Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 90: Return to the ruins

Chapter 90 Return to the ruins

Tang Dao quietly left when Tantai Mingyue was concentrating on a conversation with a veteran.

The third platoon and the third squad have sneaked out of the warehouse for nearly an hour and searched within a radius of 150 meters. Li Jijin asked Yang Xiaoshan to bring the news. The third squad has not found any Japanese lurking posts so far.

The Japanese army finally died down, and Tang Dao got the reconnaissance report he wanted.

 So he took his equipment and left.

The current battlefield situation is that Sihang Warehouse is mainly defensive and the 36th Regiment is mainly offensive. However, it has never been said that the strategic initiative must be in the hands of the attacker.

The Japanese army wanted to wait quietly for dawn, but Tang Dao obviously didn't think so.

His sleep has been interrupted, and the Japanese cannot have a good night's sleep.

The third squad received Tang Dao about 200 meters away from the warehouse. However, Tang Dao was not in a hurry to sneak into the Japanese position. Instead, it spent more than half an hour teaching them how to carry the forty long-handled weapons they carried in the dark. Grenades use fishing line coated with black paint to lay trip mines in the ruins.

The lieutenant colonel specifically asked for the fishing line from the mysterious boss in the telegram. It was naturally in the demand list listed by Tang Dao.

The mysterious boss is considered to have great supernatural powers, and even the Tang Dao, which is a bit whimsical, is fully equipped.

The fishing line dyed black stretches about 35 centimeters above the ground. Not to mention that it cannot be seen by uninformed people, even the instigators themselves have to be careful to avoid accidentally touching it.

That thing involved, but at least it was a grenade that could kill someone's arms and legs from three meters away.

Of course, the unpredictable fishing line is not the most important thing about tripping mines.

Rather, the variety of ways to place grenades opened Li Jijin’s eyes again.

 It turns out that grenades can still be played like this!

The simplest design of the so-called trip mine is of course that the traveler touches the fishing line, and the fishing line pulls the ring to pull two or three grenades bundled together. Five seconds later, a large bomb is released.

But after all, it is not an instant mine, there is a delay. As long as the Japanese infantry is not born with cerebral hypoxia, if they hear the sound of the fuse burning or see the smoke, they will jump down and avoid it no matter what. .

For example, the chain-type trip mine taught by Tang Dao. A grenade may be discovered in a corner, but that is not important. As long as you do not run at high speed with short legs but choose to lie down on the spot, the other two A grenade placed slightly buried in the soil in a corner from another direction will kill you.

If you are unlucky and roll into the corner quickly, of course you will be blown to pieces without any luck. If you are the stupid type, you will know to immediately lie down and hold your head and shout "Amaterasu" for blessing.

Congratulations, 'Amaterasu' was really moved to tears by you. The grenades waiting for you, whether openly or secretly, really can't kill you.

 But, that brick wall that was blown down will smash your shit! The helmet is a good thing, enough to ensure that those bricks will not burst your brains out, but the **** will definitely hit you.

“Sir, what if the Japanese just run forward regardless?”

The communications soldier "Erya", who had to follow the third squad to learn reconnaissance techniques, went straight to the core of the problem of the delay shortcoming of grenade-type trip mines.

 He was greeted by a row of looks at old haters.

Under the moonlight, Tang Dao pointed to another fishing line on the road not far away in the shadow of the ruins, and explained to Erya: "If the Japanese army runs hard, what will be the consequences?"

 “It will hit the fishing line!” Erya answered honestly.

 “Then what!” Tang Dao smiled slightly, showing his white teeth.

 “He’ll keep running!”

"Is he alone? Or do you think everyone is going to run like this? Especially after a grenade goes off."

Erya was stunned, he finally understood at this moment.

The purpose of these trip mines is not to specifically kill a specific target. A Japanese soldier who is frightened by a smoking grenade and rampages like a mad bull is the real nightmare for the Japanese army in this area.

If it were at night, you couldn't see clearly the green smoke rising from everywhere, which would send most of the Japanese troops in this area to hell. And if it is during the day, when you look around in a panic and find that there is smoke everywhere, your mentality will be even more explosive, and crawling to the ground is the best choice.

Of course, killing the **** who is still running and causing all these consequences with one shot is what a rational commander should do.

In other words, starting from kicking off the first fishing line, no matter what the instigator chooses, under the arrangement of the serial booby traps arranged by Tang Dao, he is basically dead, taking his companions with him by the way.

As for how many people can be killed, it mainly depends on how many Japanese soldiers are unfortunate enough to enter this area.

This is just a kind of Tang Dao style killing. Without the use of the grenade itself, the shrapnel exploded and the shock wave can kill people.

For example, cluster grenades are buried in a pile of bricks. When the Japanese soldiers who unfortunately broke the fishing line react and look at the pile of bricks with green smoke, you can put yourself in their shoes and imagine it. When you see six How would you feel if you saw a pile of bricks exploding like a big firework seven meters away?

 Absolutely desperate.

The broken bricks that gain huge kinetic energy from the explosive explosion are the most deadly. They can accelerate to nearly 100 meters per second in an instant. Not to mention the fragile human body, even a car will be penetrated here, which is 89 The tank can also show off the strength of its 17mm steel plate here.

In addition, cluster grenades were placed in the load-bearing walls of dilapidated houses, for no other reason than to 'demolish homes'. The Japanese soldiers who kicked off the fishing lines probably didn't have a big problem, but the Japanese soldiers still didn't understand what was going on. He would definitely be buried alive by a house that collapsed in an instant.

These killing tricks are nothing more. In any case, they all rely on explosions, which is the most normal way of death on the battlefield.

The most terrifying thing is Tang Dao’s homemade killing device.

Watching Tang Dao carefully pour the unknown mixed liquid he brought here to prepare into the glass bottle, even veteran Youzi Li Jiujin couldn't help but become curious.

Of course, subconsciously, the soldiers collectively stayed away from this thing.

 After all, it is a weird thing that even monsters like Tang Dao are cautious about.

“Sir, what is this?” Li Jijin asked for everyone.

“Is this it?” Tang Dao gently shook the unsealed glass bottle in his hand against the moonlight.

The light yellow liquid in the bottle can smell a strong smell of gasoline without even putting it in front of your nose. It is also mixed with the smell of chemicals.

If the soldiers have studied chemistry, they can call this chemical agent its scientific name - sulfuric acid.

Through the glass, you can also see some black particles that have not been melted by gasoline mixed in it, and there is also a piece of semi-solidified solid made of unknown things.

As the Tang Dao swayed gently, the semi-solidified thing was constantly twisting and changing in the gasoline, like colorful confetti in a kaleidoscope, raising up all kinds of strange shapes.

“The main ingredients of the liquid are gasoline and sulfuric acid, the black particles are raw rubber, and the mushy stuff is magnesium powder and white phosphorus.” Tang Dao patiently taught a group of rough guys about the raw materials of the device he made.

“Is it an incendiary bomb?” Li Jijin took a breath.

 He ​​doesn’t know what other materials are used for, but he still knows how to burn gasoline.

"Absolutely." Tang Dao nodded, his eyes extremely cold under the moonlight.

“But where I’m from, its full name is napalm.”

 (End of this chapter)

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