Rise Of House Falken

Chapter 20 - Dumbledore

While I was making my final preparations for my school life at Hogwarts in London, far away in at Hogwarts in the Scottish Highlands, a meeting was taking place between the Headmaster and the Deputy Headmistress. It was the day after I was introduced to Hogwarts and the magical world by McGonagall.

<No POV>

Inside the Headmasters room, two people were sitting across a large table. The Headmaster, Dumbledore looked in a jolly mood but the Deputy Headmistress, McGonagall was not mood to play around.

Dumbledore "So Minerva what was the thing you wanted to inform me yesterday. I was busy the whole day with work at the Ministry. Cornelius wanted to ask my opinion on some things. I wonder how he was chosen for the post as he is incompetent and needs someone to point him in everything."

Minerva "It is you who wanted him as the Minister due to the very same reason. So don't complain that your work load has increased due to it. I wanted to talk to you about Mr. Falken. I visited him yesterday to give him his Hogwarts letter and introduce him to the wizarding world."

Dumbledore "Yes. The orphan heir to a rich and powerful family, the one we found existed only last week. So what was so special about him that you disturbed me yesterday?"

Minerva "The usual scheme we play on rich orphans did not work on him. He caught me on the act. I regret not finding more about him before I tried our scheme on him as I found out later that he was a smart child. He is well known in muggle London as a Genius. He has already finished muggle schooling which means that he could be considered an ȧduŀt in the muggle world and is miles above any muggle born genius we have ever had in Hogwarts. He refused to sign the contract until he was satisfied with the writing on it. He even guessed there might be some hidden lines on the contract which might be bad for him. I had to include the damn law which you hated and tried to stop from passing before he even considered signing it."

She then narrated everything that happened yesterday to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore thought for some time. His mind was spinning into action trying to decide his next plan of action.

Dumbledore "What else can you tell me about him which should be very important in deciding what to do with him? Let me check was Garrick has to say about him. I had reminded him to play close attention to Mr. Falken when he came in for his wand."

Dumbledore went through the piles of letters on his desk until he found the letter he was looking for. After opening it he started to read the contents of the letter.

Minerva "He acts and talks like an ȧduŀt. The way he argued with me shows that he was smart and cunning but more inclined to smart side. Another thing which you will be happy to know is that he has never had any instance of accidental magic in his life."

Dumbledore "That is indeed a good thing. It is also confirmed by Garrick. The reaction from his chosen wand was not strong, was ordinary. These things confirm that he is not magically powerful. The combination of wit, cunning and great magical power would have made him a danger to me. But only wit and cunning would not cause any problems for me. Garrick also said that Mr. Falken did not have any natural shields in his mind. His mind was very easy to read and did not require any effort. This is another good thing for us. The limited guardianship means I will not acquire much ȧssets from him. Since he does not know much about his vaults, I will have to quickly withdraw whatever I can. I am going to Gringotts Minerva. Look after the school for me."

After that Dumbledore used the floo to go to Diagon Alley. Minerva went back to do her duties.

After 1 hour, the two of them were again in similar positions across the table but this time Dumbledore was not in a good mood. He was angry.

Minerva "What happened Albus? What has caused you to have such anger? I have rarely see such an expression on your face. The last time you were this angry was when the Damn law was passed."

Dumbledore "You were not kidding about Mr. Falken being smart and cunning. After you left him, he quickly went to the Gringotts Bank and closed all his vaults except the family and trust vaults and removed everything from it. He even withdrew nearly everything from his trust vault and only left the money for tuition fees and some for emergencies I think. So I was not able to gain anything from the visit to Gringotts. Moreover, he even acquired the Falken Heir ring from his account manager. This makes him untouchable as harming him would cause a political disaster and even I would not escape from the fallout."

Minerva "He acted very quickly didn't he. He was not kidding when he told me to not treat him as a 11-year-old boy. He has learned a lot of knowledge about workings of the muggle world and truly knows how to protect himself. I can bet that currently he is reading up on all the magical laws and making sure that he would not be cheated or harmed. He would also be trying to find laws which he could take advantage of. I think we should not try anything on him till we know for sure that he is a danger for us Albus. With his intelligence and political status, he could cause a lot of problems for us. The impression he has about us is already bad but we don't want to make him join the dark side with our actions."

Albus "You are right Minerva. Let us observe him for now. An important thing is that we cannot try to read his mind from now onwards. The heir ring would warn him and record our magical signature. With his intelligence he would use that against us very nicely and we would be in a lot of trouble. I must warn Severus too about this. Let's wait and watch which house he gets sorted into. Only if it is Slytherin do we have to worry a lot as in there he would use his political power to gain a lot of allies but if he is not part of the house we can use Severus to stop other Heirs from mingling with him."

Minerva agreed and after that the meeting moved on to other things.

<End POV>

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