Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1288: Never die

"Fight! Keep fighting!"

The dragon stretched its body and separated the two Mugu drums. The newly restored Mugu drum suddenly broke again. The dragon was transformed into a giant of the dragon's human body, and the foot of the intact Mugu drum was banged with a loud sound. eΔww * w

"Call my son of Razeer, Xiaolong, go!"

Although he was just resurrected, he was terribly war-fighting. It seemed that he didn't know he had died for many thousands of years. He had just resurrected. Looking at Zhong Yue, the roar shook earth-shattering: "Where's Fuxi? You call the **** of war of Fuxi and call Changyang Come to see me and bring the most powerful existence of your tribe! And Hua Huashi, wake me up to the earth and wake up Hua Huanniang! I will lead you to kill him upside down! "

He smashed the Mugu drum with one foot, and all the marks were smashed: "This war, we will never be defeated! Whoever stands in front of us will cut him down!"

"Xiao Long, aren't you going?"

Heilongdi hesitated and said sadly: "Lei Zu, the war is over ..."

"The war is over?"

Lei Zeguo stayed a while, Long Yu flew, showing incomprehensibility, wondering: "When did the war end? Why didn't anyone notify me? Didn't it just start? I haven't fought yet, I can still ... "

"We lost ..."

Chen Long said bluntly: "Lei Zu, we lost! It's been almost 100,000 years, you've been dead for almost 100,000 years. We are defeated, Fuxi is defeated, and Huaxu is defeated!"


Rezegu was so angry that he exploded, and the detective grabbed his collar to lift him up, so angry: "Impossible! The war has just begun, it cannot be ended, and we can't be defeated! I haven't Give up! Fight, keep fighting! "

"Lei Zu, we lost!"

Emperor Ying Ying cried: "We really lost! We Reze, there are only a few million people, and we can no longer fight!"

Lei Zeguo froze, his palms loosened, and the Emperor Luolong fell.

"There are only a few million people left?"

The blood from the corner of his mouth was the road injury that Mu Gu caused to him. Although Zhong Yue brought him back to life, the wound still existed and corrupted his physical body.

"Where is Fuxi?" He murmured.

Emperor Xiaolong said sadly: "Fu Xi is the only patriarch left, and Huayi has a million people. We lost, we lost a lot ..."

Lei Zegu opened his eyes wide, and his heart suddenly hurt. He is Lei Ze's past body, and has always been dead. Although his true body is alive, the true body cannot share memories with the dead past body. After all, he was still dead.

Now that he is resurrected, his memory is still before his death, like a goddess maiden. She was cut off by the dirt of the queen mother as a dirt, and she knew nothing about the outside life. The truth of this world.

"Failed, lost ..."

The ancient **** of Reze showed confusion, and murmured, "How can I lose? How can I ..."

Bang, he broke through the chaotic thunder sea and appeared over the sacred place of Rezer.

"How can I fail? I don't believe it! Reiser, my birthplace, give me all the memories you have experienced over 100,000 years!"

His terrible consciousness exploded and swept the entire Holy Land of Rezer. The events of this ancient holy land over the past 100,000 years turned into a mark and was printed on the avenue of the Holy Land.

At this moment Reze's ancient god's wild consciousness urged, those imprints emerged and poured into his mind.

These imprints are the memories of the Holy Land, carrying the sadness and joy of the Rezis for 100,000 years, and bearing the years of misery and sorrow of the Rezis.

Lei Ze, the ancient god, stood there, the ancient god's mighty body trembled, the memory carried by the Holy Land made him unacceptable but had to accept it.

"Ziwei Starfield, give me your memory too!"

His consciousness exploded again, sweeping the starry sky, and continued to spread. The terrible consciousness stirred up, making the stars shake!

He is the common ancestor of Ziz and Fuxi. He is one of the oldest **** kings who can fight against the grand prince in the dark ages. He has extremely violent means and does not even inquire about everything born in this 100,000 years. It is directly asking the universe for the brand of the universe!

As long as it is a major event, such as a terrifying battle, it will leave a mark on the cosmic starry sky and be imprinted in the past.

This kind of imprint can't be seen or noticed at the leisure of the imperial class, but for this horrible existence, it is the simplest thing to ask for the memory of the universe directly, so you don't have to ask yourself and explore!

Although his methods are violent, they are effective.

The avenue of the cosmic starry sky was touched by his consciousness, and events in history turned into countless complicated messages flooding into his mind.

After a long time, Reze ancient **** withdrew his consciousness.

"Failed, it was so defeated ..."

He calmed down, but the wild and wild breath still shook the wind and clouds, shaking the starry sky, and the fluttering dragons and beards swept away like a group of dragons.

Zhong Yue, Emperor Long and Ying Er, stepped out of the chaotic thunder sea and looked up to this giant.

Lei Zegu stood there, facing away from them, a little bit sorrowful.

After he was conspired, Falcon also followed suit. In order to preserve himself, he had to compromise with the enemy. Reese also compromised, and the rest of Fuxi was suppressed and left alive.

One royal family after another, surrendered one after another, lost its former light, and the world restored peace.

The memories he got from the universe were just big things, but from these big things, he could see the direction of history.

Suddenly, the various planets in the Holy Land and the Reese in the heavens flew into the dragon, one after another, and several old dragons looked up, and the old eyes of the dim eyes looked at the ancient **** Reze.

Suddenly, the old dragons wept loudly and bowed down tremblingly.


"Does the ancestor remember me? I was a kid ..."

Many Reese's hula hung on their knees and fell down.

Lei Zegu looked at them, raised his hand silently, and let them stand up: "My offspring, I am ashamed of you."

Zhong Yue watched this scene silently, mixed feelings, Lei Ze ancient **** came alive, ashamed to their children and grandchildren, fortunately, Lei Ze and their ancestors. What about Fuxi?

If Fuxi Taoist can be resurrected, what will he say to Zhong Yue and to the people?

Unfortunately, Zhong Yue and the Terran no longer have such a presence, and they can guard their existence.

"I am very touched by the history of these years ..."

For a long time, the ancient **** of Reze calmed the people, turned around, and leaned down to look at Zhong Yue, Emperor Dragon, and Emperor Ying: "I am unwise and should not be convinced that the Reze family ended like this. King of Origins. I will go to the Realm to retrieve my memories of these years. Fuxi, you ... "

He showed guilt and whispered, "Your tribe, are you the only one left? Is the last one?"

Zhong Yue smiled: "I have a son."

Lei Zegu's huge eyes and pupils looked at him. In his eyes, Lei Guang was in turbulence. Suddenly he laughed and patted his palm on his shoulder. After you die, your son can still inherit the will, and the son will die and the grandson will inherit the will! This is the God of War of Fuxi, an immortal spirit! "

Zhong Yue's heart was full of feelings, the dragon fought in the wild, and his blood was yellow.

The spirit of Fuxi should be inherited from Lei Ze ancient god. This undefeated spirit is imprinted in the blood of Fuxi and passed down from generation to generation!

"Sir and be slow. There may be some hesitations about what you've been conspired on."

Zhong Yue hesitated, still telling Rezegu God truthfully what he saw in the place of origin, saying: "The King of Origins has been conspired, it should be two million years ago, as early as the era of Grand Commander, he had already Li Daitao was stiff. "

Lei Zeguo was dumb: "The King of Origins was killed? Hahahaha!"

He burst into tears with a sudden smile: "This **** opposed me from the beginning when he followed the order of the boss, but I don't know who was killed in the old nest? This **** has such a gloomy day?"

Zhong Yuedao: "The King of Origins has been resurrected by Da Shi Ming, and now he should still restore his cultivation to strength. Da Shi Ming intends to join forces with me to fight against mysterious enemies."

"Big fat!"

Lei Zegu snorted and straightened up: "He is alive too? Yes, he was blessed by so many kings of God and saved his life with his own life. He will come back to life naturally. But this time is no longer dark Time has passed, and even if he survives, he will not be able to do whatever he wants as before. "

Zhong Yue frowned slightly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Reze ancient **** apparently didn't deal with Da Shiming, and Zhong Yue saw the history of Da Shi Ming in the Tiantian Pass of Zhen Daguan, and it seemed that the history was concealed. This shows that Lei Zeguo God and Huayi Niangniang both seem to be unhappy with Da Shiming.

He also heard that at the time, the ancient gods of Reze and Huaniang were fighting against the rule of Da Shiming, and they were not in the same camp.

It seems to be true.

"Tyrant is not trustworthy!"

Lei Ze ancient **** got up and Shen said: "I will go to Lei Six Realms and get back my memories of tens of thousands of years, and my treasure congenital fruit tree! I have not used this treasure tree for a long time ... When I return to the peak, I will meet a few old friends again! Fuxi, work hard to reproduce, have more cubs! This war is not over yet, because I have not given up! "


When Lei Guang flashed, his body had disappeared, but he managed to go away.

His body is too strong, wherever he goes, the space is broken, leaving a passage.

Zhong Yue stayed, and was about to catch up, but saw that the ancient **** Lei Ze had disappeared. His speed was too fast, but he was afraid that the ancient ship with thousands of wings could not catch up, and he could not help but say: "I I also plan to ask him how he can resurrect the King of Dragons! "

Xun Long shook his head and said, "Lei Zu will not resurrect Shi Long's ancestors. Shi Long did not agree with him, and chose to use his grandfather. Moreover, Shilong used his life to protect his grandfather's life. Resurrected."

Zhong Yue stunned.

The ancient **** Lei Ze whistled away, getting faster and faster. Suddenly the thunder light suddenly stopped, and I saw the old tree in front of it was vast and towering. Under the old tree, a palm appeared, holding up the lush ancient tree of life.

"Big fatal."

The ancient **** of Reze laughed: "When I retrieve my congenital fruit tree, you see that I am scary of you!"

"Stubborn!" Da Shiming's face appeared from behind the tree, frowning.

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