Rise Of House Falken

Chapter 43 - Treatment

The only thing I could do for him in a short time were to heal his bones, get him immunized and remove the intelligence block. I can also remove the scars for him. To treat malnutrition, he need to drink a potion every day for half a year and for treating other things it was not time yet. The partial metamorph talent was not that important so I left that alone too.

I called Sherry and told her to buy all the required potions for immunization and some Skele-Gro potions. While she was doing that I started working on correcting his mind. It required careful control of my magic to remove the intelligence block that he had. I left the obliviated memories alone for now since I needed to explain some things to him before I restored them or else he would just starting cursing Dumbledore when he sees him. He needed some sessions with a mind healer to remove the emotional trauma due to the abuse and that too was left for the future.

Next were the scars. Healing them and making them vanish was very easy with magic. Only scars made due to dark curses or attacks from magical creatures would leave behind untreatable scars.

Sherry came back with the potions and I got him immunized for all diseases. After that I started working on his bones. I had to be careful now since I had to correct the bones in a correct order otherwise things could get worse. I started working on the small bones first as it would regrow faster. After healing all the small bones, I looked at the time and found out that it was 9 am and the Dursleys might come to wake him up for the chores. I needed him to be asleep for the whole day so that I could heal his completely so I had to make sure that the Dursleys did not disturb me.

I made my way outside and found the ȧduŀts in the living room reading the morning newspaper. I read their mind to confirm some things. After reading their mind I found out that they got a monthly stipend in their account for taking care of Harry which they used on their holiday trips and Dudley's gifts. Other than that there was no contact with Dumbledore so I could easily make some changes without Dumbledore noticing. I confounded them to forget about Harry for the day, made my way towards Dudley's room and did the same to him.

Next I worked on the bigger bones. The process was long and by the time my work was done, it was late in the evening. Harry would still require till the next morning to regrow the remaining damaged bones that I had vanished. I wrote him a small note and then after making sure that Harry would sleep till next morning with no disturbance, I went back towards my house to sleep. I was tired from all that healing. I did not correct the wards for now as I still needed them to not detect magic done in the house. Next morning I told Sherry to pop to Harry's house and leave him the things that I had mentioned in the note.

I woke up feeling very excited. The trip to the magical world with Hagrid yesterday was wonderful. I would be able to leave this house now and learn magic just like my parents.

I got up from the bed and stood up. Something felt different. I feel much stronger than i have ever felt in my life and the pain I had in my hand yesterday had vanished. I checked every part of my body and was shocked. All the ugly scars I had had vanished. I did not need to care about them showing when I go outside anymore. But how did all this happen. It was like magic.

The thought brought a smile on my face. I looked around to find anything that would explain my changes and saw a note on the table near the window. The table also also had a book and a small vial filled with some liquid next to it. I took the note first and started reading.

"Dear Harry Potter,

I hope you like the magic I have done on your body. I came to your house yesterday to see how your home life was and did not like the way your relatives had treated you. Taking you away was not possible due to various reasons so I decided to treat your body and make sure that your home life did not affect your future growth. I fixed all the broken bones and removed those ugly scars. Treating your malnutrition would require a lot of time though. So i will leave the vial like the one you see on the table everyday near you. Make sure you drink them without fail. They are nutrition potions and would taste bad but they would make sure that you grow as tall as children your age. You don't want them to call you short do you.

I would like to help you more but there is something you must do first. I am leaving behind a book on how to protect your mind from mind readers. If you are thinking I used it on you then you are right. I know about your whole life after reading your mind and I am amazed at the way you faced your difficulties. I know I would not have survived with the Dursleys. Either I would had died at their hands or I would have killed them. The treatment would be the only help you will be getting from me for now as I would have to be careful so as to not being found. Many people have unhealthy interest in your life and would not like others coming in their way. Be careful at Hogwarts. When you are able to protect your mind from mind reader, I will explain everything to you and take you away from here. Don't get too excited because it would take at least 3 years for you to reach that level.

Until then you are on own. Make sure you take your potion everyday without fail and read the book before the end of this month. I only loaned it to you for this month and it will disappear in the end.

Another important thing don't mention anything about me to anyone, even your close friends. You will lose my help if you do so and you will understand how much you need my help at Hogwarts. Make up some excuse when they ask about you sudden growth like availability of good food at Hogwarts.

Your Well Wisher."

The paper disintegrated after I read it. That was so cool. But lets think about what he said.

This guy makes it seem like Hogwarts is going to be dangerous. I don't care as nothing can be worse than living here and going to Stonewall High while wearing that hideous uniform. Anyways since he treated me of my physical defects which when you think about it even Hagrid did not care about, I will listen to him and read that book. Being able to protect my mind is always advantageous. Also I will drink those potions for now. If the effects are something other than treating the malnutrition, I will go to the professors. I will also listen to him keep this a secret. Its not like I trust any other ȧduŀt enough to ask help.

My body feels so great. Just for this I would listen to everything he said.

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