Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 88: Eight hundred!

 Chapter 88 Eight hundred!

 In the one hour specified by the Army Lieutenant Colonel, Tantai Mingyue had actually done a lot of things.

From the second lieutenant platoon leader to several veterans, she recorded their plain or slightly reserved words at the fastest speed in her life. She also took her own camera and recorded many precious moments.

 In the darkness, the soldiers looked like they were sleeping in rows against the wall.

In the firelight, the silhouette of a veteran quietly holding a cigarette and cleaning his gun;

Under the moonlight, the second lieutenant officer is young and handsome, with a somewhat firm brow;

In the deep night, the steady back of the Army Lieutenant Colonel and the bustling lights across the river.

 But the most noticeable thing is the awkward look in the eyes of a group of young soldiers who took their first photo of their lives.

That was when Tantai Mingyue was about to leave the second floor and go to the headquarters, a group of soldiers who originally pretended to be asleep but couldn't help their desire after hearing that the big reporter could still take pictures, requested it themselves.

 How young they are! In Tantai Mingyue's slightly trembling lens, those of the same age as her were trying their best to smile brightly, almost in the same pattern.

The person taking the photo smiled, but the photographer cried.

 Because, Tantai Mingyue knew that they knew very well that this might be the last appearance they would have in this world, and the last impression they would leave on their families.

 So, even though they were faced with a lens that made them more nervous than a gun, they without exception grinned and showed their teeth.

Tantai Mingyue took out a pen and paper and asked the soldiers to write down their home addresses, promising that he would send their photos back to their homes.

This is obviously a luxury hope. Most of the soldiers who did not change color in the face of flying bullets on the battlefield were blushing at this moment. Most of them can only write their own names. Where can such complicated words as home addresses belong to them?

As a last resort, the commander of the first company, Shangguan Yun, could only write the letter himself, report a person's name, address, and take a photo.

Tantai Mingyue fully illuminated the four rolls of film she had brought. Only then did she realize that the one-hour limit had long passed, and the male peacock who had accompanied her to "appear" had not appeared for a long time.

Replaced by Captain Shangguan Yun, a main company commander and a real army captain.

Not that she paid much attention to Tang Dao's departure. What made Tantai Mingyue extremely happy was that she used her own efforts to gain recognition from the officers and soldiers in the warehouse.

As time goes by, the young soldiers have gradually changed from their previous restraint to become more mature, and even made some dirty jokes with a strong hometown accent that she did not understand, although they were soon told by Shangguan Company Commander. The scolding made Tantai Mingyue panic, but Tantai Mingyue was rarely happy.

She knew that it was a sign that they were gradually no longer regarding themselves as superior reporters or just beautiful women.

 In other words, the moment she agreed to send their photos home, they regarded her as a comrade-in-arms.

Only comrades can trust each other in life and death. What is entrusted to Tantai Mingyue to take away is the news of glorious death and the laughter of brilliant life.

The lieutenant colonel of the army looked at his young soldiers lining up in a long line waiting to be photographed. For the first time in his life, he violated his military orders. It was not until two hours later that he personally came to ask Tantai Mingyue to leave.

Tantai Mingyue was also able to ask a question that many people were extremely concerned about: "People across the country want to know how many Chinese people are stationed in our Sihang Warehouse."

The Army Lieutenant Colonel pondered for a moment, and finally gave the answer that will resound throughout China now and in the future: "Eight hundred!"

This is a figure that nearly doubles the current total strength of the army. On the one hand, the Army Lieutenant Colonel naturally does not want to disappoint this beautiful and brave girl. Songhu's hundreds of thousands of soldiers can hold on to the last position in Shanghai's urban area. It’s only half an infantry battalion, which makes people laugh if you tell me;

On the other hand, I don’t want those big shots to find out and blame my immediate superiors. You know, the military order from the theater headquarters to the division headquarters left the entire 524th regiment, but the 88th Division has already suffered heavy losses. Are you going to send your entire main force into the Jedi like this?

In order to prevent the entire regiment from being destroyed, the lieutenant colonel of the army chose to lead the first battalion to garrison the Sihang Warehouse. Even if all the troops died in the battle, as long as they could defend for seven days and nights and meet the requirements of the theater commander, it would not be considered a violation of military orders. Of course, the more important thing is to deceive the Japanese.

Eight hundred people, that is, five full infantry companies. If the Japanese knew about the strength of the Chinese defenders from Chinese newspapers, their **** would probably hurt.

  After being replenished, the 36th Infantry Regiment has a strength of 3,300 troops. If the strength ratio of nearly four to one cannot be defeated, where is the honor of the Imperial Japanese Army?

 Tantai Mingyue bowed to show his respect for the eight hundred soldiers. The Army Lieutenant Colonel returned the marching salute on behalf of all the warehouse defenders in the name of the supreme commander of the warehouse. He watched as Shangguan Yun accompanied Tantai Mingyue to leave the headquarters and go to the riverside location on the first floor.

It is now four o'clock in the morning, which is the darkest time of the day and when people are most easily tired. It should not be dangerous for Tantai Mingyue to leave at this time.

Several veterans who grew up on the banks of the Yangtze River were personally selected by Shangguan Yun to **** Tantai Mingyue away. The cameras, interview books, and papers recording the names and addresses of the soldiers were all tightly wrapped in brown paper.

 Until then, Tantai Mingyue remembered that she still had one of the most important interviews that she had yet to complete.

"Before I leave, I would like to ask Captain Shangguan to do me a favor. I want to see a person, the soldier who killed three Japanese invaders in hand-to-hand combat at the entrance of the warehouse in the afternoon. I will not reveal his name and rank, so I will ask him to Readers who apply can just leave a message," Tantai Mingyue suddenly requested.

Shangguanyun's eyes looked strange for a moment.

Tantai Mingyue's unique female intuition told her that she seemed to have made a big mistake, otherwise a gentleman like Shangguan Yun would have shown such an expression.

 But, after thinking about it, she didn't know what mistakes she had made.

“Ahem, Tantai reporter, didn’t you just meet him? Why don’t you ask him personally?” Shangguan Yun’s eyes became more and more strange.

Previously, Tang Dao was ordered to accompany Tantai Mingyue for nearly an hour, and Tantai Mingyue had already mentioned this idea when he came. Otherwise, the commander would not have asked Tang Dao to accompany him. He probably wanted to show his face to Tang Dao. Opportunity can also be regarded as a reward.

There are confidentiality regulations now, but maybe within two days, the establishment of the warehouse defenders will no longer be a secret. If you have the opportunity to leave your name and heroic deeds in the newspaper, the Ministry of Military Affairs will naturally not turn a blind eye.

Could it be that Tang Dao, who has kept such a low profile, would give up on such a good opportunity? Or, is it because of other reasons?

  I think of the beautiful reporter who was friendly to everyone and didn't even care about Tang Dao leaving quietly. It was nothing at first, but now that I think about it, it seems to be something.

  That is, the young man and woman do not seem to be particularly friendly to each other.

"Have I seen it?" Tantai Mingyue was slightly startled, and that not-so-handsome but heroic face unexpectedly appeared in her mind.

impossible! Soon he lost that face in his own amusement and asked hesitantly: "Who?"

"Lieutenant Tang Dao Tang!" Shangguan Yun was a little cautious subconsciously.

Perhaps he was afraid of irritating the talented woman in front of him!

The feeling of riding a donkey to find a donkey shouldn't be too good.

"Really? It's him!" Tantai Mingyue's face was unexpectedly peaceful.

 (End of this chapter)

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