Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 91: Explosives from Hell

Chapter 91 Explosives from Hell

 This is a noun that comes from hell.

 At any time ten years from now, people would be shocked.

 Because, before the end of the war, the Japanese capital had been visited by this terrible incendiary bomb, and more than 200,000 casualties were paid for it.

If those numbers weren’t enough to make your hair stand on end.

Perhaps, the original words of a Chinese doctor decades from now can give a complete explanation of the characteristics of this anti-personnel weapon that is said to come from hell.

""The napalm that splashes onto people after the incendiary bomb explodes is like lard paste, thick and resistant to burning.

If a person slaps it with his hands, the fire will get bigger and bigger. If he rolls it on the ground to extinguish the fire, his whole body will be covered with fire.

And once there is a lot of fire on people, people nearby should try to stay away from the person on fire, because the struggle of the person on fire can easily throw the burning oil onto others, causing a secondary killing effect.

 For humanitarian reasons, it is recommended that you use a gun to end the life of the person who is on fire. Because for the victims of this kind of incendiary bomb, it can be said that death is the greatest gift to them.

 The victims who are brought to us are all brought unconscious, even if sometimes it is just a slight burn on the hand.

 Because they were all poisoned.

There are many chemical accelerants in the terrible incendiary bombs, and some also add white phosphorus. After burning the human skin, a large amount of highly toxic chemicals will remain and enter the blood through the open wounds of the burn wounds, causing blood poisoning of the wounded.”

Of course, for the soldiers at this time, whether it was incendiary bombs or napalm bombs, they were all unfamiliar terms.

 They certainly don’t know the similarities and differences between the two.

The similarity is naturally the use of the flammable characteristics of gasoline. Don’t underestimate this bottle of gasoline, which is about 300 ml. Once it explodes, all organisms with carbohydrate attributes within a radius of five square meters will become freshly grilled.

However, the flames caused by incendiary bombs can be extinguished. As long as you are agile enough, even if the torso has turned into a roast pig that is burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, as long as the brain has not been roasted or you have a brave companion, you can use clothes and sand to put out the flames. Pounds, coverage, and the chance to get you only three or four.

 But this thing is in Tang Dao’s hand.

"The existence of concentrated sulfuric acid is to ensure that the oxygen required for combustion can continue to be provided when the oxygen supply in the air is cut off. It is a self-contained oxidant, which means that whether you cover the combustion with clothing or sand, On the body, it basically does not prevent the combustion process.

The magnesium powder and raw rubber added to the gasoline strengthen the adhesion of the gasoline when it burns. The only way to remove the flames that have adhered to your body is to hold a knife and cut the burning areas. Wherever you go, even the flesh and skin are cut off, otherwise your subcutaneous fat can become the fuel needed for the raging flames. "

Tang Dao finished explaining the principle of the incendiary bomb in his hand and grinned under the moonlight.

"Once this thing explodes, even an 89 tank within the killing range will be burned alive! How about it, isn't it great?" Tang Dao finished adding the explosion effect and stretched out his hand towards Li Jiujin, "Here, give it. I'll give you ten bullets."

 Damn it, if it’s so scary, boss, why don’t you just shake the ball! What should I do if it explodes? The soldiers were not as happy as a certain officer said at the moment. Instead, their eyelids were twitching wildly, and they collectively took a step back, staring at the glass bottle still swinging in Tang Monster's hand, and swallowing saliva involuntarily.

  There is actually a kind of incendiary bomb that cannot be extinguished? Especially when I think about what Chief Tang said, where there is a fire, you can only cut it. Doesn't it mean that if your arms and legs are on fire, you can only cut it into a stick? Forget it, what if it’s a small head or a big head?

 What the hell, it seems like any way to die is miserable!

“Sir, what’s the use of throwing bullets in there?”

Watching Li Jijin pull out ten bullets from the bullet belt and hand them to Tang Dao, and then watching him throw them into the glass bottle one by one, 'Erya' swallowed and asked carefully .

 “What do you think?” Tang Dao glanced at ‘Erya’ with the look of a loser.

"Do you think this thing is called an incendiary bomb because it only has a combustion effect? ​​The explosive effect of gasoline burning in a confined space will never be smaller than a grenade." Glancing at the frightened soldiers around him again, Tang Dao The smile did not diminish, "Let's put it this way! Previously, if this thing exploded, maybe because you were standing far away, only half of it would be burned to death, but now!"

There is no need for Tang Dao to explain, everyone understands that ten rounds of bullets will form a terrible sputtering effect under the catalysis of the explosion. The remaining half will be burned to death by irregular bullets. Beat to death.

Especially, when they watched Tang Dao place the bottle of incendiary bombs made entirely by hand high on the broken roof beams, they were even more certain of their judgment.

If it explodes, no one in a ten-meter radius will survive.

This thing is more terrifying than a cluster grenade.

Tang Dao smiled with his white teeth. In peacetime, he was a healthy and sunny young man, but in the eyes of the soldiers at this moment, he was a demon from hell.

 Fortunately, the devil is one of our own, and he will only become the **** of death that harvests the lives of Japanese soldiers.

The principle of homemade incendiary bombs is very simple, but the ignition device is extremely sophisticated. A steel ball, a small copper piece, and the gunpowder dug out from the bullet form the main body. In order to avoid the soldiers who came into contact for the first time from making mistakes in the dark, everything was Tang Dao did it himself, including where the incendiary bombs were placed.

 In fact, the biggest advantage of the incendiary bomb is that there is no need to disguise it. Almost no one will take a broken wine bottle that seems to have been discarded casually, especially when it still contains a disgusting yellow and turbid liquid.

The large package that Tang Dao carried from the warehouse contained enough raw materials to make six or seven bottles. Instead of asking the soldiers to place trip grenades about 200 meters away from the warehouse, Tang Dao sneaked almost all the way to a distance of 150 meters from the Japanese trenches. The layout began in the area of ​​about 60 meters.

It wasn’t until an hour later, when he and Tang Dao put away the last Molotov cocktail, that Li Jiujin asked softly: “Sir, are we going to steal the little devil?”

Veteran Youzi is worthy of being a veteran who has been in the military camp for almost ten years. Although Tang Dao never explained, by requiring him and others to enter the ruins to detect the movements of the Japanese army and to lay trip mines on various paths, how much did he know? I guessed some of Tang Dao’s intentions.

 Otherwise, these devices will be greatly compromised during the day, and black fishing lines are the most concealable in the dark.

 “That’s right!” Tang Dao looked back at him and answered firmly.

"Okay, then I'll call the brothers to join us. Sir, how do you steal it?" Youzi, a veteran who was always used to saving himself, was unexpectedly determined at this moment.

“No need, you meet me at the trenches one line away from the warehouse. If the Japanese dare to keep chasing, just help me kill them.” Tang Dao shook his head.

 “Sir!” Old Soldier Youzi showed an anxious look on his face.

 “Sir, let me go with you.” Niu Er also hurriedly asked for a fight.

 “Obey the order!” Tang Dao turned around and scolded him coldly.

"I alone have a small target, and the Japanese army just wants to retaliate and use artillery fire to cover it." Looking at the two of them, Tang Dao paused and finally gave an explanation: "Believe me, I will come back alive."

 After saying that, he waved his hand and asked veteran Youzi to take Niu Er away, but he only took a package, an MP28 and a 38-type bayonet and hid in the darkness.

 (End of this chapter)

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