Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1278: Goddess asked

Dongtian, the creator, has a lot of wonders. Dongtian creators and Zhongyue have also studied it, but have not studied it in depth, but the creation of all things is only one aspect of the creator's realm. Dongtian has more magic.

Many creators call the changes in cave heaven the secret of cave heaven.

Different cave days have different cave sky secrets, which are different. Even the same cave sky and different people cultivate, the cave sky secrets are different, probably because different people have different understandings of Tao.

Zhong Yue has done too much research on Tao outside, and ignored the study of the Creator's realm. Tao is important outside of it, but in it, the body is still in the realm.

He could have taken advantage of Feng Xiaozhong to become an emperor and let himself break through the realm to reach the emperor's realm, but now he is blocked, making him realize that there is still some deviation in his cultivation path.

Realm is not unimportant. On the contrary, the importance of realm is definitely not below it!

When Da-hyun formulated the realm, he must have considered the situation of reversing the innate in the future, so the Tao is outside of it, and part of his Tao is also in the realm.

If it is not possible to fully understand the mysteries of these realms, I am afraid it will also affect the reversion of the innate.

"It shouldn't be too difficult for me, creator?"

Zhong Yue carefully considered his Dongtian and researched it. He couldn't help but be surprised. Dongtian still had a lot of mysteries unknown to him.

He has a lot of caves, with thirty-three caves with spine and bones, but thirty-three caves are different. They only have the function of condensing power and are not as functional as other caves.

In addition, there are gossip cave days, yin and yang cave days, and four-phase cave days. After the improvement of his exercises, gossip evolved into sixty-four hexagrams and sixty-four cave days.

Cave days have different attributes. Basically, as many avenues are cultivated, they can evolve into as many cave days.

Zhong Yue alone has sixty-four cave days with inborn gossip, and these cave days can form the only cave sky, Yidao cave sky.

There are many Dongtians, like Feng Xiaozhong. Because there are so many avenues for cultivation, it is impossible to cultivate all Dongtians, so he only explores the true meaning of Dongtians, knows them well, and thus crosses the realm of creation.

Yin Xuan Xuan is a holy spirit, and she has extremely harsh grasp of Dong Tian. She doesn't have the talents of Feng Xiaozhong against the sky, and she is still in the realm of creation.

After Feng Xiaozhong became emperor, he was as ordinary as ever, and looked strange in the dull.

Zhong Yue couldn't help but remember what Feng Xiaozhong had said about Feng Wuji and shook his head. Feng Xiaozhong once said to Feng Wuji that after he practiced for 3,000 years, Feng Wuji became emperor after three thousand years.

At that time, the wind was nothing but a joke.

But now, it has not been a thousand years, Feng Xiaozhong became emperor, maybe less than three thousand years, Feng Huaiyu will become emperor. For three thousand years, it is difficult to say whether Feng Wuji can become emperor.

Zhong Yue found Yin Yinxuan, and the husband and wife exchanged their understanding of the realm of creation. Both had great gains. Zhong Yue saw that Yin Yinxuan's accomplishments in creation were still above her, and she was surprised.

Yin Xuan Xuan laughed: "The creation of the realm is the most difficult for the Holy Spirit, but if you say that you have the most understanding of this realm, she is the sister of Hua Qianzhen. Although she is confused, no one can achieve her creation in the creation. Than, I am willing to bow down and ask her a lot for advice. Right now she's probably going to become emperor. "

Zhong Yue's heart trembled slightly. Although Hua Qianzheng was an outstanding genius of Huaxun, who could compete with the Holy Spirit, she could not surpass the Holy Spirit in the speed of cultivation.

"Fu Jun can't help asking her for advice," Yin Yinxuan suggested.

Zhong Yue found Hua Qianyu, but found a flesh. The woman's Yuanshen ran out again, wondering where to wander.

Zhong Yue had a great spirit. After searching, she couldn't help laughing, but she saw Hua Qian's Yuanshen God swim into the coffin in the abyss, and was communicating with an emperor corpse.

The woman stumbled, walked as she wanted, communicated with the emperor's corpse, and felt sleepy, so she emptied a coffin and laid it in her body without taboo.

Zhong Yue stayed outside the coffin and waited for a long while. Hua Qianxi woke up wandering and asked the Yuanshen to fly. Zhong Yue quickly stopped her and laughed, "Cousin, I don't want to run anymore. I have something to ask. How about you! "

Hua Qianyi's Yuan Shen paused and smiled: "Go to my flesh and wait for me, and I'll go back."

Zhong Yue shook her head and said, "You are always confused, I worry that you will linger, I will go back with you."

He led the maiden's spirit back, let her return to her own body, and then came to her senses. Hua Qianyi laughed: "It turned out to be this way. I wouldn't have come back if I knew it. You follow me!"

She stretched out her hand and planned to pull Zhong Yue's Yuanshen out of the body, but pulled Zhong Yue as a whole. Hua Qian was surprised: "What about your Yuanshen?"

"I now have one soul, one soul and one flesh, Yuanshen is the body and the soul." Zhong Yue laughed.

"It's not easy to do ..."

Hua Qian bit her lip, and said, "I'm going to take you on a journey through the void, and you are one of the spirit and the flesh. I guess I can't enter the void."

Zhong Yue laughed: "It's okay to enter the void with my current means, cousin just leads the way."

Hua Qian's Yuan Shen flew up, leading him to rush to the void, smiling: "You call me cousin, isn't he older than me?"

Zhong Yue reported her age, and Hua Qian frowned and said, "You are a few years younger than me, you should call me cousin."

Zhong Yue laughed: "I have spent thousands of years in the past, so the actual age is higher, so I call you cousin."

Hua Qian was stupefied and confused again, thinking hard with her finger: "I was born earlier than you, so I am a cousin, but you have lived back in the past for a while, older than me, so I Cousin again ... So am I a cousin or a cousin? "

Zhong Yue laughed.

The two crossed the barriers of the void, and Zhong Yue sank slightly, feeling the pressure from the void.

Void realm repels matter, so the physical body cannot be brought into the void realm, and the innate gods and spirits can enter and exit because they are Taos, not materials.

Zhong Yue has not completely reversed the innate, and will naturally be rejected by the void, but the repulsive force is not strong, much weaker than the last time.

"You follow me, I will take you to tour the caves of these souls!" Hua Qianzhen laughed and flew into the depths of the void.

"Dongtian travelling through the soul in the void?"

Zhong Yue stayed, followed her quickly, and couldn't help but admire the strange practice method of this young girl in front of her eyes. I am afraid that only this escaped woman can think of this method to practice.

In the Void Realm, a huge soul has various forms and floats in the vast expanse of void. Most of them do not fall asleep, and the power of sacrifice keeps coming from the Nether, turning around them, maintaining the vitality of the soul.

If you are near, you can hear the faint sacrifice of sacrifice and various thoughts, that is, all beings are sacrificing ancestors and sacrificing ancestors.

Zhong Yue looked around, and suddenly saw the sky coming, and there was a shadow standing on the sky, and he looked at him from a distance, and then the sky hunted, and the shadow drove the sky to leave.

"Tiantian mother body!"

Zhong Yue's eyes flickered, and Hua Qianzhen whispered: "Be careful, there are many strange creatures here who specialize in sacrificial power and bite the soul. I was taken a bite last time when I came in. The whole thing was eaten. Fortunately, there weren't many souls sacrificed to me. I just showed up in a few small worlds ... "

Zhong Yue nodded and said, "The kind of soul-eating beast I have seen is a strange creature created by the sky. It takes the sacrifice power from the soul here to nourish itself."

"So bad?"

Hua Qianyi was taken aback, and gently pulled him into the soul of a creator and walked into the cave of this creator.

The Creator was sleeping, unaware that he had been invaded.

Zhong Yue looked around, and saw that it was a cave with wooden properties, flowers blooming, green leaves forming forests, and beasts in groups, with all kinds of life, seemingly constantly evolving.

"Strange, isn't there no entity in the void?"

Zhong Yue froze slightly. Hua Qianzhen picked up a flower and looked at him with a smile. The beauty reflected by the flowers was trembling.

Seeing him puzzled, Hua Qianxuan blinked, "The Tao is Toad!"

"Is the toad?"

Zhong Yue was roaring in her head. The experience of traveling with her suddenly came to her mind. At that time, Hua Qianyi said this.

He took flowers from her ~ www.readwn.com ~ A closer look, this is a flower, a flower with life. This creator uses his own words to explain life, and builds a life with the most subtle totem pattern. Necessary conditions.

He can't create the soul, but he can do it to create a life without the soul.

This flower is both life and Tao, material and Tao.

It is a substance composed of Tao.

Netherworld doesn't exclude it.

Zhong Yuehuan smiled, inserted the flower in the girl's room opposite, and then observed carefully, watching the operation of the cave, after a long time, Hua Qianyu pulled him out and entered another creator. In the cave of the soul.

This creator's cave sky is different from the previous creator. It is a Thunder attribute and is composed of Thunder Avenue.

Zhong Yue studied here for a long time, and then was pulled by Hua Qianyu into the cave of the next creator. They shuttled through the cave of the creator in the void and witnessed the cave of countless creators since two million years .

Zhong Yue immediately understood the idea of ​​Hua Qianyu. The girl used the same method as Feng Xiaozhong, except that Feng Xiaozhong cut open the cave of a creator, and she entered the void and did not harm these creators. Cents.

They stayed here for a long time, and suddenly Zhong Yue stopped. Hua Qian's **** eyes looked at him, rejoicing, "Now you know?"

Zhong Yue nodded and smiled, "I see. My cousin is a goddess too." (To be continued.) U

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