Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1279: Make-up plan

Although Hua Qianyi is confused, she is clever in her practice, and often has some other unexpected cultivation methods. Her path is similar to Feng Xiaozhong, but Feng Xiaozhong does nothing by seeking means. Right or wrong. ?

However, Hua Qianzhen's path is closer to nature, and researching Tao does not hurt those beings.

For example, studying the spirits of various races in the void and exploring the mysteries of the heavens and the sky, Zhong Yue never thought about it. In fact, this is also the fastest shortcut. Since the establishment of the Nether World, the souls of countless creators have resided in them. Their exploration of Dongtian may not be as good as Zhong Yue, but the wisdom of all people is far beyond Zhong Yue. A few.

The reason why Yin Xuanxuan's creation is faster than Zhong Yue's is precisely because she got the mention of Hua Qianxuan and came here to enlighten. The ascension of the Holy Spirit's Wandao Cave to the heavens requires extremely harsh conditions. Without Hua Qian's guidance, she is still a long way from the completion of the creation.

The two flew down from the void, and Zhong Yue was shocked. He saw the sky curtain hunting in the sky, and a demon stood on the floating sky curtain and looked at him.

Zhong Yue's heart shook slightly, and the two left the void and returned to the ancestral court. Hua Qianyi's Yuan Shen came into the consciousness, returned to the flesh, opened his eyes, but saw that Zhong Yue was still looking up at the Nether Realm. The third god's eyes were full of energy, and he seemed to be able to see the scene in the Nether Realm. "What are you looking at? Don't you already know?"

"Knowing is not the same as getting Tao."

Zhong Yue retracted her gaze and smiled, and said, "I know, but there is a little distance from Tao. I was just watching ..."

He suddenly shut up and didn't talk, but his mind moved slightly, a light of light dripped from his eyebrows, rolled up Hua Qianyu, and sent him into the secret realm of Tao.

Hua Qianyi was surprised, looked around, and saw that she was in an immensely large innate holy place, and it seemed like more than one holy place, but a collection of many holy places.

The avenue here is long, as if it is a smaller universe, she can even look up the galaxy not far away.

Then she saw Zhong Yue, another Zhong Yue, a human snake body, and a form of Fuxi.

Hua Qianyu shook her body, and a human snake body appeared, and the two were swimming side by side.

"Cousin, have you seen this treasure?"

Detective Zhongyue took off the mixed Yuan Da Luo sword from the sky, divided it into fifty, and then reached out and gently flicked it into a sword.

Hua Qianyi shook her head and said, "I have never seen anything except you."

"So have you ever seen this scroll of heavenly books?" Zhong Yue asked again for a treasure from the sky.

Hua Qianyi shook her head. Zhong Yue also picked up many heavenly treasures such as the Tianchui Taiji Seal, and asked each one, and Hua Qianzhen shook her head and said, "I have only seen you here."

Zhong Yue groaned for a moment and murmured, "Isn't it ..."

"Not what?" Hua Qianzhen was more curious.

Zhong Yue laughed: "I saw the sky's screen appear twice to me. If he monitors me, he does not need to appear twice. Because the sky screen can sense my every move, as long as Fuxi enters the void, he will be him Perceived, he can know all my movements. So I thought he was not looking at me, but looking at you. I suddenly thought that you might be another choice of heaven. Your path is similar to Brother Feng, but There are two extremes, and maybe you are the same opportunity as Brother Brother Feng to escape from the ontology. Now it seems to me that I worry too much. You have not seen the treasure of heaven. "

Hua Qianyi's perception of Tao is so inconceivable that the Holy Spirit is the Avenue of Affinity, and she is the Avenue of Perception.

Feng Xiaozhong's research on Tao is extremely mad, and Hua Qianzhen is also extremely mad. He often wanders away, forgetting to return to his own body, and makes himself repeatedly in danger.

In Zhong Yue's view, Tian captures Feng Xiaozhong because Feng Xiaozhong is a heavenly man. After leaving all feelings, the rest is a search for the Tao, occupying his flesh, and taking off the sacrifice of beings. It is beneficial to be able to take yourself one step further.

However, if Hua Qianzhen is also okay?

Perhaps this dim girl is also another choice of God?

However, Hua Qianzhen's perception of Tao is extremely keen. If Tian came to monitor her, she would surely be perceived by her, so Zhong Yue would take out a treasure of heaven and ask her if she had ever seen it.

Hua Qiandi has not seen these treasures of heaven and earth, Zhong Yue was relieved.

Suddenly, Zhong Yue's body shook slightly, she woke up, and hurriedly said, "Have you ever seen a wound or **** wound in the sky?"

Hua Qianzhen shook her head and said, "I haven't seen it in reality. But ..."

She laughed: "I often see when I dream, the sky is covered with wounds, blood is dripping, and blood flow hangs like a waterfall."

Zhong Yue's heart trembled, her heart throbbed, her muscles twitched, she smiled reluctantly, and said gently, "Have you been dreaming recently? Are there fewer wounds in the sky now? Is there only one left? "

Hua Qianxi nodded, more curious: "How do you know?"

"I want you to make up for it ..."

Zhong Yue didn't say this, she said, "Heaven and man plan, there is more than one! Heaven's goal, and cousin! If Brother Feng is unsuccessful, cousin is his replacement! Do not know if the goddess mother know This matter ... "

"Cousin, have you told this to the goddess?"

Hua Qianyi shook her head.

Zhong Yue gave birth to anxiety, and the goddess goddess didn't know about it, because the sky never appeared, but only appeared in Huaqian's dream. The goddess goddess could not detect it, and Huaqian did not tell her dream.

He suddenly came up with an idea. In addition to Feng Xiaozhong's goal, there is also Hua Qianyu. Feng Xiaozhong should be called the Heavenly Man Plan, and Hua Qianye should be called the Make Up Plan.

Therefore, it is also possible that Tian will not start with Hua Qianyi after swallowing Feng Xiaozhong. Maybe both of them are his goals and there is no substitute relationship.

Hua Qianyi has a keen sense of Tao, which may heal Tian ’s last Tao injury, and Feng Xiaozhong may be the key for Tian to escape from the sacrifice of sentient beings.

Of course, it is also possible that Hua Qianyu is a substitute for the failure of the Heaven and Human Plan.

"Anyway, now that I know, I won't be successful with the Heavenly Man Plan and the Make Up Plan!"

Zhong Yue fixed her mind. This matter also requires a goddess. Whether the goddess is willing to stand on the side of Zhong Yue, she must also stand on this side!

"Huayang Holy Land, I need to go there personally, it is not safe to contact with the totem gods."

Zhong Yue's plan was decided, so he said to Yin Xuanxuan, Jin Hexi and others, and instructed many generals to leave his own detachment to control government affairs and control the ancestral court. Then he set off with Hundun Yu. Bring Zhong Xiaowen again and hurried to Lagerstroemia.

The father and son stood at the bow of the boat, and saw the starry sky outside, brilliant.

"Father, what are we going to Ziwei?"

"The Lagerstroemia indica is the sacred place of Huaying. It is our ancestral land. We must go and see it."

Zhong Yue said mildly: "It will take several years on the road, and you can practice as I do."

Zhong Xiaowen was troubled and shook his head: "I have been working hard these days, but I still can't make the soul be the spirit."

Zhong Yue traveled through the void and spent two or three years. Zhong Xiaowen has grown to eight years old, but in two years, he has not crossed the threshold of gas refiners.

The demands that Zhong Yue gave him were too high, asking him to abandon his spirit and concentrate on practicing his soul. Many young people of his own age have passed the Jianmen experience and become gas refiners. Only he is still tempering the soul.

"No hurry. You only became a gas refiner when you were fifteen years old. You still have a lot of time. Over the years, you and I have cultivated together. Maybe you can become a gas refiner when you come to the Hualian Holy Land."

The father and son worked diligently on the boat. Two years later, at the Ninth God City, Zhong Xiaowen still failed to become a gas refiner, but his spirits were extremely powerful.

Fu Li greeted each other and laughed: "Master, is this going to heaven? If you go to heaven, it will be extremely dangerous. Mu Xiantian will not treat him nicely! Opposite the Ninth God City, Mu Xiantian built a majestic pass there called Fuxi , Which means to suppress Fu Xi and surrender to the level of the heavenly Prime Minister. "

Zhong Yue laughed abruptly, and said, "Mu Xian is innocent of a child. Who is related to Zhenshoufu?"

"I am the concubine. The concubine has become emperor, but because Ziwei has sealed the four emperors and has no post of imperial emperor, she was first named Fu Xiangyuanjun, guarding Fu related, waiting for the ancient universe to conquer, and then imperial emperor. I have made it inaccessible and tighter than mine, guarding against death and guarding us from attacking Lagerstroemia indica. "

Zhong Yue nodded and said: "No matter. I have a good relationship with me." Let Fu Li start the teleportation platform.

It didn't take long for them to come to Fuwei of Ziwei, and they just appeared. Suddenly the mighty Emperor Wei was directly depressed!

Zhong Yue guarded Xiaowen, raised her hand, and stopped, smiling: "Yuanjun, don't come here?"


Fu related was shocked and almost cracked. I saw the concubine's murderous spirit, the leopard tail appeared, and the seven light wheels behind her head turned, but her seven reincarnation was composed of countless gods and demons. Seven rounds of reincarnation!

Xun has become emperor, but she has never opened the seventh mystery. Zhong Yue's seven reincarnation killing arrays can just complete this point. Zhongyue was once taught to the generals of the heavenly court, and Xun was also taught.

However, she responded a little slower ~ www.readwn.com ~ There are more magical soldiers will fly up and fall back to the seventh round, otherwise Zhong Yue will not be able to take the blow just now, and she will be seriously injured if she dies. .

The seventh mystery was opened, and the seven emperors of the reincarnation were cultivated. The power of the supernatural powers will be more powerful than that of the **** who has not opened the seventh mystery. Have this strength.

In fact, the seven reincarnation killing arrays designed by Zhong Yue have been listed as the first battle array by the heavenly courts, and each army needs to practice.

An ancient ship appeared at the foot of Zhong Yue, with wings shaking and whistling away, and laughed: "I am the emperor and the heavenly prime minister, why did you strike me?"

The Empress Dowager didn't want to include all the gods in the seven reincarnation killings, and immediately emptied and pursued him, sneering: "Your Majesty has a life, but anyone who kills from the upper universe of the ancient universe will kill him! My dear, I am also acting by order ! "

The two supernatural powers collided, and Zhong Yue snorted hummingly. Seven reincarnations turned in the back of his head, and cut the space to move out. The consciousness fluctuated and said: "Are you really going to kill me? Just do it!"

The concubine strove to kill, without mercy, suddenly Zhong Yue's ancient ship shocked and passed through her seven reincarnation killing arrays. The seven reincarnation killing arrays in the back of her head collapsed immediately, leaving the emperor's breath disordered. Avenue collapsed and his chest was stuffy.

"I have saved my hand in all the seven reincarnation kills."

Zhong Yue sailed away, waving her hand with a smile, and said, "You tell your Majesty, it is not enough to deal with me using my formation." (To be continued.) 8

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