Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1012: Funeral for me


The dormant bower departed, the speed of the Qianyi ancient ship returned to normal, and he continued along the emperor road. Prince Fuxi looked dull, and after a long time, he silently retracted into the six beads.

He did not disappear, indicating that Fuxi Taoism has not changed the past.

"If God the Father kills me, maybe there will be no destruction of my Fuxi Protoss"

He silently said, "I can cleanse my sins too"

However, none of this happened.

Zhong Zhongyue sighed and collected six beads.

Gradually, when the ancient ship was about to leave the range of the ancient universe, suddenly the thousand-winged ancient ship seemed to fall into the copper juice and mercury stream, moving forward extremely stagnately.

Behind the, another magnificent and magnificent building ship approached, and the building ship was holding the white 幡, many gods of war stood on the decks of those ships, and the white 幡 was flying.

Among them were the Fuxi Protoss, and other races. These ships passed by like ghosts, and Zhong Yue looked at this funeral procession blankly.

This funeral team is extremely large, and those escorting demon are also very powerful, and the fleet is vast. What existed deaths can use this specification?

"Did we encounter Fuxi Daozun's Emperor's Coffin?" Zhong Yue's heart shook slightly.

On the ancient ship, Hun Dunyu stood beside him, staring blankly at these fleets passing by them. Suddenly, his body shook and said: "Mr. Yi, do you think that emperor looks like me?"

Zhongyue looked along the direction of his fingers, and couldn't help but stay, he saw Hun Dunyu in middle age!

An Emperor of Chaos!

Hun Dunyu at that time was solemn in appearance, not as indifferent as he is now, he had a heartbreaking demeanor, holding a huge coffin in his palm.

Zhong Yuenian's Hun Dunyu, Zhong Yue also saw other powerful beings, that is a respected emperor. Their palms supported the emperor's coffin, as if they were escorting the coffin for burial.

He stunned, he saw his wife, Yin Xuan Xuan, Jin Hexi, and many familiar faces, Xie Er, Jun Shi, Yi Wanjun, Shi Yinji

They also reach middle age.

In addition to them, there are many unfamiliar faces. They are holding the mouth of the coffin, and they are sad.

"Hundun Yu, middle-aged, is this the future?"

Zhong Zhongyue looked around and murmured: "Who is in this coffin? Why did the future emperors help him and send him to be buried? He is the future emperor"

Then he saw the ship carrying the coffin of emperor, which was an ancient ship with thousands of wings!

Zhongyue was surprised, he actually saw the Qianyi ancient ship, the ship carrying the Emperor's Ling coffin turned out to be the Qianyi ancient ship under their feet!

But the ancient ship with a thousand wings at that time is different from the present, and it is no longer so shabby, but looks very bright, as if just forged!

伤 All the scars on the Qianyi Ancient Ship have been repaired and re-cultivated!

古 The ancient ship sailed, and a ship was escorted by the emperors. The emperors personally escorted the emperor's coffin, and then Zhong Yue saw the embarrassment on the white urn and could not help but stay.

Wu Hun Dunyu also saw the elaborate words and muttered out: "Who is the Emperor of the King of the Taishan Zhongshan? The Zhongshan? What kind of race is this? I want to record this scene!"

Suddenly, Zhong Yue raised his hand and held his palm. Hun Dunyu wondered, looked at Zhong Yue, and said, "Mr. Yi?"

"Don't write it down."

Zhong Zhongyue's voice was hoarse and he shook his head: "Don't record this scene. It hasn't happened in the future, it hasn't become a reality. Don't record it"

Yun Hun Dunyu wondered why he was so concerned about whether to record this scene.

Zhong Zhongyue grasped her chest tightly, and her heart was aching.

This is his own funeral, and the old man lies in the coffin of Emperor 柩.

"This should blame me, Zhongshan."

The voice of Salvation was a little murky: "I was planted in your soul, absorbing your longevity, and making your life worse than other emperors. Even if you can build the realm of emperor, you only have 60,000 years of longevity, maybe I Should leave you "

"Do not."

Zhong Yue watched his lingering soul go away, and those strong men who escorted his body were transporting him to the ancestor for burial. He suddenly smiled: "I don't blame you, it is my own choice. I will become the emperor of Thailand in the future. Emperor, can't you know that you will damage my Shouyuan? I choose to do it in the future, and I will make the same choice now. Not to mention "

Jie Zhongyue laughed: "The future is not set in stone. Does the boss destroy my Emperor Star and change the future? I can, I must also!"

He laughed and laughed: "In the future, I will become the immortal Tao God! Fire, you can't kill me!"

I was silent.

困难 How difficult is it to change the future?

He can make such existence exist, can Zhong Yue do it in the future?

The Qianyi ancient ship continued to move forward, finally out of the range of the ancient universe, and entered the 36th realm.

Zhong Yue's heart sank, and if he drove forward, the Emperor Road would enter the former Sixth Realm, and it would not be long before he encountered the turbulent map left by the congenital emperor, and then the transmission would be stopped. .

So far he has never seen what Feng Xiaozhong said. Feng Xiaozhong said yes, then there must be, but this emperor's Tao has many strange things. You can even see the past and future here. The man who passed this road might not encounter what happened to Feng Xiaozhong.

Thousand wing ancient ships whistled away. The former convenience was the Polo Six Realms. When they passed the Polo Six Realms, they would pass through the battlefield of the Emperor. Fu Jie's main battle force carried out a large encirclement.

The decline of the dormant Protoss has been since then!

Suddenly, the Qianyi ancient ship swayed slightly, and then stopped slowly, without entering the battlefield of the emperor.

"The third time."

Hun Dunyu was surprised: "What will happen this time? Alas, the funeral team!"


"Big Wind"

Zhong Yue heard the shocking cry, Fuxi's war song sounded from the emperor's road, Fuxi Daozun's funeral procession arrived, and a ship arrived, and on the deck stood the **** of war of Fuxi, the song The vicissitudes contain sadness and praise.

The dormant coffin arrived.

The unparalleled emperor's spirit coffin on the Emperor's ship lay quietly. Suddenly, the emperor's ship stopped and all the building ships also stopped. Time seemed to be still at this moment!

At this moment, Zhong Yue saw the emperor's coffin shaking, and dozens of feet of wooden pins fell off the coffin, flew out, and floated in the air like a sword.

In the coffin of the emperor, the body of Fuxi Daozun stood upright!

Zhongyue's scalp is numb, and in the sea, the fire's forehead is a small flame straight up!

He was next to him, but Hun Dunyu was unaware, standing still, seemingly settled by the still time.

Among the dead bodies of the dormant princes of Taoism, spirit beads rose up and were printed on the emperor's Tao, and those pearls seemed to be integrated with the emperor's Tao and disappeared.


The body of the dormant prince Dao Zun suddenly fell again in the emperor's coffin. The coffin lid was closed, and the roots fell like swords and wooden pins, and the emperor's coffin was restored as before.

The vision of static time disappeared, but the Fuxi War Gods on other ships were unaware of the scene, and the funeral team continued to move forward and disappeared.

The quaking quake of the Qianyi Ancient Ship could not move, as if still in time.

On the ancient ship, Hun Dunyu couldn't move, it seemed to be still in a state of time still, Zhong Yue raised his palm, Hun Dunyu could not move, but he could move freely.

"So it is, so it is!"

Xun Zhongyue's heart beating wildly, Feng Xiaozhong did not say, there are indeed some things left in the emperor's Tao, and it is something that Fuxi Dao left to him!

The emperor's coffin opened, and Fu's Taoist corpse flew out, offering many pearls. Those pearls were left to him by Fuxi Taoist!

Bian Feng Xiaozhong must have seen that scene, but I do n’t know how to collect it, so I can only let it go.

Zhong Yue looked up at the Emperor's Road, frowned slightly, there were no traces on the Emperor's Road, the spirit beads were hidden in the Emperor's Road, he knew exactly where to hide, but how to take these spirit beads come out?

His mental power is pouring out, trying to search for these spirit beads, but nothing is sensed!

探 His palm found out that the mana had made the palm extremely large, but it was empty in the hiding place of those spirit beads!

Qi Zhongyue offered a mirror of Tianyuan reincarnation and took a picture there. No trace was found on this mirror!

The cold sweat on his forehead, and the shaking of the Qianyi ancient ship became more and more fierce, which shows that they will not stay here forever, it is likely that they will be swept away by the light flow of the Emperor Road in the next moment!

If you do not take out those spirit beads now, you will lose this great opportunity!

"Prince Fuxi, do you have any way to take out those spirit beads?" Zhong Yue quickly took out the six realm beads and asked.

Among the six border beads, Fu Xi was also fixed there by the frozen time. He could not hear him.

"Salary! Salary?"

Zhong Yue's heart was cold, and the salary was fixed. He anxiously walked around the deck of the ancient ship and mumbled, "There must be a way, there must be a way. Since Fu Ling Tao has left these beads in Here, there must be a way for me to take it away! He saw me, so he left these beads after death, and he knew I could take them away. "

Suddenly, the UU reading book www.uukanshu.com Thousand-wing ancient ship slowly moved forward, and Hun Dunyu also seemed to move a bit, indicating that the time of solidification began to flow!

"That's it!"

A flash of aura of light in Ji Zhongyue's mind spurred Fu Jing Dao Zun Xin Jing and exhibited the magical power of Fu Xi Dao Zun!

"I used to show him his skills in the emperor's Tao, so the way to take these spirit beads must also be Fuxi Tao Zunxin Sutra!"

Kuang Banglong

The Qianyi ancient ship trembled violently, a thousand pairs of congenital meat wings shook, and was entangled by the light flow of the Emperor Road, whistling forward.

At this moment, a spiritual bead emerged in the emperor's way, like a flying firefly swarming towards Zhongyue, even faster than the optical flow transmitted by the emperor's way, and time didn't fall into the light wheel behind his head!

At the same time, Hun Dunyu regained motion, and Prince Fuxi in the six beads also awakened! To be continued. , Your support is my biggest motivation

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