Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 87: Your disaster is also your glory! (Still asking for votes

Chapter 87 Your disaster is also your glory! (Still asking for votes!)

The first encounter between a straight man and a talented woman may not be as friendly as it should be under normal circumstances, but this does not prevent the two from taking their respective responsibilities.

The Japanese army seemed to have given up completely after their sneak attack in the early morning was chilled by Tang Dao's fire and a round of fireworks.

 After waiting for a while and seeing nothing unusual, and adding additional sentries to each company, most of the defenders returned to rest.

 It's just that, having slept for more than an hour, with a certain amount of sleep and the stimulation of wiping out a round of enemy troops, it is extremely difficult to fall into a deep sleep again.

Many soldiers were actually not asleep. After hearing that a beautiful reporter was coming to interview, they were even more excited, and they all thought about how beautiful the beautiful reporter would be.

  Some veterans smiled strangely and told the recruits about their experiences with women. They talked so eloquently that the recruits who had never had such experience were dumbfounded and almost drooled.

However, when Tang Dao really came with Tantai Mingyue, these guys who couldn't stand up to the stage were cowed again. Not to mention the reserved recruits pretending to be asleep and snoring, they were just talking about how soft the big steamed buns were. Veterans of dirty talk, even when they were finally selected for interviews by big reporters, they kept their heads down and did not dare to take another look at Tantai Mingyue, who was wearing a major uniform.

It seemed that one more glance would blaspheme this goddess-level reporter. Although they didn't know how popular Tantai Mingyue was in China at this time, they didn't know that because of Tantai Mingyue, their group had not yet exposed their organization. How hot are the soldiers.

If we leave it to the future, it will be traffic.

However, this fear of facing it actually has nothing to do with that. The restraint of a bunch of big bosses is mainly because they are afraid that they cannot hide their desire for women, thus making people look down on themselves as a whole.

That kind of desire is not something they can control if they want to. It is a need that arises autonomously from the brain nerves that have been exhausted to the point of numbness after experiencing war and killing.

This is also why in some ancient wars, after a city was conquered after a hard battle, some lords issued cruel military orders that the sword should not be sealed for three days.

 That is cruel to civilians, but the killing, looting and violence against women are a disguised reward and comfort to the soldiers.

These rough guys have not read many books and do not understand much culture, but the five thousand years of Chinese civilization and tradition are integrated into their blood. Even if they are in such a desperate situation, even if they know that they will die at any time, they still work hard Restraining his desire to become a beast.

 This is cultural inheritance.

 They continue to experience wars, but they will not sink into them.

In the end, only two or three veterans, including veteran Youzi, gave the commander of the 524th regiment some face, and their unsparing look showed a bit of heroism.

Later, when Lei Xiong found out about the performance of these guys, he went out of his way to scold a group of veterans who were usually very tough but were cowardly at critical moments. In the end, the veterans who didn't perform well each had their own problems. After contributing a lot of "cigarettes and food" that he had saved for a long time, he was able to get the gun company commander to let them go.

However, Tantai Mingyue wrote this in his battlefield diary:

“When Mingyue walked in the somewhat empty and spacious warehouse, except for the torch held by the lieutenant who was leading the way, the surroundings were silent and dark. The darkness was because the lights were controlled. The silence surprised me.

Even, because of this unexpected silence, Ming Yue felt a little embarrassed.

Originally, Mingyue thought that after experiencing a counter-night attack an hour ago, the soldiers guarding the warehouse were either excited or frightened. Most of them should be awake. Otherwise, Mingyue would not disturb their rest. .

Yes, starting from the night of October 26 when they settled in Sihang Warehouse, from late night to dawn and then from early morning to dusk and then late at night, the battle between the soldiers and the Japanese army almost never stopped throughout the day and night. How rare this is. Rest time!

 While writing this, Mingyue apologized for her ignorance to the officers and soldiers who were disturbed by me.

 Under the guidance of the lieutenant, I walked through the room where the soldiers rested. Except for some soldiers who were still smoking and talking in low voices, most of them had already fallen asleep.

The Japanese invaders have accumulated heavy troops outside the warehouse. Except for the concession that is impossible to enter, the remaining three sides are completely surrounded.

It can be said that from the moment they entered Sihang Warehouse, it was already a dead end. No matter how **** they fought, they were destined to have to defend it longer.

 About this, I think not only you and I know it, but they also know it.

 However, they still slept soundly. Mingyue actually wanted to ask the sleeping people why they were not afraid. Aren't they afraid of death?

But Mingyue really couldn't bear to wake them up. Many of them were young people who were younger than Mingyue, only twenty at most. In the dim light of the torch, the young man's face was filled with smoke and fatigue. There was a helmet and bayonet beside his head, and the spear was placed on the wall behind his head and leaned against it quietly. This is what the saying is, "ready for the day", right?

Seeing this scene, Mingyue suddenly felt that there was no need to ask anyone, because at that moment I seemed to already understand the reason why they could sleep peacefully.

 ‘If you die, you just do it’, this is what Mingyue said when she met a veteran who was smoking a cigarette and cleaning his steel gun in a rest area on the second floor.

The veteran is not actually old. According to the lieutenant, this soldier is actually only thirty years old, but in the firelight I can see that his wrinkles are much deeper than those of my father, who is already over fifty.

According to the confidentiality regulations, I am not allowed to disclose the names and ranks of the other officers and soldiers interviewed except for specific persons, so let’s still call him a veteran!

The above sentence is what the veteran said after listening to my somewhat childish questions and grinning for a long time.

His words are extremely rude, his teeth are yellow from smoking all year round, he has a beard that has not been shaved for at least a month, his military uniform is covered with dirt, and his image is very sloppy. It is hard for you to believe that this is a soldier who ignores death, but he is , I can feel it.

 No one has ever spoken so rudely in front of me, especially when he looked at me and smiled with that expression.

  In the past three months, I should have stood up and left without saying another word to him.

 But I didn’t, because I saw a lot of things in the eyes of that veteran who was disheveled and spoke rudely.

 When he looked at me, he felt a desire for a woman. Please trust my intuition as a woman. He also had due respect for me as a reporter and a cultural person, but there was no fear.

   Not to me, but when I asked him if he was afraid of defending this warehouse in the face of enemies several times my size.

His eyes were extremely calm, just like his eyes that glanced at my chest from time to time. He was really not afraid.

At that moment, I was finally sure that I understood why the young soldiers slept so soundly.

 Yes, since they chose to come here, they have dared to face death.

 In other words, they are still afraid of death, but at least they are not like me, who come to the frontline for interviews with enthusiasm, but are so nervous that they tremble all over when they see the artillery fire.

What he should want to express is that he is afraid of death but still chooses to face death.

 Because, we can no longer retreat.

 The whole of China, just like them now, has no retreat.

 If we retreat further, after Songhu we will reach Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jinling, Central China and South China.

If we retreat again, how can the seemingly huge China come back to the place where our Chinese clan can establish itself?

Next, several veterans also accepted my interviews. Without exception, they asked me to write down their names. I didn’t understand it at first. It wasn’t until I wrote this article that I realized that they should be hoping to use me. Let’s say our final farewell to their families!

There is not much that Tantai Mingyue can do for them, but it can be done by recording all their names and publishing them in newspapers after the battle to let everyone know the names of our heroes.

 It’s just that this is a little too cruel for their family.

 But, as the young lieutenant said: If you do hear that I died, it will be your disaster and your glory!

Let this sentence be the end of today’s diary! I hope I still get a chance to interview the person I want to interview. "

However, the beautiful war reporter is destined to be disappointed this time.

 (End of this chapter)

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