Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1108: You kill yourself

Zhong Yue looked up at the innate mountain, and was amazed. The first **** of the universe, the towering weather, was really a mountain, not a star.

Will this be the place where he built Xiantianshan Avenue?

"The a priori Daoshan is indeed magnificent. But if the King of the Crow God is not here, how can we only have us with Brother Crow?" Zhong Yue laughed.

The face of the ravens Taoist slightly changed, looking at the innate Taoshan Holy Land, I saw a lot of white and black ravens flying in the Daoshan, landing into a black and white Datong. These Daotongs are his classmates. When they saw the light that erupted in the bottle of Yuguang just now and shook the sky, they came.

"Is the Master in the mountains?"

One of the Dao Tong hurriedly replied: "Not long ago, an old friend wrote a letter saying that an old opponent was out of sleep, and Master went out, presumably to find the old counterpart."

The gangster's eyes flickered, glanced at Zhong Yue, and said, "How did he know that my teacher was absent?"

If the King of King Crow really isn't there, then things will be a big deal. Shenxia Pavilion, Xieyang and Fengyuhuan are not good. If they know the news, then they are not only dangerous, but they are also afraid of themselves. Dangerous!

These three villains will certainly not miss this great opportunity. The wealth of the congenital Taoshan and the lives of these teachers and sisters are all at stake.

However, he did not know that the reason why Zhong Yue so vowed to say that the King of the Crow God was not here is precisely because the goddess maid sent a message!

The goddess goddess has been contacting him for the past few days, but Zhong Yue was trapped in the Yuguang bottle, and she couldn't reach each other. Just now Zhongyue and others got out of the trap, and Zhong Yue got the news of the goddess wife.

When the king of the crows went out, he got a message of an ancient existence. There was an old opponent out of the trap. In recent years, the king of the crows has rushed away.

The old man was suppressed for many years, but now he is out of dilemma. Even the goddess ca n’t sit still. At this moment, he also left the Huaying Holy Land and rushed to the existing suppressed place.

As for who is out of trouble, the goddess of the gods did not say that, like this kind of existence, it is extremely ancient and mysterious existence, and even the existence of the level of the emperor may not be accessible.

Zhong Yue glanced around and said, "Brother Xieyang, be careful, everyone's treasures are the same. Whoever wins the first chance will prevail, and beware of Brother Raven the first time we will trap us."

He said this, Xie Yang immediately decided to sacrifice the evil eye mirror, at the same time, Feng Yuhuan urged the Tianfeng **** fire fan, and Shenxia Pavilion sacrificed the golden rope!

The three have just evoked the power of their innate imperial soldiers, and the power of the Yuguang bottle in the crow's hand also broke out at the same time!

Incomparably terrible throbbing came, the dazzling light of the apostolic mountain holy land burst into the sky, breaking the sky!

Xie Yang, Xun Ya, Feng Yuhuan and Shen Xia Ge acted at the same moment, especially Xie Yang, Feng Yu Huan and Shen Xia Ge. They were not only dealing with Xie Ya and Yuguang Bottle, but also attacked others. !!

Yuguang Bottle has the ability to deal with them, but the evil eye mirror, Tianfeng **** fire fan and innate dragon golden rope also have the ability to deal with them!

Out of the Yuguang Bottle, they are no longer fellow with the enemy, but opponents!

At the moment of their hands, Qianyi Ancient Ship vibrated, backed away, and galloped away!

That terrible mighty power broke out, sweeping the Holy Land of the Innocent Road, terrible mighty power shattered the space, countless space fragments were backlogged together, and the galaxy surrounding the Holy Land of the Holy Land was even shaken. The stars were blowing, flying in all directions, out of orbit!

These stars, even the sun, disintegrated while flying away from orbit, and the huge blue suns were even blown away by the terrifying Yu Wei for a few moments, leaving only a star core!

Those sisters, sisters and sisters of the cricket were unexpected, and had no time to evade, they were shocked into crickets and destroyed!

The four bodies of the evil sun and cricket were shocked. If they attacked together, it would be difficult to close their hands. If they quit, they would be stricken, and I wonder who would be buried in their hands!

The four men madly urged the four congenital imperial soldiers to be stronger and more powerful, but even this terrible power could not hurt this congenital mountain.

The mountains of this holy place are extremely stable. The attack of the four innate emperors fell on Daoshan, and there was a masterpiece of Daoyin to offset their power.

The crow yelled loudly, and several emperors and creations flew from the Dao Mountain. They were also disciples of the King of the Crow God, and joined forces with him to urge the Yuguang bottle, so that the power of this jade bottle greatly increased, suppressed The other three.

Feng Yuhuan, Xie Yang, and Shen Xia Ge immediately joined forces to counteract the attack of Xun Ya and others.

In this battle, they are all riding tigers and cannot keep their hands, either kill each other or be killed by each other!

At this time, Zhong Yue's ancient ship with a thousand wings flew out of the battlefield and came to the back of Daoshan. Daoshan blocked the impact, and he was safe.

Zhong Yue slowed down the speed of the ancient ship, wandering around unhurriedly, the sacred place of the Ancestral Mountain was sacred everywhere, and there were pavilions and pavilions everywhere.

"The thirty-year agreement with Mu Xiantian has arrived, but it is important to understand that the complete innate Daize Avenue is important. Attacking the court of heaven can be delayed again."

His eyes flickered. After all, the congenital Taoshan Holy Land was the site of the King of the Crow God, with an unknown number of hidden bans. Zhong Yue opened three eyes and searched to avoid a ban.

"God King Crow, as the **** of ancient times, has accumulated an unknown amount of wealth. Since he is here, he cannot go back empty-handed!"

At this moment, most of the strong men in this holy place are attracted by the fierce battles over the mountain. It is a rare opportunity to not only go to enlighten the Xiantianshan Avenue, but also search for some of the wealth of the King of the Crow God!

Zhong Yue was so excited that she drove directly to a palace. The ancient ship path cut through layers of space and cut the palace into pieces.

There is a treasure house in the palace, which contains the treasure of Bai Yaojin from the planet, which is even more amazing than the wealth of Tianguan in his town.

Zhong Yue swept the wealth, and continued to rush to the next palace.

"Who dares to break into my a priori mountain?"

Suddenly, several rays of light flew, and the ground turned into several white crows. The white crow fluttered its wings and turned into a godhead with a bird's body and two wings. He yelled at Zhong Yue: "Do you know how the dead words are written?"

"You don't know how to write dead words?"

Zhong Yue urged the innate gossip, and the hexagrams of the whole body flew around, dancing and spinning around him, the Dao Yin masterpiece, the thirteen innate avenues were turned into thirteen magic knives, and they were beheaded to the few white crow Taoists!

嗤嗤嗤 ——

Head to head, one of the white crow **** emperor Xiu Xiu was extremely powerful, and even blocked Zhong Yue's blade, fled his wings and fled.

Zhong Yue was surprised, reaching out with one hand, using the five fingers as a knife, and beating for the second time, and the five fingers were cut off. The head of the white crow **** emperor rolled down, and another white crow lord **** came out in the skull, and Zhong Yue's palm was open. Turned on, turned into a big bell under the bell, the bell rang, shook the white crow Yuan Shen!

"The disciples of the King Crow God are really powerful and extraordinary!"

Zhong Yue admired that the realm of the Divine Emperor could not take many of his great magical powers, and although the white crow divine emperor had not completed the seventh secret realm, he took his six or seven magical powers and put them in the future. I am afraid that the emperor list can also be ranked in the top twenty!

He broke into a huge temple by himself. One hundred and ten black crows and white crows were flying around a huge flood furnace, spraying black and white fire, and the aroma of the elixir in the flood furnace came. Wang's disciples are practicing alchemy.

Smelling the aroma, Zhong Yue was sure that this furnace of gods was not a trivial matter, and it was about to be made!

"Zhouguang's mystery, seven reincarnation!"

Zhong Yue burst into a sigh. Before the one hundred and ten disciples of the God King had returned to God, the seven reincarnation bloomed from behind, becoming larger and larger, and the hundred and one hundred black crows and white crows were all included in the seven reincarnation.

Wow, in the light wheel behind his head, a hundred bones fell down and shattered to the ground.

Just in this short moment, in his seven reincarnations, millions of years have passed, and the hundred and ten powerful men have been consumed and died, and they have become dead bones. The Yuanshen also died from the ashes and ceased to exist.

Zhong Yue strode forward, patted her hand, blasted the lid of the furnace, and picked up the furnace, but she saw that the agar slurry in the furnace was bubbling, and the fragrance of the scent of the lungs was smelling. Great earthquake.

There is a pellet of elixir in the agar slurry and the elixir is not completely refined until these elixirs have absorbed the agar slurry.

Zhong Yue could not help but say that his mouth was open, and the elixir in the furnace was poured into the mouth along with the agar pulp and jade liquid. After a while, a furnace of elixir was taken by him.

Zhong Yue's body was shaken, and Yuanshen was involuntarily shaking. The mystery in the body was roaring, and the sounds of roads came.

"It's delicious, it's not bad! Strange, it's a little bit intoxicating! Disciples of the King of the Crow God make great wine, which is extraordinary!"

His face was flushed, his steps were haggard, and he laughed, driving an ancient ship with a thousand wings and crashing through this magnificent hall, rushing out of the wall behind the hall!

His footsteps were unstable, and his mind was blurred by that pot of elixir and agar. The Tao's heart suddenly became calm and frivolous. His inner desire was magnified and he became somewhat unscrupulous. It should be that the elixir has not been refined. ~ Www.mtlnovel .com ~ Some of them are not refined.

These toxicities inadvertently affected his judgment and caused drunkenness!

This furnace elixir is not a trivial matter. Although it is not as good as the holy medicine, the vigorous medicine power is precipitated in the large and small secrets in his body.

Zhong Yue's body wobbled, and the wings of the thousand-winged ancient ship swept across the palace urns, and the roof above the palace urn was suddenly cut flat.

"What treasures are there?"

Zhong Yue laughed, grabbed drunken head down, plunged into the palace palace, and reached out and grabbed.


One of the women in the palace rushed up, rushed to the middle of the sky, surrounded Zhongyue, faced with evil spirits, and shouted, "Who is demon evil, dare to break into the Queen of God?"

Zhong Yue's daughters laughed and said, "You are the wives and concubines of the King of the Crow God? The King of the Crow God is so amazing that he has married so many beautiful women! Lao Tzu has never killed a woman, you kill yourself!"

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