Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 73: Are you trying to show off with your life?

Chapter 73 Is this just showing off?

 Sihang Warehouse Building is certainly the most conspicuous and attracts the most attention.

Although the walls on the left and right sides have been blasted with many potholes and large black masses created by gunpowder smoke, they are still intact.

Comparatively speaking, the front is much more miserable. Two three- to four-meter-wide gaps were blasted out on the first floor. From the side, it looks like two horrific wounds were ripped out of a giant's face.

Several windows that had been piled up to a person's height with sandbags were completely blown open, and some soldiers were busy filling them with sandbags again.

There may be some damage and casualties, but the building is still standing, and the defenders are still there. Whether they are optimistic or not, as long as they are Chinese, their hearts are at ease.

The Chinese defenders are fine, but the attacking Japanese troops probably suffered a lot! This may be the most normal psychology.

But even with this psychological foundation, it was like a stage with a big curtain raised, and the misery of the Japanese soldiers on the battlefield still dazzled everyone's eyes.

The burning tank in the distance continued to make muffled explosions, and from time to time, flames would shoot up to several people's height. This should be the stored bullets or artillery shells that exploded due to the flames.

However, the large steel bonfire is just the corner of the tragic picture of the Japanese army.

In front of the warehouse, Japanese soldiers in shit-yellow military uniforms could not be said to be littered with corpses, but there were no fewer than a hundred corpses, especially when they were only about 20 meters away from the warehouse.

 Some of them have completely fallen silent, while others are still twitching unconsciously and not screaming loudly. That’s because there are almost no minor injuries.

The inaudible moan of pain quietly dissipated in the autumn wind after traveling a hundred meters away.

 There is no doubt that this is a great victory!

 After a brief silence.

 The people on the shore cheered thunderously, shocking the countless telescopes on rooftops and balconies in the distance.

I'm afraid no one expected that the Japanese army, which sent nearly a thousand infantrymen and ten tanks to support the battle, would suffer such a huge defeat. Such a level of losses was no longer a **** blow, but could be called being beaten by the Nine Yin White Bone Claws. Here comes a 'monkey pinching a peach'.

 Rao, the brigadier general of the Empire who had made accurate predictions, also looked surprised and didn't say a word for a long time.

Colonel James glanced at the battlefield in disbelief for a long time before holding back a sentence: "How did the Japanese win this battle?"

Yes, although the battle situation was far beyond the expectations of this Western colonel, the arrogance in his bones still made it difficult for him to admit his mistake of underestimating the Chinese. He could only blame the Japanese army's tragic defeat on themselves.

 The inherent impression formed by hundreds of years of weakness of a nation is naturally difficult to reverse with just this battle.

Then use two, three or more games to solve the problem!

Except for the little butterfly that traveled through time, no one knew that China’s great Patriotic War would last eight years.

Pingjin and Songhu are just the beginning.

The man in black robe had already put down his drumstick and looked at the battlefield, with unnoticeable excitement on his thin and cold face.

A man in a black suit stood on a high place and announced loudly:

“Listen up, young and old gentlemen, in order to celebrate the fact that the superior officer on the opposite side has defeated the Japanese pirates, everyone present will be given one by one, at the expense of our boss, each person will be given two vegetable cakes and a bowl of thick porridge.

Also, as long as everyone doesn’t leave, our boss will cover three meals a day for as long as this war lasts. "

 The crowd suddenly became excited.

Although the officers on the opposite side are very good at fighting the Japanese, they are made of iron rice and steel, and they have no food in their stomachs, so they can't shout out. Someone comes to deliver food to tens of thousands of people, which can be regarded as the most fundamental solution. Problem.

That is, despite the fact that each person only gets two vegetable cakes and a bowl of porridge, three meals a day for nearly 10,000 people still costs a lot of money, especially now that supplies are in short supply and prices are soaring during the war. Who on earth has such a strong financial system? Do you have the financial resources to bear it alone?

“Is it the old man in black clothes and playing the drum?”

“It must be Boss Zhu from Fuping Clothing Store! I think he is very generous.”

"No, it must be the Ms. He who came here to distribute porridge some time ago!" There are all kinds of guesses.

Perhaps, only Yue Chang, who looked into the eyes of the old man in black robe who dropped the drumstick and smiled and greeted each other, clearly knew who had done this kind act.

The man in the black suit was only five meters away from him. It was after getting the signal from his eyes that he turned around and walked towards higher ground.

I accidentally saw the remaining women respectfully watching the back of the two followers that disappeared on the corner of the street. Yue Changqing seemed to know who the person was.

 While there was surprise on his face, he suddenly understood a truth: indeed, there is no absolute good or bad in this world, and people are all multi-faceted creatures.

 The battlefield is silent, but the war is not over yet.

The Japanese army that suffered heavy losses did not retaliate with artillery fire, perhaps because there were still wounded Japanese soldiers in a pool of blood in front of the warehouse building. Even when a Chinese soldier walked out of the building with a rifle in hand, no gunshots were fired.

 Because, no one knows what he wants to do.

 Clean the battlefield? Is it too little for one person to come out?

And it was not safe to come out in this posture at this time. Not to mention the Japanese heavy machine guns 500 meters away, and the Japanese gunners still lying in the ruins could kill him at any time.

At least five Japanese officers and comrades looked through their binoculars at the Chinese soldier who walked out of the bunker on his own initiative. Anger burst into their eyes. It was unknown how hard it took them to restrain themselves from ordering to kill him on the spot.

 They also wanted to know the Chinese man’s intentions.

Not to mention that the Japanese army didn't know, the lieutenant colonel in the warehouse also frowned deeply. Lei Xiong, who had already retreated to the warehouse, opened his mouth: "Is Tang Dao crazy?"

Perhaps only the officers and soldiers on the first floor know roughly what Tang Dao is going to do. He just told Lao Hei: Do you want to see how the Japanese cry?

 Then, when the fighting subsided, Tang Dao walked out with his rifle.

Standing in the range of the Japanese heavy machine guns and among the piles of Japanese corpses in front of the warehouse, Tang Dao glanced left and right and shouted coldly in Japanese.

Leng Feng, who knew a little bit about Japanese, translated for everyone, and the main idea was: "Why, the majestic Imperial Japanese Army is already so cowardly? Your enemies are already standing in front of you, and you only dare to lie on the ground and pretend. Acting like a corpse? If this is your way of showing surrender, stand up and I can let you go."

 There are still Japanese soldiers pretending to be dead? Everyone was shocked and pulled the bolts of their guns to aim at the corpses in the field.

"If not, then stand up and fight like a warrior. I will give you a fair chance to fight. Kill me and you will go back."

As Tang Dao continued to stimulate in Japanese, in the large pool of blood, some Japanese soldiers stood up, while others overturned the dead bodies covering them and lay down.

 A total of four Japanese soldiers with pale faces stood up from the battlefield in front of the warehouse with rifles in hand.

 Four loaded rifles were pointed at Tang Dao. At the same time, they were also targeted by dozens or even hundreds of guns.

The Japanese infantrymen who tried to escape by pretending to be dead were exposed, although their calves were spinning, and the palms of the Chinese soldiers who witnessed this scene were also stained with sweat.

No one knows how Tang Dao feels at this moment, just like no one knows why he walked out.

  If you say you are using your life to show off, then this pretense is too big and not worth it at all.

Perhaps, Lei Xiong, who woke up from the surprise, already knew what he was going to do, and his eyes flashed with light.

 (End of this chapter)

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