Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 82: snail in the night

Chapter 82 Snail in the Night

 “Why are you panicking?” Tang Dao’s faint Sichuan voice sounded in the darkness.

"Since you want to do a sneak attack, let him do it. Otherwise, do you think the enemy's ammunition at night was wasted?"

Tang Dao is very calm, but that does not mean that all the soldiers are calm.

Leng Feng, who was next door, heard the commotion and got up in a hurry. He led his first platoon and followed Tang Dao and the third platoon into their respective fighting positions.

Since the Japanese were here for a sneak attack, the defenders of the warehouse would not scare them away with any fanfare. They would have to give them a hard blow.

The bonfire outside the warehouse has long been extinguished. Looking through the observation hole, it was completely dark, and the so-called Japanese troops could not be seen at all.

Even if you open your eyes wide, you will only see darkness, your ears will stand straight up, and you will hear no sound except the gentle breathing of your comrades around you.

If it had been anyone else, even Captain Shangguan Yun, the soldiers who had discovered nothing would not have dared to say anything and would have been unable to avoid secretly cursing in their hearts.

But this is what Tang Dao said. From the night before yesterday to the whole day yesterday, he had accurately predicted almost all the tactics of the Japanese army. One time might be a coincidence, two times could be said to be a fluke, but several times in a row it becomes inertia.

 Habitual trust.

Even the lieutenant colonel of the army who received the news sent a messenger to ask Tang Dao if he needed to notify the entire army to take up battle positions. Tang Dao replied that he had already prepared and there was no need for the entire army to be on alert. The remaining companies continued to repair. .

It was not until a full quarter of an hour later, while Leng Feng was waiting with his eyes widened, that bricks fell from a seemingly ruined building dozens of meters away from the flank, and an inaudible impact was heard, finally letting the experienced army officer The lieutenant was sure that the Japanese had really come over.

Moreover, he also played a low-level trick of throwing stones to ask for directions.

“Brother Tang, how did you know that the Japanese were coming this time?” Leng Feng could only express his admiration again. "But this time, don't tell me about your intuition again!"

The Japanese might come for a sneak attack. This was everyone's guess. It was just that no one knew when the Japanese would come. But Tang Dao, who had slept a long sleep, knew it so accurately. Knowing the time of the Japanese arrival, Leng Feng, who already knew that Tang Dao was very powerful, still wanted to know the answer.

If Tang Dao still answers his intuition, maybe no one can refute it, but maybe Tang Dao still has a good ear! Or other tactical techniques?

Not only did he want to know more about Tang Dao, Lieutenant Leng also asked with the intention of digging as much as he could.

 “Of course it’s not intuition!” Tang Dao chuckled.

Lieutenant Tang had a new trick. Everyone's eyes lit up, and they held their breath and pricked up their ears.

Then Tang Dao touched the head of the limping "Hammer" who insisted on following him, and said: "Who told me, we have a dog!"

 Is it that simple? Everyone was stunned!

 But it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. Dogs' hearing is much better than that of humans.

 Niu Er was nodding his head wildly. As a hunter, he was very aware of the dog's sense of hearing and smell. A dog could distinguish the footsteps of its owner and a stranger from a distance of nearly a hundred meters.

“No wonder, sir, you have already prepared for a rainy day!” Yang Xiaoshan suddenly realized as he recalled Tang Dao’s move to take the ‘hammer’ away from the house at great risk the night before. "I thought you were greedy for dog meat!"

The hair on ‘Hammer’’s body stood on end, and he growled at Yang Xiaoshan.

That means, whoever wants to eat dog meat will be in a hurry with the dog.

Tang Dao smiled slightly, patted the little head of Hammer to signal it to be calm, and looked out of the observation hole with focused eyes. Quietness returned to the warehouse again. Everyone knew that the Japanese were about to come over, but they didn't know if they would be fooled.

 After the tug-of-war with the Japanese army over setting fires and putting out fires, Tang Daoke led a group of people to make arrangements for a while.

  . . . . . . .

A man in black was lying in the ruins more than 30 meters away from the Sihang Warehouse. His name was Nancheng Xinyi, and he was a second lieutenant under Koizumi Reicheng. Colonel Jiro Wakiba personally promised him that if he attacked the Chinese tonight Operation "Glory" is successful and he will become the captain of the 1st Infantry Squadron.

The huge temptation to upgrade two levels in a row made the Japanese second lieutenant from a humble background completely forget the fear of possibly dying in battle, and bravely accepted this task.

The outstanding graduate of the Military Academy has a calmness that is different from his military rank. After he found a stone thrown and hit a tile more than ten meters away, making a sound, he had not moved for five minutes.

The Chinese observation post on the roof of the building was very vigilant. After hearing the noise, they first threw a torch from a distance without finding any clues. After two minutes, they even had the luxury of shooting out a flare and observed it for a long time before giving up.

But Nancheng Xinyi still did not move. He waited for nearly a quarter of an hour before taking advantage of the moment when the moon emerged from the dark clouds to make a gesture to the rear.

There were quite a few Japanese soldiers behind him, more than 20 of them, all dressed in black and covered with black masks. If they had a samurai sword on their backs, they would look like ninjas in cartoons. the same.

But this group of Japanese soldiers who are armed to the teeth are much more powerful than the so-called ninjas who can only rely on blind tricks to hide and throw darts to hurt people, at least in terms of lethality.

With a Type 38 bayonet strapped to his left waist, a Southern-style pistol hung on his right, an explosive pack and an engineer shovel on his back, and a string of melon grenades hung on his chest, he looked like a modified version of Drifter.

What kind of special attack team is that? They are clearly a group of suicide squads. Just looking at their equipment, they have a heroic temperament that will splatter you with blood even if they can't kill you.

Of course, Second Lieutenant Nancheng is not a reckless man. He knows that only living people are qualified to wear the rank of captain. Otherwise, the most he can do is put a captain's collar badge on a wooden box wrapped in white cloth, but that has another purpose. ?

What's more, on the other side of the warehouse, there is a group of suicide squads with the same equipment and the same number of people in action. The leader of the group, Second Lieutenant Suzuki Nomichi, also has extremely strong military literacy and commanding abilities.

 What really made him bravely accept this task was the careful plan arranged in advance by His Excellency Colonel Jiro Wakiita.

At first, they exchanged a large amount of bullets and artillery fire for the Chinese incendiary materials, and finally made the Chinese defenders, who were short of supplies, give up. Fifteen meters away from the warehouse, it was pitch black, and they had a strong sense of local tyrant temperament.

After arriving at the observation post, Second Major Yin Teng had basically recorded all the blind spots around the warehouse, and since the defenders in the warehouse relied on observation holes after all, even if it was an observation post on the roof, the field of vision was limited after all. The Chinese on the south bank of the Suzhou River finally subsided as the night got darker and could no longer serve as the eyes and ears of the defenders.

However, what makes people most confident is naturally the dark night.

The death squads in black clothes and masks simply blended into the night. They almost looked down on themselves, oh no! It's not clear.

It took them two full hours to sneak in in the dark, and there were a few idiots who got lost in the ruins and still haven't followed them.

Like a row of snails sprayed with black paint, Lieutenant Nancheng and his subordinates spent another quarter of an hour sneaking through the ruins for more than 20 meters in an almost squirming state. At least half of them had already crossed the empty trench. , looking at the warehouse that looked like a sleeping monster without any lights at hand, my hanging heart was finally relieved.

He succeeded!

 Don't say that the sentry hasn't discovered it yet, even if it is discovered, he is not very afraid.

His current location is at the southeast corner of the building, which is a blind spot for shooting. Unless the defenders rush out of the building, neither machine guns nor rifles can effectively shoot at them.

 (End of this chapter)

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