Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1474: Brothers

[Title: Humanitarian Supreme body of Chapter 1474 of the brothers every narrow road: house pig]

The latest chapter of "Humanitarian Supreme" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the legend of the martial arts world, the dragon king, the legend of the Tongtian fairy road, the legendary master of the Tang gate in the alien world, the peak of eternity, the eternal heart, the alien army, the demon Yang Shaoguan.

There is a nest nest emperor holding the Xiaoxiao Palace, and he is facing the imperial Huxie ’s emperor: "Xiaowei Taoist, although you were once the emperor, the skill of the world is unparalleled, but now the path of God is extraordinary and far superior. In ancient times, if you are obsessed with obsession, I will slay you in this Xiaoxiao Baodian. As the emperor, you will cover the society, protect the peace in the Age of the Era, and have great credit. Why not give up the secret and protect your reputation? "

Emperor Xiang Wei looked at the Ling Xiao Bao Dian with serious eyes and strode to kill, but he smiled and said, "Dear brother, I know you're good. How can the Hexel race have been reversed, and I have to reverse it for the sake of race. War, regardless of righteousness, is only about victory or defeat! "

Some nest princes stepped back and did not directly collide with him, could not help but said: "Dao friends, you are so confused! Helian Guiyu is your descendant, if you do wrong, then blame him for beating him and abolish him! The reason why you are betting on your race and life? Your Hurd is a royal family that can go hand in hand with Fuxi, and the entire earth age has not let Fuxi over you. Now, in the flourishing age of the Taoism, Hercules will also shine. Reappearing the ancient edge, Taoist think twice! "

Emperor Wei frowned, killing with all his strength, coldly: "The Emperor Tai has become a congenital sacred, he will regard the world and the world as his sack. Where is the chance for my Husband to rise? If not, we must From generation to generation! "

The nest prince sighed, sacrificed the Ling Xiao Bao Temple, and bowed down, but saw the sudden sound of the emperors in the Ling Xiao Bao Temple: "There is a demon evil, please ask the Thai emperor to chop it."

"Of course."

A thick voice came from the hall, and the chapel opened wide. Like the emperor looked up at the chapel, his heart was stunned, and I saw that there were thousands of great emperors in the Lingxiaobao hall, large and small, with staggered bodies, and the center was Once the emperor was so tall and magnificent, the emperors were all encircling his way.

"This is the imprint left by the Thai emperor!"

Elephant Emperor Wei was so creepy that he turned around and walked away, but saw a knife light flying out of the hall, like the Emperor Emperor's head fell to the ground and died!

The emperor sits on the dynasty, the emperors pay homage, and the avenue is empty and immortal.

The Ling Xiao Bao Dian is the four imperial treasures, and it is indeed well-known.

The emperor of the nest threw the Ling Xiao Bao Dian, and his sleeves fluttered towards the ancestral court, where he was filled with emotion and yelled, "I have lost all my honour and reputation today, and I am not a fate or a fate. You and I are your own family, even if you die And died well. "

God Shaoyang Pass, the Great Brahma sacrifice Yuhua Yaochi according to the emperor's emperor, but see the Yaochi turned into Yaohai, majestic and magnificent, the island of Shenshan in the sea, looming in the clouds.

This Yaohai engulfed his opponent Ge Chidi, who rushed wildly out in this piece of Yaohai. Suddenly a song came and saw the waves breed and the congenital serpents played in the sea.

"Hua Ye!"

Emperor Kechi was terrified and rushed outwards, but he saw waves from the sea, the waves were getting higher and higher, the sea was the same as the sky, and the sea and the sky were the same. He couldn't break out at all.

The singing voice became more and more enthusiastic. I made a song in Taoism and sang a song of ancient prosperity. The emperor only felt that his body was getting heavier and heavier, as if bound by a serpent, and gradually tightened. The flesh could not move. The invisible innate serpent is sturdy.

Then, a feeling of being swallowed up, as if something was eaten into the stomach, and his own body and Yuanshen were melting.

The song was getting farther and lower, and after a while, the Yaohai sea was calm and restored, and the waves were getting lower and lower, sending a dead bone to the shore, the sea surface was completely calm, and it turned into a square pond.

The Great Vatican sent Yaochi out according to the emperor, left Baguan and left for the ancestral court.

In the eight stages, the four imperial treasures of Heaven are constantly changing hands. They are passed from the reincarnation emperor. Any emperor who kills his opponent immediately sends out the emperor in his hand and leaves without hesitation. The battlefield went to the ancestral court.

Over time, all the emperors left on their own, and the four emperors still circulated in the hands of the emperors in the heavenly courts, beheading and killing powerful enemies.

Seeing this, Helian Guiyu looked bleak, and next to him was a new emperor Huxley quickly said: "Your Majesty, the situation is critical now, please Her Majesty to take it!"

Helian Guiyu gritted his teeth, and was about to kill him. Suddenly, the Hux's army retreated and was chased and killed by the enemy's title. After a palace of Hux's land emperor, he fought hard to kill the defeated army to get the defeated army out of eight levels.

"Helian Guiyu, for your emperor, our 700,000-year accumulation of Huxue's has been destroyed!"

The emperor Husband's emperor was covered with blood, and the Yuanshen burned. He walked towards him, his voice rumbling and shouting, "Four hundred Hexu emperors, but less than 10% have survived today, for the position of this **** emperor Is it worth it? "

He stopped abruptly, and asked Helian Guiyu, prestigious.

After a while, a Huddler man saw that something was wrong and hurried forward to look at the Emperor Huddell. Suddenly sadness came from his heart and cried loudly: "Sanna Emperor is dead!"

The Emperor Hux's Emperor did everything he could to **** Hux's living forces to kill the eight levels, encountered the interception of the emperors, and burned his own life and burned the gods. This kept the Hux's clan, but heaven The emperor's combat power was also very important. Although he killed the siege, he also exhausted his life. After pressing Helian Guiyu, he was dead.

I was still obsessed, so I asked questions and died.

Helian Guiyu worshiped Sanna Emperor, stood up and looked at the wounded Hexun defeated army, and shouted loudly, "Is Sanna Emperor asking you the value, you have to say, value! Fuzhong Zhongshan is already congenital, Immortal, he sits on the throne of God, died without old disease, and lasts forever. The emperor sits in turns. Why is this emperor his Fuxi family? Princes, I am not a selfish person, but for the luck of the races in the world! In this position of Emperor, any race can sit! Princes, kill me back! "

He went to battle in person, led the crowd to kill Baguan, and the other defeated troops saw his spirits, so he immediately regrouped and killed Baguan again.

Around Helian Guiyu, Feng Wuji laughed: "Your Majesty's words are really deceptive and worthy of God."

Helian Guiyu said positively: "Yi Shicai's words came from his heart, and he was not selfish ..."

Feng Wuji smiled and said leisurely: "I all understand, Your Majesty need not say more. Your Majesty's presence in the army can inspire the army, but our battle is not the key to victory or defeat. The real key lies in the ancestral home, the Holy Land of Rebirth and Reincarnation. The burial area. Whichever of these three places wins is related to the victory or defeat of this battle. And the fastest result may appear in the ancestral court. "

He Lianguiyu entered the eight stages, and the emperors who guarded the eight stages swarmed to kill him. His combat power was indeed extremely strong and amazing. He alone stood against dozens of great emperors without falling into the wind, and was fluctuating. Sir, based on your Providence brain, can we win this battle? "

Feng Wuji also personally entered the battlefield to fight, and replied: "Your Majesty, wisdom is not defeated by magical powers, and his wisdom is sky-high, but there are deficiencies. The magical powers used in this battle have surpassed wisdom, and I cannot infer ... Huaiyu! "

He Lianguiyu looked for a moment, and looked at it quickly, and saw that Feng Wuji suddenly stopped fighting, but stood in a chaotic battlefield, and opposite him was a young emperor, who looked like Feng Wuji Somewhat similar.

"Son of Fengdao Zun, Emperor Huaiyu!"

He Lianguiyu quickly retreated from the emperors, struggling to kill, and said, "Mr. Wuji may not be his opponent! Feng Huaiyu, is an existence that can rival Jiuhuang's, unfathomable!"

"Go away!"

Feng Wuji suddenly became furious, and the three songs turned around and yelled at Helian Guiyu: "My housework does not require you to intervene! Whoever dares to intervene is against me!"

Helian Guiyu stopped quickly, his face was cloudy. Feng Wuji is a disciple of the sky. He has always been indifferent, and his wisdom is superb. For the first time, he saw that Feng Wuji was so furious that he even screamed at him.

However, he still needs to rely on the breath of heaven, even if he is scolded by the wind, he cannot turn his face, dozens of emperors have committed suicide again, and Helian Guiyu hastened to deal with those emperors.

Feng Wuji turned around, looking mild, looking at Feng Huaiyu, and smiling: "Huaiyu, you're grown up."

Feng Huaiyu bowed his back and said, "Brother, our brother has been gone for a long time."

"Yeah ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's almost five thousand years."

The wind whispered booly: "The five thousand years have passed away, I have been floating for five thousand years, I dare not show my head, and now I finally have a moment to raise my eyebrows. Huaiyu, I know what you want to say, or do n’t say, you Can't touch me. "

Feng Huaiyu couldn't help but said loudly: "Brother, I know you have never been completely controlled by God's will, you still have your own consciousness! Brother, come back! Don't be obsessed anymore! What is heaven? A sacrificial innate god, can Compared to your father? When you come back, we are still a family! Father, Your Majesty, will surely untie your God's will and keep you out of heaven's control! "

Feng Wuji laughed and shook his head and said, "Good brother, when I was tired of killing Grandpa when I was an ancestor, I could not turn back. Silly boy, you are still so simple, thinking that I can change my mind, but I do n’t know I'd love to be what I am now. You're asking me to rely on Zhongshan's, that's against my will. Pull out your sword and let me see how you have grown in this time. "

Feng Huaiyu's body trembled slightly, and the wind frowned, and said, "Three minds and kindness in the battlefield, do you want to die? Get up!"

The Emperor Sword came out, Feng Huaiyu fought with the sword in his hand, his face was so calm, there was nothing else in his eyes except this Emperor Sword. The wind killed him without fear, and said with a smile, "You are very fatherly! If you have the chance to kill me, don't keep it, because I will never keep it. I will use all kinds of strategies. All kinds of magical powers ... "

The care in his eyes suddenly disappeared, replaced by the cold God's will, the calculations done to the best of their ability, deduced the flaws in Fenghuaiyu magical powers, no windless humanity.

Also at this God Shaoyang Pass, the Great Emperor and others looked at the Yanhuo Emperor who was lying on the ground, looking dumb: "Yanhuo friends, what else can you say?"

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