, then do it. If you can't do it, he has to save his life.

Anyway, we have learned from the past. Yanagawa Kazuo of the Artillery Battalion lost more than a dozen cannons. Nothing will happen now. He doesn’t have to go to the battlefield anymore. He can stay in the middle army and have food and drink to nourish himself. .

He was an army commander. Kunizaki was stunned. What else could he do to him? Not to mention that Kunisaki couldn't do anything to him, not even the Songhu Expedition Army Headquarters could do anything. Then His Excellency Seishiro Itagaki and the North China Expedition Army Headquarters had to make a decision.

In a short time, he sorted out the logic of his thoughts in his brain that was almost stunned by the explosion. If anyone said that Takeuchi Yunshan was not a talent, I am afraid that Amaterasu would not agree with him.

Perhaps, the so-called quick thinking is what this person is like!

It must be said that this Japanese army colonel who suffered repeated setbacks in front of the Tang sword is basically the same as the officers of the 36th Infantry Brigade who were still walking and traveling dozens of kilometers away. What is the merit of war! It's all for others to see, only your life is your own.

This person, that person, always has to suffer setbacks before he can understand the true meaning of life! Before being beaten, he always thought that he was the most handsome guy on the battlefield. After being beaten, he found that he was just a hairy guy!

He is a regiment commander. Even at this moment, Takeuchi Yunshan has a lot of people around him. The staff officer, the communication officer and the guard infantry are scattered around, a full dozens of people.

They were lucky to have a smart commander who chose to hide in the blank area of ​​the explosive packs at the first time. In the fierce bombing of more than three minutes, the casualty rate was the lowest.

Therefore, when the Japanese army colonel issued the military order with a clear mind, there were many people responsible for recording and delivering the military order, and there were seven or eight signal soldiers alone.

The communication efficiency of the Japanese army was actually not much higher than that of the Chinese army. Below the battalion level, it all depended on two short legs.

When the seven or eight signal soldiers who ran to convey the colonel's military order in the rain of bullets and turbulent air waves left, their colonel commander had already turned around quickly with hundreds of infantrymen around him and rushed to the cliff 500 meters behind, which was like a big lock locking the river valley.

However, Takeuchi Yunshan, who was smart and considered everything, failed to obtain tactical guidance and support from both land and air.

The signalman who was marching with the 4th Battalion Headquarters and the field radio he carried with him had already been swept up into the sky by the turbulent air waves in the first round of attacks, and turned into a pile of parts after landing.

The signalman who was in charge of the field radio of the regiment was stared at by Niu Er who was hundreds of meters away.

The moment the first explosive pack hit the ground and exploded, Niu Er fired his Type 38 rifle with a scope.

In order to ensure the hit rate and completely destroy the Japanese field radio, Kuroko's MG34 and the grenade launcher fired together.

Both the radio and the people were targets.

Although the distance of 500 meters was far enough, the second sharpshooter of the independent battalion plus a machine gun that could fire dozens of bullets in 3 seconds and a three-round grenade launcher were enough to ensure the hit rate.

When the smoke of the explosive pack began to spread in the valley, the Japanese radio signalman fell down.

He was hit by at least three bullets, one from Niu Er's rifle, 6.5MM bullet, and two from machine guns, 7.92 caliber bullets.

The 500-meter space allowed the kinetic energy of the bullets to be released to the maximum extent. The machine gun bullet that hit the chest directly blew a teacup-sized hole in the chest of the Japanese signalman.

The Japanese first aid kits around him were almost wasted. The Japanese signalman who was hit by three bullets just trembled a few times and exhaled a long breath before dying.

What made the captain's signalman who came to convey the colonel's military order even more sad was that the Chinese were so despicable. In addition to beating people, they also hit the field radio carried by the signalman on his back.

The man was only hit by three bullets, but the field radio was ravaged by at least six or seven bullets. Although it was not broken into slag, looking at the several large holes on the radio and the exposed electronic parts, the Japanese captain also knew that he could not send a word to the detachment headquarters at present.

I just hope that the field radios equipped by the two infantry battalions can still be used, but now, he must find them first.

Looking at the river valley that was still being ravaged by explosive packs thrown by the Chinese, the Japanese captain's communications officer saw stars in his eyes. If he went to look for people at this point, the chance of death was higher than 80%.

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