Rise Of House Falken

Chapter 44 - Opening Feast

Today was September 1 1991. I had visited Harry to check up on him and to replace the wards in their correct position yesterday. He looked much better physically as now he had a similar build to that of a 11-year-old. It looked like he had taken my advice and threatened his family as he was freely spending his time studying while his aunt was doing the house work which was previously done by him. I waited till they all fell asleep before going to Harry room. I checked his shields and found that his speed of progress was good. He will now be able to protect his mind from passive surface legilimency scans by anyone. Just for an added security, I entered his mind and buried his recent memories deep in his mind. If anyone wanted to find them they would have to spend a lot of time. Brief legilimency even with a wand will not show these memories. After making sure that I did not leave any traces, I exited his room and went home.

Nothing special happened on the train. What I meant by that was no visits by either Granger or Malfoy to annoy me and my friends. After reaching Hogsmeade, we made our way towards the Great Hall.

Soon after we got settled in the great hall, Professor McGonagall brought the first-year students inside. After another painfully long song by sorting hat, the sorting commenced. Everyone got sorted to same houses as in the books. So, nothing new there. This year's sorting was the first time I saw many people who were sorted to houses where they did not belong. I guess since most of the children were heirs of their respective families the sorting hat sorted them considering their family situations too. I ignored most of the sorting and just glanced at the faces of the people to compare them with what I read in books.

Daphne Greengrass had the same expression less face as her sister Irene. Theodore Nott I felt was a much better person than his brother and was not a bully. Being bullied by his elder brother may have led to this. Draco Malfoy was a spoilt child who had some Slytherin traits forced into him by his father otherwise he would have been a sure shot for Gryffindor.

Then I glanced at the staff table. Prof. Quirrell, unlike the previous year when he taught Muggle Studies, was wearing a dirty looking turban. Through my mage sight I could see the completely dark black core on the back of Quirrell's head. This was the first time I saw someone with fully dark core. No wonder Voldemort was a crazy maniac. I started thinking about new pranks just to make his stay difficult.

Ronald Weasley was as described in the books. Harry was sitting near him which disappointed me. It seemed like even with the extra intelligence he was still an emotionally deprived kid who jumped at the chance of making his first friend. A friend who could explain to him all the wonders of this new magical world. I was glad of my decision to not show myself to Harry.

After reading Ron's mind, I found that he was manipulated into becoming Harry's friend. It was a good choice too since no one in the right mind would explain their evil schemes to a 11-year-old who could reveal the plot by mistake. His mother had by constant scolding, told him to become friends with Harry. He was also told that he should make other kids stay away from Harry as if he had other friends then Harry would leave him to be with them. She had also said that he must not tell Harry about his status because if Harry knew he had money, he would leave Ron to be with similarly rich friends.

After hearing all these thing Ron had agreed to keep others away from Harry and also keep him ignorant. He wanted to be famous and being the best friend of the Boy-who-lived would make others jealous of him. He was an ignorant jealous young boy who wanted to be praised more than his other more accomplished siblings. He was following the plans laid out by his mother and he knew nothing about all other manipulations.

As the feast was about to end, it was time for the new Marauders to appear.

This time instead of appearing with a bang sound, the four marauders appeared after a beautiful display of fireworks. Everyone was eagerly waiting to see what would happen next.

Leo "Hello everyone. Did you miss me?"

Stripe "Hello first years. How did you like the feast? Your seniors will explain who we are afterwards but for now, enjoy the show."

Raven "We hope everything remains as they were last year. I have developed a lot of new spells that need to be tested. So if you create problems, I would be very happy to test them on you."

Slyde "It seem we have a lot of children from powerful families this year including the Boy Wonder who looks like he is nothing special. I had high hope for you but you got sorted to the house of idiots which means you are going to be a no brains guy like them."

Suddenly there was a Hout from the Gryffindor side. "Yes. Teach those slimy snakes a lesson."

Everybody was dumbfounded after hearing and looked at the source who happened to be Ronald Weasley. He had now made a lot of enemies as many Slytherins were glaring at him.

Slyde "A Weasley with no brains. That's a first. How many times was he dropped on his head twins? Or after 5 children there were no brain cells left for him to inherit."

The twins were embarrassed.

Fred "Hmm. We did drop him…."

George "… head a few times. But he…"

Fred "has been like that from the start."

George "So we are not at fault here."

Leo "Hey don't embarrass him. I like how his brain works. He does not care about anything and speaks his mind. Say firsty, do you want me to prank anyone for you?"

Leo "Consider it done."

Draco Malfoy stood up angrily and shouted "How dare you even think about pranking me. Wait till my father hears about this?"

Slyde "Since you are supporting that idiot in your house then I feel like I should help this Daddy's boy. If you prank my brat, I will prank yours."

Leo "You are on Slyde. Hey girly boy, name something you hate."

Draco smirked and replied "Mudbloods."

They were several gasps around the hall after hearing him say that.

Leo "Wow I thought the professors would scold you at least but it seems they are scared of you Daddy. Don't worry. I will punish you instead with the thing you hate."

There was a snap and a bucket appeared above Draco's head. Another snap and it was overturned. Draco was now covered in blood red sludge.

Leo "It's a mixture of cow blood and mud. I hope you like it. From today onwards every time you say that word you will be drenched in this mixture."

Ron "Take that Malfoy"

Slyde "He deserved it but I should keep my promise and retaliate. So here goes."

There was a snap and Ron was covered in green slime while his hair turned into rubber snakes.

Slyde "I hope you enjoy your slimy snakes."

There was laughter again in the hall.

Stripe "Boys enough. It is late and everyone is tired. We must leave."

Raven "Goodbye everyone and remember my warning."

The marauders disappeared again with the cover of fireworks. Everyone was laughing at the two clowns while both Draco and Ron stayed in their seats embarrassed and angry. They could not leave the hall as it was not allowed.

I smiled as another one of my skits ended. I felt like a movie director whenever I did this and it brought me a lot of joy. I need to direct more of these plays.

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