Rise Of House Falken

Chapter 5 - Early Years

So now I had things to do in the orphanage. It made me elated. The years before were too boring for me as I had nothing to do. For a person who worked for 11 hours a day in his previous life, doing nothing and moving around aimlessly was very difficult. I had this sudden urge to be active all the time while I was awake. Now I have things to do I did not have to feel restless all the time.

My schedule was wake up, Occlumency training and just before nap times exhaust my magic reserves. So I practised magic for only two times a day while rest of the free time was spent with Occlumency. Exhausting magic was tiring so I could do it only before nap times as I will have a reason to go to sleep.

I knew that I had to support magical growth with stronger physical body as having a strong and flexible container is better for magic growth. More magic in a weak body would make it unstable. But I could not do any strenuous exercises at this young age as it would affect my normal physical growth. I had to wait for some years before I could do this. I also did not know any standard physical exercises as in my past life I did not go to any gyms or dojos. So I had to wait until I was old enough to join a dojo and then build up my strength. For now, maybe I could run like the other kids for daily exercise.

Days went on like this with the usual practices. At the age of 4 I started my primary schooling at a local state funded school. I decided to act like a genius as it would give me more advantages later. My best option was to finish secondary schooling before starting Hogwarts because then I could go to university after it without any problems. I could do this as I already knew all of the subjects and with some revising and the eidetic memory provided by Occlumency, I could ace all my classes. The only problem was the time constraint and me being an orphan. So I had to wait for teachers to notice me and gain scholarships to do it. It was going to be tough but I did not care. The more I struggle now, the better my future.

So I started to act like a genius and not hide my intelligence from everyone. I was already becoming a kind of an introvert in my orphanage so there was no problem. I did not have to fear bullying for some years and by then I planned to be physically strong enough to intimidate them and make them fear crossing me.

Today was November 1, 1981. This date was very important in the wizarding world. It was the day after Voldemort was supposedly killed by Harry Potter, the soon to be known as Boy Who Lived. I did not try to particularly remember this day. I was reminded of it when I saw people in black robes smiling and celebrating in the streets. It was not a group but some individuals acting like this throughout the day. The people in the streets looked at them weirdly. Since it was a onetime thing and there was no magic performed I did not see any obliviators. The muggles thought they belonged to a religious group and were celebrating some festival of their religion as the weird people were all dressed similarly. It was even in the newspapers.

I did not care much about it. I was only 4 years old now and there was a long time before I joined the wizarding world. I did not care much about the difficult life that Harry Potter was going to live from now on. Doing something about it was like having a death wish. I did not know what kind of Dumbledore was in this world, the good one, the senile one, the manipulative one or the evil one. Meeting any of those was not good for me. I had more important things to do. I also had to make sure that I kept my prophetic knowledge intact.

Practising martial arts was very good for my body and since I had an ȧduŀt mind, it was easy for me to follow the instructions of the Dojo master. He was surprised by my speed of picking things up and treated me like as if I was a genius martial artist.

During my free time from all the exercises I would read up on the world. Both the mundane world and the wizarding world. My magic core had not stabilised yet and I did not have enough magic to do even the tough first year spells wandlessly. All I could do now was Lumos, summon things and other small spells that I found in first year books. I was not tall enough to do potions as I at least had to reach the huge cauldron to start practising making potions. So I started reading up on many other things.

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