Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 81: The happiness of ‘hammer’

Chapter 81 The Happiness of ‘Hammer’

 In fact, the battlefield is not as quiet as imagined.

 In fact, it was much more lively than the relatively calm afternoon.

 Since nightfall, the Japanese army has changed from the quiet in the afternoon and is no longer quiet.

The moonlight is still bright, but it is blocked by dark clouds from time to time. It is pitch black outside the Sihang Warehouse. The line of sight within thirty meters of the warehouse will be reduced to an extremely dangerous situation. If the Japanese army comes to attack, it is unknown because of the line of sight. The reason is how much reaction time should be reduced.

So Tang Dao ordered more than a dozen fires to be lit along the edge of the trench with thick wood poured with diesel, in an attempt to use this native method to illuminate the surroundings of the warehouse and obtain a slightly distant warning line of sight.

Naturally, the Japanese army would not let the warehouse get what they wanted. A bright fire was the most obvious target. Once the Chinese lit it, they were uncharacteristically no longer stingy. They used grenades and heavy machine guns and even used infantry cannons to blast the fire. Destroy it.

Like a vindictive child, whatever you want to do, you won't be allowed to do it.

Tang Dao said that it is completely understandable for Japan's "childish" behavior. He was beaten so hard during the day and he couldn't let him vent his anger!

 From about 9 o'clock, the two sides started a fire and put out the fire, and they were having a lot of fun.

 The sudden sound of gunfire first startled the Chinese people who were preparing to rest on the shore. Could it be that the Japanese soldiers, who had rested all afternoon, were stubborn and wanted to fight at night?

  After looking at it for a long time, I realized that it was indeed the almost cute little stubbornness of the Japanese, that is, they did not really want to attack, but just wanted to put out the fire.

That's it! A bit cute.

Until early in the morning, the moon emerged from the dark clouds again, and the sight was much better than before. Tang Dao seemed to be completely defeated by the stubborn Japanese army, or maybe it was because there was not so much wood reserve, and he finally gave up on lighting the fire. Intend.

 The battlefield has finally returned to silence.

  The warehouse defenders, who had been nervous for a day, had basically fallen asleep, except for the sentries arranged in each company and platoon.

They are all veterans. They know very well that without adequate sleep, the body cannot function at its best. Any slight neurological or physical slowness may cause you to die on the battlefield in the future.

Not to mention this time, even in a position under heavy artillery fire, before the enemy attacks, they can quickly enter a deep sleep for a few minutes.

Only a few soldiers who could not fall asleep quickly due to the excitement of victory during the day and the sadness of the departure of their comrades in arms leaned against the wall silently smoking cigarettes or talking in very low voices.

Tang Dao didn’t say much after the inspection. Orders alone were useless and they could only rely on themselves to adjust.

This is also a necessary step for new recruits to become veterans. If you cannot do this, the chance of becoming a veteran will be reduced by 50%.

  Going back to his own bed, Tang Dao rubbed the plush head of ‘Hai Zi’, who had been well-behaved all day, and threw a piece of dry biscuit to him. He lay down and quickly fell into a deep sleep in just two or three minutes.

'Hammer' was happily lying on the ground gnawing dry bread. As a watchdog that had survived for at least a month alone in the ruins by digging around in the dirt for rotten food, the terrifying sound of gunfire came to it. It’s nothing to say, filling your belly is the biggest expectation.

 Obviously, although the sound in this place is so loud that it annoys the dog, you can get food and clean water without having to do anything, which is like a paradise for Hammer.

With food to eat, even the fierce **** Tang Dao, who had once knocked him unconscious with a slap, 'Hammer' completely lowered his guard and waggled his tail desperately at Tang Dao when he passed by him many times.

Of course, there is still a certain amount of fear.

The human brain is constantly evolving, but it has lost the instinctive intuition of danger. However, dogs are lucky enough to retain it. They can feel the terror of Tang Dao, and their bodies have the power to completely crush it.

Being the little brother or pet of such a scary guy, "Hai Zi" has no psychological burden. After eating the dry biscuits, he lay down next to the sleeping Tang Dao.

Until about an hour later, ‘Hammer’’s ears twitched slightly, his eyes suddenly opened, and he shook his head in confusion.

It seemed that it heard something different, and it did not come from the rustling footsteps of soldiers wearing cloth shoes in the warehouse that it was already familiar with.

With one hand, he gently stroked the dog’s head of ‘Hammer’, who was still expressing his doubts. The big, generous and warm hand made ‘Hammer’ instantly feel at ease and lay down again. In the darkness, Tang Dao's eyes had quietly opened.

 It's just that the black eyes merged with the darkness, and no one could see them.

It was as cold as a black hole.

 “Sir, what’s wrong?” Niu Er, who was sleeping on the other side, asked in a low voice.

  The recruit heard Tang Dao touching the head of ‘Hammer’.

Tang Dao smiled slightly in the darkness and did not answer directly, but said: "Niu Er, learn to use all your spare time to rest and restore your strength. This is what you must learn in the past two days. In the future, you may not have such good conditions."

 Obviously, the price of such vigilance is that the recruit never really falls asleep, even though he has been lying dry on the bedroll for more than an hour.

 “Yes, sir!” Niu Er’s face turned red slightly.

 Fortunately, the darkness covered up the recruit's slight embarrassment, otherwise the veteran Youzi who was also awakened by his question would have laughed at him again.

 In fact, Niu Er had tried very hard to imitate the veterans and fell asleep, but his mind was still rolling like the waves of the sea.

 In fact, this daytime battle was an unprecedented experience for Niu Er.

It was not his first time on the battlefield, but it was just that he was so scared that he almost **** himself on the battlefield and was ridiculed as a 'coward' by the veterans. Although he broke through the psychological barrier by killing two Japanese soldiers with a submachine gun the night before, ' The name "Rookie" remains unchanged.

 However, during this day, Niu Er, whose talent was discovered by Tang Dao and completely opened up, became the brightest star in the entire Sihang Warehouse.

After possessing Tang Dao’s ‘sniper rifle’ modified with a telescope, the new recruits achieved results that dazzled more than 400 people in the warehouse.

One man, one shot, killed 13 Japanese soldiers throughout the day, and all of them were confirmed. Who can compare?

 Even veteran Youzi, who also obtained a ‘sniper rifle’, can only take advantage of it.

 At first veteran Youzi thought it was because the recruits were lucky enough, but later he finally fully admitted that Niu Er's shooting talent was unparalleled in the entire Sihang Warehouse, no, in the entire 88th Division.

Of course, the pervert Tang Dao is not included.

Not only the veteran Youzi, but also all the defenders including Army Lieutenant Colonel and Lei Xiong, after Tang Dao killed three Japanese invaders in front of both warring parties and many spectators on the river bank, they no longer regard Tang Dao as a peace weapon. The same creature as myself.

 That's a murderous god.

 Fortunately, the God of Killing is one of our own.

From a 'coward' to a 'rookie' and then to a recognized sharpshooter, such a huge jump took only one day and night. Niu Er was not so excited that he dragged others to brag, but lay down on his bedroll and went through the motions in his mind. It was already considered a success. His temperament is calm.

Of course Tang Dao knew the psychological changes of the recruits, so he didn’t say anything more, but slowly sat up and said in a deep voice: "The Japanese are coming!"

 “The Japanese are coming?” Niu Er exclaimed in a low voice that could not be suppressed.

More than a dozen soldiers in the room jumped up and went to get the guns they remembered leaning against their bodies. Veteran Youzi wanted to light a match and light the torch standing in the corner.

The soldiers maintained their absolute trust in Tang Dao. If he said he was coming, he would definitely come, even if there had been no movement outside so far.

 (End of this chapter)

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