Rise Of House Falken

Chapter 4 - Mind and Magic

My advantages in this world would be my stronger soul which had gone through reincarnation, my ȧduŀt mind and the prophetic knowledge of this world. This was more than enough of a cheat for me to be the most powerful wizard in the history of this world.

I decided to read up on various necessary fields first. The first two books I decided to read up on were the book on mind magic and the book on magic cores. They were the most important books that were required for me to plan my optimal mental and magical growth. These two books were readily available in the library.

The first book was the one on mind magic. It had two sections. Occlumency and Legilimency. The first topic was Occlumency. From what I understand from the book, first the user has to focus the magic on his mind while meditating to view his mind. The memories of untrained mind are like sphered of lights floating around in mind, easily accessible to anyone with legilimency skill. The user has to organize the memories in an order familiar to them and erect a barrier around to protect them from being accessed by others. Advanced users are able to build a mindscape and hide their memories in it. They are able to build various defences in their mindscape varying from person to person. Master occlumens are even able to show false memories to anyone who enters their mind, they are able to even lie under veritaserum and show false or modified memories in a pensieve.

Only after someone had rudimentary understanding of Occlumency can someone learn Legilimency. So I left that part for later.

Following the steps, I quickly accessed my mind and saw my memories like floating balls of light. I did not try to arrange the memories and add shields just yet. I decided to thoroughly understand the method and try to apply modern concepts to make the arrangements more efficient. To do this I needed more research. For the time being I planned on practising trying to access my mind more quickly during meditation.

The second book was on Magic core. After reading through the book, I had reached a conclusion. Magic core of a wizard is the place where all the magic present inside a wizard is situated. When you do a spell the magic from your core flows through the channels to your fingertips and helps you to do the spell. It is in the form of a ball of gas before magical maturity and after maturity that is at the age of 17 it transforms into a ball of liquid. To do magic the magic inside must flow in the fastest possible way in only one direction this is very hard to do in gas form as it gasses flows freely and it is very hard to concentrate it to a particular direction. This is why to make sure that the gas is controlled when wizards are young, the education of wizards is mandatary till maturity. After that wizards are in control of their magic and not a danger to the society. So they are left to their own uses.

The magic inside a baby is unstable and small. It grows with age without doing anything and only when they are 11 years old is when it is stabilised enough and they have enough magic to do spells. The growth of magic can be accelerated using many methods but it cannot be done by children as it is very difficult to explain to them the mechanism and the process. With constant use of magic, the volume of gas grows and during maturity the it is converted to liquid of same volume. Then to increase magic you have to increase the volume of liquid and it is slower than increasing the volume of gas. So the best age to increase the volume of magic present in the body is before maturity. The places with more magic concentration gives better results like in Hogwarts. so I could only expect better results only after going there.

From these two books I had all the information I needed to plan the perfect growth of my magic and mind.

Now I had to gather the necessary knowledge for my Occlumency training. I had Sherry disguise herself as an ȧduŀt and take me to the London Central Library. House elf magic was really handy but it was an illusion and could only fool the non-magic users. At the library I read up books on library management and computer memory management. These books gave me an idea on how to arrange my memories more efficiently in Occlumency.

To accelerate my magical growth, I had to deplete my magical reserves and then restore it continuously. To deplete my magical reserves, I had to do magic. Magic is like a muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes. From what I understand accidental magic is just wandless magic performed during periods of high emotions. So when a child wants something very badly like a toy or something, he wills his magic to do so. This is accidental magic. So practising wandless magic at a very young age is the best as when you get used to doing magic with a wand it is very tough to go back to the going wandless.

The simplest spell and the one that needs the least magic should be the Lumos charm. So the best way to exhaust my reserves is to do this charm and hold it as long as possible till my reserves become empty. I found a secluded spot, pointed my index finger like a wand and softly said Lumos while concentrating. I felt a tingling sensation and there was the tiniest spark of light at my finger tip. It lit for a few seconds and went out. I practised doing it again and again till I felt very tired and I knew my reserves were exhausted. I tiredly walked to my room and went to bed.

No wonder only a few wizards can do magic wandlessly. First, it takes more magic to do and before the age of 11 the magic cores of wizards are very small to do any magic wandless. A few lumos spells exhausted my magic quickly. Second, after getting a wand, wizards get accustomed to a wand to do magic easily and it gets harder and harder for them to do magic wandlessly.

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