Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1287: Pangu

"No way?"

Zhong Yue froze slightly. This is the waylessness of the heavens. Like the twilight drum that suppresses the life of the grand prince, it is also the state of death that suppresses Lei Ze's body, making him unable to live!

He now finally knows why the young Reese in the ancient Lezier world learned how to rule the heavens. He was suppressed by this Mugu drum for so long, and he was constantly impacted by Mugu. He also realized part of it. The heavens have no way.

"Strange, this drum hasn't shaken for a long time. Why is it vibrating again today?"

Suddenly an old voice came, and Zhong Yue noticed that there was a small dragon coiling on the drum, and the poor little dragon coiled on the drum like an earthworm.

"That old dragon emperor?"

Zhong Yue was dizzy. He thought that this old dragon emperor must be extremely powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so subtle.

However, the dragon can be large or small, and can be hidden, this old dragon emperor is naturally not as small as it seems. Sure enough, the little dragon rose up, walked out of Lei Ze's body, and became bigger and bigger, and turned into an old man with a dragon head standing in front of them.

As the descendants of Lei Ze and Hua Yi, Da Lizi is more similar to Lei Ze, both are dragon heads, while Fu Ji is more like Hua Yi, both are heads of snakes.

The old man looked at Zhong Yue with a shocked expression, and said, "Is there still Fuxi in the world?"

"This is the contemporary patriarch of Fuxi, Zhongshan's taboo."

Nine Dragon Emperor smiled: "Ying Nian, you have been here too long, no news, and you don't know about it yet. Cousin, this is Nine Nine."

"Yes, cousin." Zhong Yue saw the ceremony.

Emperor Ying Yi quickly returned his gift and said, "I thought Fuxi had become extinct. I didn't expect that my cousin was still alive. His cousin Qi Yuxuanang was good and his appearance was good. This practice is so shocking that I even saw it. Come on! Mugu hasn't shaken for tens of thousands of years. Why did it suddenly shake this time? "

"It should be something that was carried on me, which caused the vibration of Mugu."

Zhong Yue groaned for a while and took out some tattered things. These things had just been taken out. The twilight drum in Lei Zemu's body and mind vibrated again!

The faces of Emperor Dragon and Emperor Ying changed greatly, and they saw that the pieces taken out by Zhong Yue were the tattered Twilight Drums!

The broken twilight drum has more terrible and more terrifying power, and even surpasses the mouth suppressed in Lei Zemu's body. Only the fragmented power can surpass that twilight drum!

"Treasure of the Tao!"

The scalp of the two emperors was numb, and the twilight drum fragment was slightly shaking, and it seemed to have sensed another twilight drum, and the shards and fragments were attracting each other, even if Zhong Yue's drum was repaired for mana suppression, it was also a suppression Can't help it, it seems that the fragments are about to reorganize!

This twilight drum fragment was the one who hunted down Da Shiming, was broken by Da Shiming in the place of origin, and the fragment was put away by Zhong Yue.

This twilight drum was when Da Shi Ming captured the ancient tree of life, fell from the Tao world, and kept shaking, forcing Da Shi Ming to flee.

It is a Taoism-level treasure, and the drum body is composed of pure Taoism. After being broken, Zhong Yue gathered up the fragments and brought them to the ancestral court. After studying with Feng Xiaozhong for many years, he never let this twilight Drum recovery.

I did not expect to take it out now, this mouthful of God's treasure actually showed signs of recovery.

Nine Dragons and Ying Nian quickly shot, and the two emperors joined forces to finally suppress the Twilight Drum Shards and prevent them from gathering together.

The three of them looked at each other with fear.

"If this mouthful of God's treasure is restored, attached to the imprint of the twilight drum that suppresses Lei Zu, a slight shock, we will all have no place to bury!"

After the dragon emperor was afraid for a while, the Taoist imprint in these fragments was forcibly erased by the boss, but there was a Taoist imprint in the twilight drum in Lei Ze's body. If the imprint in the twilight drum entered Among these fragments, the restoration of the Tao ’s treasure is really a disaster!

The twilight drum in Lei Zemu's body is an imperial soldier. The power and power are much worse than Zhong Yue's twilight drum fragment. The power of the Tao God's treasure is a treasure that can contend with the existence of Da Si Ming, which is close to the Tao God. If it is restored, who can resist it?

At this moment, the twilight drum in Lei Ze's heart wobbled again.


As soon as the drums sounded, all three of them were groaning, and the corners of their mouths were bleeding. I just felt that all the avenues in my body were suppressed, the flesh was crisp, the spirit was weak, and it was hard to suppress those fragments!

Even though Zhong Yue understood the mystery of Mu Gu and understood some of the mysteries of the heavens, she was so shocked that she could not use it for repair!

This is a magical power that cannot be cracked!

The three were shocked and flew in all directions. Pieces of Twilight Drum fragments broke away from their repression and floated. I saw Lei Zeju in his body and mind. The Twilight Drum also floated from his mouth. Mu Gu fragment flew away.

That's the imprint of the Taoist God, to restore his treasure of the Taoist God to the state of peaks and perfection!

"The heavens have no way!"

The Zhongyue people were in the air, their clothes were hunting, their cloaks were flaunting, and a seal burst out, and only the mana was restored.

"Capricorn Spartan, the priest ordered Tusmodor!"

A loud voice rang out in his mouth, chanting the resurrected Taoism, and the loud voice suddenly oscillated back and forth in the sea of ​​chaos, echoing again and again!

His head shook and his head shook, and the light wheel was spinning heavily behind him, and another Zhong Yue stepped out of the light wheel, unanimously speaking, and chanting: "Capricorn, spartan, priest, prince, and prince!"

"Capricorn Spartan, the priest ordered Tusmodor!"


He cut off the time in the future and pulled himself from the future to deal with the abnormal changes in front of him!

In the increasingly resurrected Taoism, Mu Gu is also constantly oscillating, flying from the heart of Lei Ze's body, and a more fiery light flew from this Mu Mu, connected with the fragments of the Tao God's treasure, Huge pieces of debris began to combine with each other, linked together!

"Boss, aren't you back?"

Zhong Yue yelled, the chaotic thunder sea trembled in his roar, the raging waves rolled, the thunder thundered the chaotic thunder sea into a boiling ocean, all the avenues of thunder were awake, they were shaking in madness, the thunder was rolling, and it was loud !!


Mu Gu is also shaking madly, and seems to be ready to seize this rare opportunity to restore his Taoist treasure and suppress everything!

In the sound of the drums, Zhong Yue, Emperor Dragon, and Emperor Ying were shocked and the flesh began to rot, the Yuanshen began to rot, the avenue began to wither and dry, and the flesh and blood of the whole body fell like rotten mud.


Zhong Yue shouted loudly, "Don't wake up yet?"

The entire Lezi Holy Land suddenly boiled, countless glows surging, and all the avenues in the Lezi Holy Land seemed to wake up in an instant, rolling and rushing into the chaotic thunder sea, the sound of the road was loud, and it sounded through the world.


Hundreds of thousands of thunder lights gathered together and turned into a horrifying thunder, blasting into the spinning chaotic thunder sea!

That light was so bright that it suddenly illuminated Lagerstroemia indica, and even the heavens of the Emperor Star were illuminated by the light!

Mu Xiantian was dealing with the political affairs. When he saw this thunder, he could not help but jumped to his heart and instructed Jian Tian Si to survey Tian Si. He said, "Two Ai Qing, what are you doing wrong? Let's check it and tell me the details!"

The two emperors hurriedly checked the movement. After a moment, they said, "In the Holy Land of Leizer, there was a world-wide Leiguang bombarded the core of the Holy Land, thunder broke, the galaxy was shaken, countless stars moved their orbits, causing a lot of movement."

Mu Xian smiled extremely, and got up and said, "Junk, what a junk! I just sat on this emperor's seat, and came here to fight against each other. Even this Leze holy place has always been safe and secure, but it's not safe! He is pinched by mud, but the woodcarving is impossible? Pass my will and tell the dragon to come to preach! "

There was a general of God, who was going to Lezier and Xuanlong Dragon Emperor to face up. Suddenly, the numerous palaces and palaces in the heavenly court were shaking, and was shaken by a shock from far away.

Then, an ancient and terrifying breath came like a flood, and it was domineering, publicity, and immortality. Although there was no voice to the heaven, all the demon in the heaven were convinced that they heard the sound of dragons!

Especially those who opened up the six reincarnations and reversed the existence of the six rounds ~ www.readwn.com ~ their unconscious vibration of the Pangu gods in their brains!

Mu Xiantian also reversed the six reincarnations, and the heavy dragon chant sounded in his ears. His face changed greatly, and he quickly summoned the **** who was going to go to Leze to declare, saying: "No need to go, I already know What is causing the movement? This matter is no longer investigated. "

The ministers faced each other, unknown.

The movement caused by this evil spirit is too great. Why did His Majesty the Heaven just anger, but now it calms down the anger? In the end, what kind of evil is it that makes His Majesty swallow so much that he can't even let the other party shake the heaven?

Mu Xiantian's eyes flickered, and his heart still had nowhere to vent.

"Pan, the dragon is ancient, the oldest, the oldest, the Pangu, the first **** of the dragon is also. Dasao opened up a secret way to refining the **** of Pangu, this **** and man was actually born from the imagination of the dragon **** of Reze. The Pangu god-man in the mysterious state does not feel the vibration, it is definitely the resurrection of the Dragon Dragon, otherwise the pangu god-man cannot be shaken. "

"Hey, in this world, it ’s a real wit. Just when you sat up, all the monsters and monsters jumped out! Hate, really hate ... Yes, it must be the trouble caused by my baby lord! The anti-bone thief came to my Ziwei , I knew he wouldn't be at peace, and he would be troubled everywhere, and this time it must be him! "

Her face was cloudy and uncertain: "The back bones are getting stronger and stronger, do you want to poke down the throne from the throne of heaven?"

In the Lezi Holy Land, the shaking and loud noise that shook the heavens and the earth kept coming out. The broken twilight drum erupted in a shocking light. The light was black and shrouded. There was no way to save. In fusion.

At this moment, the thick and bright Dragon Yin sounded, and a huge dragon claw protruded, holding one of the twilight drums, and the sound was rolling.

"Origin, you plan me!" (To be continued.)

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