Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1011: 1 lonely

Tiantian, the emperor received this message tomorrow, sneered, and asked no one who was using the emperor's way, but instead turned to the priestly official Tao of the Tiantian Division: "How can the emperor's star re-open, how many emperor stars shake?"

Jain priest quickly said: "There are two thousand and eighty-eight emperor stars. {[<([网"

Emperor Yun will be a little surprised tomorrow, and smiled and smiled, "There are so many old things alive ..."

Gao Jiantiansi, the priest, fought a cold war and whispered: "Among them, many new emperors are born. There should be emperors emerging in the future. The number of ancient emperors does not need to be few ..."

The emperor waved his hand tomorrow: "The new emperor star is just a junior growing up, not to be worried, these old things are annoying. When they are needed, they do n’t show their heads, and when they are not needed, they always jump out and draw their hands. Mu Xiantian is in charge of the Emperor Road and the Abandoned Star, and you should inform him and let him deal with it. You can dare to come to my heaven!

神 That priest is so embarrassed that he dares not talk much.

Congenital Palace, the Congenital Emperor suddenly throbbed, looked up to the sky, and could not help but change his face slightly.

I saw a red light breaking through the sky, and countless stars tracked disorderly.

"What caused this scene should be the existence of the Emperor's Road, which will be transmitted to the wasteland and the waste star. Those who can use this channel are the only ones who can't wait."

The congenital emperor sneered, and whispered: "Although I am responsible for the wasteland and the wasteland in the weekdays, but if I want to discuss with the emperor tomorrow, wouldn't I throw myself into the net?"

At this moment, a priest came to the newspaper and said: "The emperor, the heavenly court supervisor Tian Si came to express the news, saying that the emperor's Tao reappeared, there was chaos in the party, and the emperor was invited to the heavenly court to discuss."

"Don't go." Innate Emperor waved his sleeves.

"Follow the rules."

At this time, a priest from Jiantian Division rushed to the Blue Palace, and saw Mr. Blue standing outside the palace, looking at the red light that cut through the sky and shake the stars, and quickly said: "Mr. Blue, Emperor Road ... ... "

Mr. Ji Biluo waved his hand, calmly: "I see. You go down."

The priest stepped back quickly.

Mr. Bi Luo frowned slightly and whispered: "This is the second time that Emperor Road has appeared. The last time I couldn't find the creature that ran from the waste star to Lagerstroemia indica. He used the emperor's way to escape. What was this sneaking into Taikoo Da 6? "

"He's gone from the emperor's way, so isn't it that the celestial guard is going to suffer?"

He beat his heart, walked down from the Blue Palace, and guarded Jiazi to the sky prison: "Please come out of the prison."

Bian Jiazi quickly entered the heaven prison, but for a long time, a weird man covered in white robes walked out of the heaven prison, and said a female voice: "Brother."

Mr. Bi Bilu returned his gift: "Sister."

The two didn't talk much, and they continued to advance along the edge of Heaven's Prison. After a while, they came to Taikoo University 6.

Mr. Blue and the prison master looked around and found the ugly corpse. Not long before they came to the emperor's teleportation array, he saw fourteen empty jars. The prison guard in the jar had been burned. Into ashes.

"The spirit of the Fire Age has rebelled."

Wu Tian prison's voice was hoarse, and there seemed to be many bugs lying on her throat wall in her throat, saying, "There are not many people who can make the fire spirit rebellious and violate the ancient agreement."

Mr. Bi Luo nodded: "It's really not much. Huoling signed an agreement with Tian, ​​which logically will not violate the agreement. But these fire spirits have also signed an agreement with Fuxi. If the person who came is Fuxi, then it is not difficult to guess the ancient times. The fire spirit will betray the agreement with heaven. "

"Emperor Tao reappears. The emperor and Mu Xian should have been in charge of it, but they are fighting against each other and they are fighting for the throne. They should both ignore it."

Hetian prison prisoner was silent. After a while, he said, "Walk here and catch up, and you should find the existence of the Emperor's Tao."

"It's hard to catch up. The emperor's Tao is too fast, running through the ancient universe and the three thousand and six Tao realms, but also have a try."

Mr. Tong Biluo sighed: "The timing he chose is clever. Now the forces on Ziwei's surface are paying attention to the battle to win the emperor. They are really negligent here and let him succeed."

"These wastes are only for your own benefit!"

The celestial prisoner turned away and said coldly, "As long as he carries the fire spirit, he cannot escape. The ancient fire spirit signed an agreement with heaven, and the deed is still in my heaven prison. No matter where they go, they ca n’t escape the sky. Eyes and eyes, and we are eyes and eyes of heaven! "

She came to the entrance of Tianhe, took out the fire spirit deed, and called Bingyin, Ding Yun, Wuchen: "Hold this fire spirit deed, bring the prison drum, go to the emperor's way, and chase the inverse thief!"

Each of the three guards said that they each took a drum, carried their backs, jumped out of Hell, and came to Taikoo Da 6 to enter the Emperor's Road.

A red light broke through the sky again.

Mr. Bi Bilu frowned slightly, and said, "The Emperor's Road is still sealed, but I didn't expect it to be used three times in recent years. Is it really going to change the sky, the Emperor is originally a treasonable word ..."

He suddenly fought a cold war, and quickly shook his head to drive out the idea of ​​outrage.

He is the messenger of heaven, representing heaven, how can he have the idea of ​​changing heaven?

He was just a little uneasy in his heart. The emperor's way was the way of the emperor.

The Emperor of Heaven can only take the road, so this road is also a road of ups and downs, and any existence on the emperor's road must be eradicated!

The frequency of Emperor Xiantian appears gradually, which makes him have a bad association.

Emperor Road.

Qi Zhongyue stood on the Qianyi ancient ship and looked forward. He couldn't help wondering, he actually saw a "road"!

阵 The teleportation matrix method actually urges the transmission of optical currents, sending people and things to distant places. There is no road, and all that can be seen is a light. The emperor's way is very different from the ordinary teleportation method. Now he seems to be in the path of light. It seems that the emperor's way is the ancient emperor. Space becomes a shortcut!

The Qianyi ancient ship is flying in the emperor's way, I am afraid that it won't take long to pass through the ancient universe, go straight to the three thousand six realms, and then enter the first six realms!

"What's in the Emperor's Road?"

Tong Zhongyue's brow gradually frowned. Feng Xiaozhong said that something here was very useful to him, but the emperor Tao had left Ziwei and entered the ancient universe, but he still could not see anything, which made him wonder.

"Is it too fast, missed it?"

Qian Qianyi's ancient ship is still roaring along the emperor's road, and the endless space of the ancient universe is passing by.

Suddenly, Zhongyue felt that the Qianyi ancient ship was shaking slightly, and the degree slowed down. It is almost impossible to slow down in the emperor's way!

This is a large transmission across space, it is impossible to slow down, but now it is happening.

Qian Qianyi's ancient ship is getting slower and slower, as if plunged into a stream of copper juice and mercury, and it is difficult to move.

But at this moment, Zhong Yue's body shook. He saw a huge battleship in the emperor's way!

The warships did not know where they came from, the battleships were fluttered with magnificent flags, and on the deck stood a magnificent god-man.

God of war with tartar snake body.

They are hurried on the road, and it seems that this way should also come from Ziwei, a battleship flew past Zhong Yue, extremely fast.

They are aggressive, as if ready to fight.

Then, a loud horn sounded, and a long beep sounded. An imperial ship was coming, and there were many emperors standing on the imperial ship.

Then he met Fuxi Daozun!

The dormant monk was on that emperor ship, surrounded by the emperors, as if he had also appeared to him, and to him, he was surprised.

The Emperor ship swayed slightly and stopped in the emperor's road, and Fuxi Taoist looked at Zhong Yue carefully.

Wu Zhongyue is also looking at Fuxi Taoist Emperor. This emperor is very old. He is very old. Both the physical body and the Yuanshen inevitably fall into the state of aging, and the essence in his body begins to lose.

He saw the old Fuxi Taoist.

"What is His Majesty the Emperor looking at?" Asked an emperor with a smile on that emperor ship.

"I see the future."

Fuxi Taozun's eyes passed through the time of 100,000 years, surprised for a moment, and laughed: "After seeing 100,000 years, a junior of me came here, he seemed to see me, his face is very Surprised. However, today ’s machine is chaotic. Even the Taoist God can't see the future. I did not expect that in the emperor's Tao, we can still see the future Fuxi. "

"Have your Majesty seen Fu Xi's face?"

存在 Another emperor-level existence laughed: "Your Majesty can paint him and leave it to future generations, maybe there will be an emperor of Fuxi's holding this painting to find him in the future."

Dormant shook his head and smiled, "I am full of awe for the future and don't want to change anything. Wait, I see something interesting ..."

的 The color of surprise on his face grew stronger, and I saw Xing Huo standing on Zhong Yue's shoulder, looking at him after 100,000 years.

Dormant laughed and shook his head: "Interesting, interesting, I thought I lost it ... it turned out he was still."

The emperors were all unknown, so Fuxi Daozun laughed: "It's really fun to see the future unintentionally. Let's sail ... wait a minute!"

按下 He pressed the emperor ship again, and 怔怔 looked toward 100,000 years later, on the old broken ship, Zhong Yue was performing the Fuxi Dao Zun Su Jing and performing his exercises!

It was as if he was awkward, and Zhong Yue's one move and one style was very awkward to him, not as agile and full of change as his founder, but it was indeed his technique!

"He seems to want to tell me." Fuxi Tao Zun looked carefully, said in his heart.

After a while, he saw the young Fuxi take out a pearl, and then he saw his son, Prince Fuxi in his old age, **** between two galaxies.

"God Father, kill me!"

Dormantly kneel down ~ www.readwn.com ~ crying again and again: "Kill me, I don't want to be a sinner--"

But Fu Xi's voice could not be transmitted to 100,000 years ago, and all the messages he wanted to convey were erased by time.

Dormantly looked at him with a smile on his face.

"What did His Majesty see?" Fu Xi Dao Zun asked an inborn Emperor with a smile.

"The future is gone."

Fuxi Taoist looked at Zhong Yue and his son with a calm face and ancient wells: "The emperors of the ancient universe were in chaos and made too much sense. They must be suppressed by means of iron and blood, otherwise they will become turbulent in the universe. source."

——Yesterday, many book fans left messages on the public WeChat of House Pigs, and wanted to see the badge of Daizi's, but many book friends did not type the King of Emperor and King, a lot of typos ... House Pigs made a push on the public WeChat. By the way, let's talk about the Tatar people in history. Everyone has time to add my public WeChat: zhaizhu, push at 5:30 in the afternoon. (To be continued.) 8

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