Rise Of House Falken

Chapter 6 - The Cruel World

The mundane world was about the same with nearly the same history and the same famous businesses. There were some events in the history which felt somewhat off but otherwise everything was same.

The wizarding world was a little different from the world shown in the HP books. It was a bigoted world from my point of view. I could even call this world borderline evil. The muggleborns were truly exploited in this world. They took advantage of the excitement the muggle borns had on being introduced to magic. Books on wizarding law and etiquette were not sold in the stores of diagon Alley as they wanted muggleborns to break some laws and unknowingly offend the purebloods and they also did not want the muggle borns to use the laws against them. The fees charged for muggleborns to attend Hogwarts were higher than normal and the Headmaster was made their magical guardian without their knowledge. He could sign contracts for them without their knowledge and also make sure that muggle borns did not cause any problems for the purebloods when they were attacked by the purebloods. I don't know if he did that as there was no way it would be shown in papers.

After paying high fees for 7 years of their Hogwarts education, they were left to their own devices. They could only get the lowest paying posts without any promotions in the ministry and other various fields.

Most of the toughest laws against them were made after Grindelwald war so I knew Dumbledore was behind them getting passed. It was not done in open and most would feel that these laws were made by the dark families but I knew Dumbledore was behind them otherwise it would not be possible to pass so many of these unfair laws. Dumbledore would pass some useless laws for the muggle borns here and there and publicise it heavily. This would make sure that people still saw him as the Light Lord and praised him. The other laws are not publicised.

Another new law was there was no scholarship fund for orphans in Hogwarts. When they were found, the ministry would send people to bind their magic permanently. No one wanted to spend their tax money for the education of muggle born orphans as they gave them no returns due to not being able to get good jobs. This law was also passed after Dumbledore became Chief Warlock. If this law was passed before Tom Riddle went to Hogwarts, then there would not have been a Lord Voldemort in this world. The muggleborns were first checked to see if their parents could afford to send their children to Hogwarts and if they could not then their magic was bound and memories wiped without giving them any chance to look for any other options for their magical studies.

I don't know why but Dumbledore hated Muggle borns from what I can conclude. There have been many deaths of muggle borns inside Hogwarts with no investigations or anyone getting punished. The memories of the parents were changed to make it seem like they died in a car crash. Their memory of magic was removed.

The seats in the Wizengamot were hereditary. There were some seats for Order of Merlin members but since the committee that decided that award was full of bigoted people, no muggleborn had ever won one.

I am glad that I am a pureblood and I was able to read all these books otherwise I would not have survived in this world. Due to this information I would have to gather and understand all the laws of this world as it was a world of greedy people. Even now I will have to be very careful in this world.

War orphans were not treated well in this world. From the laws passed after the Grindelwald war, Dumbledore as the Hogwarts Headmaster could control the vaults of the orphans by becoming their magical guardian. There was not much known about these orphans after they had left Hogwarts but with this I can tell that were treated badly. There are no famous names in today's wizarding world who were orphans so something happened to them after Hogwarts. I am sure that their vaults were emptied by the time they left and the ones who protested most probably had their memory removed or worse. The only orphans who were safe were orphans of old families. Their family vaults had the best protections to make sure that these thing did not happen to them.

So I had to be careful on what I sign and when I activate my Gringotts vaults. I had to read up more on the various laws that were passed recently and I asked Sherry to go buy the new law books. The books could be found in Knockturn Alley and many people used House elves so it would not cause any unwanted attention. I also needed to read up on the function of Gringotts and various Wizarding Etiquettes. I can already foresee many people waiting for me to make mistakes to profit from it.

The education standard in the wizarding world was also deteriorating. It had also begun after the Grindlewad war when Dumbledore came in power. Many subjects were removed slowly without causing much attention. The old generation wizards were afraid of another strong dark wizard coming up and causing havoc so they sacrificed the strength of the future generations of wizards. They decided to teach these subjects to their kids at home. It was done not only in the UK but also in many parts of Europe. The wizards that graduate now would not have even half the strength of the wizards who graduated before the war. Dumbledore had readily agreed with them as he did not want anyone to become stronger than him.

From all this I could surely say that the wizarding world was moving towards their doom. While the wizards had stunted their growth after the war, the non-magicals had accelerated theirs. From the 1940s while the strength of wizarding world was decreasing, the technological development of non-magical world had accelerated. If a war happened between the two now, then the one who would win was the non-magical side. From the books I could tell only the situation of Europe and could not tell much about the situation of rest of the world. Hopefully they did not commit the same mistake otherwise magic would end in a couple of centuries.

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