Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 72: Sad old black

Chapter 72 Sad Old Hei

 The war has come to this point.

 The battle on the first floor is basically over.

All Japanese soldiers who dared to rush forward were swept to the ground by the dense rain of bullets. The Japanese soldiers closest to the building fortifications also fell five meters away.

 In the smoke of gunfire, the unique sound of gunfire at Sanba Gate has gradually become inaudible.

More than 200 Japanese soldiers were fleeing into the ruins along the blind spots on both sides of the warehouse. The firepower point upstairs was chasing their butts and firing, hoping to leave a few more on the battlefield before they fled.

But that doesn’t matter. Including those who stayed in the building, the Japanese army probably lost half of their troops in this round of attack.

 The Japanese infantry suffered heavy casualties, but the defenders were not without losses either.

Even with the protection of thick walls and sandbag fortifications, more than ten soldiers were injured by shrapnel and ricochet in a company responsible for defending the frontal positions.

General Matsui Iwane, the commander of the Japanese Songhu Expeditionary Force, may be grateful that they met a low-key Chinese commander.

 Otherwise, if we compare the battle losses between the two sides, perhaps the military merit book of Sihang Warehouse will record a feat that angered a Japanese general to death.

 But there will still be sacrifices.

 In a peaceful world, you don’t know when an accident will come, let alone on a battlefield.

"Tiedan, don't talk, it will be fine!" Lao Hei tried to help his soldier up, but found that a lot of blood was pouring out of his soldier's mouth and nose. He wanted to speak, but couldn't say a word.

"Medical soldier, medical soldier, come and see what happened to Tiedan." Lao Hei hurriedly unbuttoned his soldier's shirt, but did not find any wounds, so he could only shout loudly for the medical soldier.

The company's medics rushed over and after a brief inspection, they could only shake their heads silently.

 “You lied to me, you lied to me!” Lao Hei opened his eyes angrily and refused to accept the result. "Tiedan didn't have any bullets in his body, how could he die?"

The medical soldier looked at the emotional veteran, his lips moved, but in the end he did not give a reason.

The soldier had no gun holes, and the heavy machine gun bullet bounced off the arc of his helmet. The helmet prevented him from being shot in the head, but it still killed him.

 The terrifying force generated by the huge kinetic energy of the machine gun bullet directly broke his neck and cervical vertebrae through the fixed strap of the helmet, which was more fatal than a gunshot wound.

"Lao Hei, Tiedan has been sacrificed." Tang Dao, who rushed over, sighed slightly, but he could only tell Lao Hei the news, who was so grief-stricken that he couldn't help himself.

"Tiedan! You are talking nonsense, talk! What do you want to say, tell me!" Two lines of hot tears flowed from Lao Hei's eyes, and he held the superior soldier tightly, who had quietly swallowed his last breath. body in his arms.

"I promised my aunt that I will take you back. How do you ask me to explain it to my aunt?"

“That’s Lao Hei’s younger brother!” Old Soldier Youzi whispered in Tang Dao’s ear.

Tang Dao knew this.

The deceased superior soldier was Lao Hei's cousin. Lao Hei's parents died when he was young, so he was raised by his uncle and aunt. The cousin and his biological brother were almost the same.

After joining the army, Lao Hei returned to his hometown to visit his uncle once. In order to repay his uncle and aunt for raising him, he took his cousin to the army. The military salary of six yuan a month really made his uncle and aunt feel proud in the countryside.

Unexpectedly, only two years later, the Songhu War broke out.

Now, the cousin he dragged into the army has died in the battle. How can Lao Hei not be heartbroken? How can he have the shame to go back to see his uncle and aunt?

There was silence. Tang Dao did not persuade Lao Hei, who was immersed in grief and self-blame, but said: "Old Hei, people cannot be resurrected, and crying is useless. Do you want to see how the Japanese cry?"

 “Sir!” Lao Hei looked at Tang Dao with tears on his dark face. He probably didn't understand what Tang Dao meant, and neither did the other soldiers who gathered around him.

"Believe me, I will make the Japanese cry even worse!" Tang Dao patted Lao Hei on the shoulder and stared at the battlefield.

 The battle is actually not over yet.

While the infantry were fighting fiercely, the battle between machine guns and several Japanese tanks was also in full swing.

However, because it was on a high roof and backed by the concession, and the Japanese army's own infantry were still downstairs, the mountain artillery could not shell. Japanese tanks that had no shooting range were basically in a state of being beaten by machine guns.

 The Type 89 tank that was farthest away was finally able to escape the disaster because it was protected by an alley and some damaged houses.

 But the two 89 tanks closest to the warehouse were not as lucky as their colleagues. Even if they turned around very wisely and fled to the wings crazily, the cross-section of the tank flanks exposed in front of the warehouse was too large.

  A 12 mm steel plate is an insurmountable wall for heavy machine guns, but in front of a 20 mm machine gun, it is not much more defensive than a piece of white paper. If it touches it, it will be a big hole.

 A Type 89 tank only escaped 100 meters before being penetrated by three machine gun shells. The specific condition of the tank crew inside was unknown, but the out-of-control tank crashed into a ruined building and never moved again.

The tank that completely lost power was immediately baptized by at least five or six artillery shells, and then the two machine guns chased another 89 tank that had fled to 300 meters away and fired wildly.

This time, the Type 89 tank, which escaped into a blind corner without exposing its flanks, almost escaped, but the last shell fired by Lei Xiong hit the diesel engine at the rear of the tank.

Thick black smoke came out of the rear of the tank, and then flames began to appear. The Japanese tank crews must have made their last efforts. They did not leave the tank for a full minute and tried to drive the burning tank back to their own position.

 Obviously, they failed.

 Being brave is undoubtedly excellent, but it may not change the outcome.

The fire got bigger and bigger, and by the time they pushed off the roof cover and tried to escape, it was already too late.

The high temperature generated by metal, which is very good at conducting heat, ignited their clothes. The driver who was the first to escape from the tank was already covered in fire. Even if the Japanese infantry quickly beat the flames on his body, based on the burning conditions at that time, it is estimated that he would not die because of external burns. The tenderloin is medium rare.

 As for the others, they should live and die together with the 89 tanks that burned into a bonfire.

However, those little Dougins relied on their small size and speed. The moment they discovered the two machine guns of the Chinese defenders, they fled as fast as they could, waiting for Lei Xiong to find them again. Trouble, but there is no trace of the tank anymore.

But it doesn’t matter. For the Sixing Warehouse, the biggest threat is the Type 89 tank. The 57mm tank gun fires accurately and has strong penetrating power. The sandbag fortification piled on the window in front of the building is almost a living target.

 In just one battle, three vehicles were killed, which was enough to make the Japanese who were not rich themselves feel heartbroken.

Of course, Lei Xiong, Tang Dao and others did not know that the first tank they destroyed also had a major squadron leader, and his surname was Tokugawa.

Seven hundred meters away, Jiro Wakita was almost smashed into a puddle of flesh. Only by looking at the Major's military uniform, he finally determined that it was the remains of Major Tokugawa, the "second generation nobleman" who had served in the army. He almost changed his mind immediately. Become a big-headed doll.

 The coming inquiries from the island’s bigwigs will be even worse than the big defeat that just happened.

But at this moment, he couldn't care less about the long term. If he didn't conquer the fortress in front of him, he would have no future at all.

 As the Japanese troops retreating from the front hid in the ruins, the warehouse defenders no longer wasted ammunition, and the Japanese troops on both wings also retreated to their own field trenches.

The sound of gunfire gradually stopped, the wind from the east sea blew by, and the smoke covering the battlefield also became lighter.

 The battlefield where the two sides had just fought so hard appeared before everyone's eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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