Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1109: Corpses pile up like mountains, blood flows into the river

The daughters were furious. Many of them had top emperors. They were also beautiful. The King of the Crow God chose women. They chose not to be those who are powerful but only beautiful. Therefore, although there are many beauties in this harem, the number of emperors is not much.

Moreover, it seems that the qualifications of these women are not very good, far worse than his disciples.

For King Crow God, he is an immortal inborn god. He chooses a concubine to fill the harem. No matter how good the talent is, the higher the understanding, the stronger the ability, it is useless. After all, he is not old and immortal, and these concubines But it is impossible to be immortal. The concubines always grow old and die.

Even if there are those who can become emperors, they will not die for 120,000 years, but after 120,000 years, isn't the soul to be vanished?

Since both sides are dying and ca n’t spend the rest of his life with him, why not have some beautiful women?

"Kill him!" The girls cried.

Fan Dai fragrance, long sleeves flying, jade arms fly white legs, Jiao drink, the sound is pleasant.

Zhong Yue laughed, borrowed the power of the fire spirit directly, and raised the realm to the realm of the emperor. The reincarnation of the Big Six was opened, and the innate gossip urged him to stand in the innate map. The four elephants ran and the girls rushed. I don't know how many women were killed by various hexagrams!

Congenital Kwai Shui Avenue turned into a congenital serpent. With a mouthful of suction, one hundred women were swallowed up by one mouth. The Congenital Thunder Avenue turned into a congenital **** dragon. Zhangkou sprayed a **** thunder, exploded a large area, and the congenital Daze Avenue turned into In the class of Xingze, hundreds of goddesses were strangled by sword air, and some were perforated through their foreheads, and died by death.

There are also the congenital Kuntu Avenue covered and crushed the girls into lotus root powder, and the congenital God of Fire Avenue turned into a fire phoenix, burning a group of damsels into coke, and the congenital Xianfeng Avenue turned into a gourd, and the wind in the gourd blew through. , Many glamorous women were blown into bones.

Some goddess of God and creation level broke through his gossip. Among the four images, the congenital Taiyin Avenue was transformed into a Taiyin toad, with six eyes moving, and the space distorted. A mother was divided into six segments, and the tongue of the toad was licked away. The six-story flesh primordial disappeared and was completely eaten.

The congenital Sun Avenue was transformed into Jinwu, and a mother-in-law opened her head and cracked her brain. A real fire was sprayed, and only one skin was left.

The congenital Shaoyin Avenue turned into a laurel tree, brushed downwards, and a mother-in-law smashed her bones. Congenital Shaoyang Avenue turned into a linden tree, brushed down, and brushed a mother-in-law into ashes.

Two more goddess-level maids rushed into his Tai Chi map, and were skeined by the devil's avenue. Suddenly their bodies were different, and the jade scent disappeared.

The two emperor-level maidens saw the situation, their faces changed drastically, and they rushed to the rescue. Their cultivation was unpredictable. After all, they were emperor monarchs. When they shot, they broke the innate gossip, broke into the innate four elephants, and entered the innate tai chi.

In the end, they encountered an innate change of path and their offensive was blocked.

Zhong Yue raised her hand, and thirteen congenital avenues rose into the air, turning into a gorgeous congenital sword, beheaded, and fell to the ground. The woman on the left died suddenly!

The face of another mother-in-law changed drastically, and she quickly flew backwards like a butterfly, Zhong Yue rammed and rushed towards her, but at this moment a white raven and a black raven fluttered with wings fluttering, but he alarmed the a priori Those disciples of the King Crow God in the mountains and mountains are scattered all over the Daoshan Mountains.

Daoshan is huge, even let Xinghe revolve around Daoshan. When Zhong Yue broke into this place, they already alarmed them, but it took time to fly over.

Although these disciples had great magical power, when flying here, Zhong Yue almost slaughtered the maiden in the harem, leaving only one emperor-level lady to escape.

Zhong Yue was drunk and smoky. Looking at these Yuan Crow God disciples who came out, these disciples also had different strengths and strengths, but their strengths were different, but there were a large number of them, which were divided into black and white. They had not yet arrived. He approached them, and turned into a bird-headed biblical god-man, and various magical weapons were sacrificed, and the supernatural power broke out, blasting at him like an overwhelming one!

After all, the disciples of the King Crow King are extraordinary, very powerful, and very powerful. Each of them is a peer press. Most of them can be on the list of future emperors.

Each of them has magical powers and has unique features. The magical soldiers are also strange and different, and the magical powers are ever-changing.

"Why am I afraid of disciples of the King Crow God?"

Zhong Yue directly showed the real body of Fu Xi, the head of the snake, the dragon scales shining, the eyebrows opened the three-eyed sky pupil, the throat and chest cavity issued a dragon snake sound, the spine bone opened thirty-three cave days, the snake tail bone turned into an innate dragon, the road bone Concussion, imprinted congenital totem, heart beating, the blood of God explodes, the heart beats like a drum, the dragon scales reflect, the sun and moon tai chi maps emerge from the eyes, the snake tail swims, driving in the wind, facing many bird heads go with!

The elephant drum trembled, one by one, the disciples of the King of the Crow God were blasted by the physical body and turned into a mist of blood. The eyes of the three eyes opened, and a ray of light was cut off. Birds fell to the ground, staring at who died!

He scaled back, bounced the opponent's magical power back, and the magical power was actually three or four times greater than when he came, killing the opponent directly. The sun and moon of his eyes rotate, distorting the other party and directly breaking it!

Shaohao bell above his head, the bells trembled, and the strong bells grew old, their physical primordial gods were forcibly struck, one stayed outside the bell, one stayed inside the bell, the bell was Yu, the bell was Zhou .

The old man died outside the bell, the crush inside the bell.

He had a throat, a dragon and serpent song rang, and the song dropped, leaving only a dozen or so black crow Taoists and white crow Taoists alive.

噗通, 噗通.

A corpse fell, and blood stained Daoshan.

"Fu Xi, you are Fu Xi!"

A disciple of King Crow God screamed, and was immediately washed into the sea by Zhongyue's immortal consciousness, beheaded and killed, and the body fell without a trace of wounds.

He borrowed the strength of the hundred fire spirits of the Fire Age to upgrade his cultivation to the level of the emperor. It is simply invincible and unmatched!

Of course, the masters all went to support the Jaws, and there were not many monarchs left.

Zhong Yue was drunk and besieged by the dozens of strong men. The emperor's wife was also attacking him. Zhong Yue's eyes brightened and she felt the strength of the crowd. Suddenly, she laughed, the seven reincarnation began, and everyone turned around. I saw that they were separated from each other and in different time and space!

Seven mysteries have formed the Big Seven Reincarnation System! .

Almost at the same instant, Zhong Yue seemed to be transformed into seven people and attacked them at the same time. In the next moment, only five people survived, and the others died!

Suddenly, I heard only a loud noise, and another seven reincarnation suddenly bloomed. The seven reincarnations cut the seven reincarnations of Zhongyue, and everyone was cold and sweaty. The two reincarnations confronted each other, and finally gave them a chance to live. Seven reincarnation Zhongli escaped.

"Well, there are experts?"

Zhong Yue was surprised, looking at the young demon in the seven reincarnations, but he was a white crow Taoist, with sharp eyes and a warlike spirit.

"Hugh crazy!"

The white crow Taoist is the realm of God Emperor, sternly said: "Do you think that the world is invincible when you cultivate the seventh mystery? The seven reincarnations, my master also understands, and will, but now let you see some of my a priori The true story of the mountain, let you bow and suffer! "

"I will pass the disciples of heaven. The seven reincarnations are truly extraordinary, but I have never met the disciples of the King of the Crow God. I do n’t know which step of his seven reincarnation studies?"

When Zhong Yue saw her heart hunting, the seven reincarnations changed abruptly. It was no longer a cycle of space, but a reincarnation of time. It dispelled the power of the fire spirit and laughed: "I do n’t want to bully you in a realm. "If you can live from me, I won't kill you."

Bang, boom--

A sound came, and a respected Zhongyue came from other secret worlds and laughed: "Come, fight with me!"

The six Zhongyue Zhongqi killed here, but the white crow Taoist got it too, but how could he be the opponent of the six Zhongyue Yue? The battle lasted only for a moment, and the white crow Taoist was torn to pieces by six Zhongyue. He was frightened and angry, and the Yuanshen burst out. He was about to fly away and was caught by Zhongyue. Zhong Yue was drunk, and laughed, "The seven reincarnations of the King of the Crow are no more so than me. You can open the seventh mystery, indicating that there must be holy medicine in the a priori mountain. Tell me where the holy medicine is. You are not dead! "

The white crow Tao Yuanyuan shouted, "Don't say ..."

"Then you die!"

Zhong Yue directly annihilated his Yuan Shen to ashes, and killed and went out. I saw other Yuan Crow God disciples and their maidens fleeing. Zhong Yue quickly rushed forward, bumped heavily, and hit the emperor's queen. Heart, pressed the woman on the cliff of the Congenital Road, and laughed, "Don't run away, the King of the Crow God can't sleep with you, why can't I sleep with you ... Well, I was crushed to death? Unlucky! "

He lost the crushed corpse and Yuan Shen, and rushed to the other Yuan Crow God disciples. A creator had just sacrificed his cave sky, and saw a burning hand that broke his cave sky, and the big hand was grabbed from the sky. , Pinching his head, pinching him!

Zhong Yue lost her body and killed him in the heavy palace. Many disciples of the King Crow God were not high. They practiced in palaces and were found by him.

The innate road and mountains are unknown for hundreds of millions of miles, Zhong Yue killed all the way, blood flowed into the river, and the corpses were piled up in front of palaces and inside the palace.

"Bold and evil!"

An emperor-level beast leaped out ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zhu Taxiangyun rushed to Zhong Yue and screamed: "I am the Lord's mount Tianqi Holy King ..."

A blade of light cut off, the emperor-level beast landed on his head, blood stained a mountain peak.

"Can wine be meatless?"

Zhong Yue was drunk and dim. He took off the hind legs of the mount, roasted it with innate fire, ate a full stomach, yawned, and just felt drunk, and fell asleep. The disciples of God Wang stared to death, yanked the jade bed, and fell asleep on the bed, snoring loudly.

"That demon is drunk and fell asleep. Who killed him with me?" A black crow **** emperor shouted sharply.

Many black crow Taoists and white crow Taoists who were fortunate to flee came and gathered together, saying, "Master has a treasure called God King Hook, which is enshrined in the temple. We immediately went to the temple and sacrificed, If you take this hook, you will kill this Fuxi rest! "

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