Rise Of House Falken

Chapter 19 - Final Preparations

Now my shopping was complete except for the wait for my robes to be ready. Since there was still a lot of time before they were ready, I decided to finish one of the things I had in my list of things to be done before Hogwarts. That is getting immunized for all magical illnesses. Some of the diseases like Dragon Pox was very dangerous and could lead to death.

Professor McGonagall should have informed me about it but I think she left it out as petty revenge or she may have forgotten due to the hurry she was in. I am not sure if muggleborns were informed about it but from the things I have read about this word I can say that they were not. It did not matter to them if muggle borns caught diseases like Dragon pox and died. In case of Harry Potter, Dumbledore did not tell Hagrid to do that and Hagrid only followed what Dumbledore asked him to do and nothing more. He did this as the visit will lead to finding about the abuse Harry went through at his aunt's house.

So as to not come back again another day and since I had free time, I went to St. Mungo's as it was nearby. I reached the department store Purge and Dowse, Ltd after a short walk. The store acted as the hidden entrance to the hospital. From the outside the store was very small but I knew that the magical building was huge from the inside and had many floors.

After entering the store what welcomed me was a large reception area. The place was very crowded as it was the only Magical Hospital in Britain and everyone came here to get treated. I asked the lady at the information booth for directions to get immunized and she directed me towards a healer's room in the ground floor itself. I spent a total of 1 hour at the hospital getting all immunizations. The time also included the time I spent waiting for my turn.

I still had some time so I spent it in muggle London buying some daily wear for myself. These clothes provided much better comfort than the ones sold in Diagon Alley.

When it was time, I went to Diagon Alley, collected my Hogwarts robes and then went to a secluded corner from where Sherry popped me to my Orphanage.

I had a lot of time before I left for Hogwarts so I spent time practising spells with my new wand. It was so easy to do spells with this wand. The NEWT level spells which I had difficulty to do earlier even while using my father's wand could now be done easily. I was now nearly on same level with wand magic and wandless magic. The only thing limiting wandless magic was the magic reserves required. It required much more magic nearly 5 times to do magic wandlessly. I had no problems with non-verbal magic as I spent most of my time doing spells non-verbally. I had to do this as I could not shout spells in the orphanage or people would think I had finally cracked from all that studying and call the doctors.

Since I was not informed that I could not perform magic outside school, I freely practised with my new wand. I also checked the wand with mage sight and did not find any tracker on it. From this I can deduce that, the tracker is placed on our wands when we enter Hogwarts for the first time via the Black lake. I can be sure of it as otherwise the children who use legacy wands from their family members would not have trackers on their wands and would not be monitored.

Now when I said practising with my new wand, I meant practising to do spells incorrectly not trying to do more spells. Doing spells with this new wand was so many times easier than doing wandlessly that I could do them without any concentration. To make sure I do not attract more attention to myself after the contract drama, I had to make sure that I performed poorly in magic practical. So I had to practice so that I could act making mistakes flawlessly. I still had to do well in theory par as they already knew I was a prodigy and doing badly on theory would cause suspicion.

I also started reading more Ancient Runes. I felt that the subject had more scope to develop new things. It was required to design so many things and it was also the base using which I could make electronic goods work in highly magical area. The things that could be done using runes were numerous so this was my favourite subject.

Another thing I spent time on was the disillusionment charm. I needed to perfect this charm for my daily activities in Hogwarts. I needed this so that I could move around Hogwarts after Curfew without being seen. It was a NEWT level spell and I was trying to master it to such a level that I can become invisible instantaneously when I cast the spell on myself.

I asked Sherry if she could come to Hogwarts and stay with me. She replied that she could come to Hogwarts but she had to follow some rules otherwise she would be banned from ever coming to Hogwarts. I could not order her to harm any student or a teacher. I could not tell her to do something that is against the rules of the school. I could not tell her to take things that did not belong to me and bring them to me so I could not tell her to fetch books belonging to teachers. There were some other rules too but they were not important. The other elves will not know she belongs to me, just that she belongs to a student. Even the Headmaster will not know she belongs to me. So we decided she will come with me to Hogwarts and help the elves when she was free.

Another thing not possible was she could not pop me to and from Hogwarts. It was not possible due to Hogwarts wards restricting it. This would have compromised the security of Hogwarts so it was good and it did not disappoint me much.

Sherry's presence would save me a lot of trouble. She could act as my spy in Hogwarts and spy on my targets. Since this was not causing harm to anyone and not against the rules, she could do it. There were limitations in where she could go and not go but she would still be helpful.

The days passed and the day I began my Hogwarts life was coming closer and closer. I received my A-level result during this time. I had aced all my classes. It caused me some publicity due to my young age and I had gotten a lot of offers from different universities. I politely declined them saying that I did not want to join university right now at this age and would contact them when I was ready to attend college. They accepted as even they too felt that I was too young to attend classes with ȧduŀt students.

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