Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1475: Authorization

[Title: Humanitarian Extreme Extreme humanitarian Chapter Contents Chapter 1475 authorization from the author: house pig]

The latest chapter of "Humanitarian Supreme" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: transcendent Tangmen masters in the other worlds Tianxian Road martial arts peak Dragon King legend eternal heart martial arts world alien army fire fire emperor and other ancient emperors were blocked by the created emperor and others for a long time, other ancient emperors After being beheaded, only the Emperor Yanhuo has a deep friendship with the Emperor of the Fortune, and sympathy, and the Emperor of the Fortune can not bear the killer. Only then will he be severely wounded and his life saved.

The Emperor Yanhuo vomited blood, and he laughed and said, "The king is defeated, and now I am defeated, how can I pretend to be a hostage? Brother, you and my friendship in the ancient times, since I have fallen today, you have to be in front of the Thai emperor A few words, lest I suffer. "

The great emperor sighed, remembering the friendship between each other, and suddenly an ancient emperor said: "We did not contribute at the beginning of the great war. Only after our six realms were destroyed, we fought to help the emperor. . In the future, the Thai emperor's liquidation will be successful.

The Great Emperor for a moment paused and said, "What does Brother Dao mean?"

The Emperor whispered: "Thai Emperor, the lord of the world, was a generation of princes, but then he launched a killing ring and killed us. Today, the emperor is still unpredictable. On top of His Holiness, he held the Void Realm again. We have no attachment to power, but we only want to enter the Void Realm for longevity. If there is not much credit, will the Thai Emperor allow us to enter the Void Realm? "

The emperor's eyes beat.

The three thousand emperors in ancient times cherished their lives, knowing that they had no holy life, long persistence for 10,000 years, and shortness was only 1,000 years. By then, Shou Yuan was exhausted, either into the void, or the spirit fluttered into the reincarnation, that Just really dead.

This battle is protracted, with countless dead souls born and wounded. In the future, it will inevitably rest, and more broken souls will need to enter the rebirth of rebirth and become a new life.

If there is no meritorious service, they may be the souls of the ancient emperors in the future, and then reincarnate to complete the souls of other races, and the void world will definitely have no part of them.

The ancient emperor whispered, "The head of the scorching Taoist is your capital for promotion. Taoist, consider it."

The Great Emperor Yanhuo quickly said: "Don't forsake him to talk nonsense! You and I have tens of thousands of years of friendship, how can you take my head to invite me?" Our friendship ... "


The Great Emperor cut off his head, and Yuan Shen also cut it off, silently retracting the head of the Yanhuo Emperor. The soul of Yanhuo Emperor has not dissipated, his head is still wide-eyed, and he sneers: "Creation, you betrayal for glory, I hate not to open your eyes to be friends with you!"

"Dao You, I have no choice but to do so. We have a long life, and the Nether Realm cannot escape!"

The Great Emperor's face was indifferent, and said, "Even if I save your life, you will not be able to enter the void, and sooner or later you will lose all your souls. Since you are destined to die, you might as well complete me, and do not hold us together."

The Emperor Yanhuo kept screaming, and after a long time, his soul disappeared.

"In the future, the Thai Emperor will reopen the void, and if we want to enter it, we need to do more!"

The Great Emperor shouted: "No matter how we are in love today, just talk about the enemy and me, and go! Kill him without leaving a piece of armor!"

Their 800 Emperors worked together, and they were truly invincible in the battlefield. They whistled together and could not resist. After all, they are the prestigious existence of the previous generation. Although the new emperor of this era also has outstanding and extraordinary generations, it is impossible for them to surpass them. The 800 Emperors joined forces to destroy them all the way.

"There is Helian Guiyu!"

Suddenly the eyes of a great emperor lighted up, and he shouted, "Take down his head, and in the future he will regain the void and be absolutely secure!"

The eight hundred emperors were so excited that they went straight to Helian Guiyu.

Among the ancestral killings, the Emperor of the Emperor reached 28th place, supplemented with 28 virtual shadows, merged with the killing, and moved with the formation to kill the Taoist **** of origin.

Dasao's heart sank slightly, and several other emperors failed to come here. They should have died in the war.

This battle is really fierce, even the former emperors and emperors cannot protect themselves.

Killing the battle rolls, trapping the Taoist **** of origin, a powerful figure emerges one after another, the most powerful of which is the presence of the three grandmothers, Huayin and Houtu, but Zhongyue's two big ghosts, The ghost image of Feng Xiaozhong and the ghost image of Fuxi Dao Zun are also extremely powerful. In addition, the emperor emperor of the twenty-eight dynasties came forward, and it is compatible with the formation method, and it is not inferior!

In this battle, everyone did their best, the hibiscus tree and the purple bamboo roots flew in the formation, suppressing the chaotic lotus roots, the origin Tao **** was trapped, and they could not rush to the left and right to kill, and they were soon bruised!

The magnificent Taoist God was trapped here and was seriously injured. The name of Zu Ting's first killing team was indeed not deceived.

But as the origin Taoist God said, the first killing team really could only hurt him without killing the emperor and the emperor.

Until the battle, he was just wounded, and there was still a long way to go before the end of the road.

At this time, the operation of killing the formation was obviously slowed down. Obviously, Zhong Yue ’s Taoist body dealt with the Taoist God of Origin and the Four-faced God at the same time.

The spirit of the origin Tao was revitalized, blocking the left and right, and blocking the attacks of everyone, Haha laughed: "It seems that the emperor's Tao can not hold it."

Suddenly there was a roar, a powerful virtual shadow, and the emperor, the grandma, the grandma, the horde, and the others were scattered and settled to solve the big battle!

The origin of Dao's face changed drastically, Dao Jie broke out, and the terrifying power destroyed the ruin, destroyed everything, and drowned him!

At the same time, the Taoist **** of origin heard another loud noise and felt another horrible wave. He knew that the four-faced **** had also encountered the Taoist magical power!

That's the great unifying power dedicated to Taoism!

At this time, Zhongyue's Taoist body suddenly urged the first killing team to erupt Dadaojietong, apparently desperately desperately, to send them all together!

The origin Tao **** roared, his body suddenly turned into a chaotic monster, sulking in the chaotic lotus, opened his mouth and swallowed the Tao!

The boundless mighty collision, Chaos Lotus actually breaks down in that horrifying and suffocating wave, turning into a bit of aura!

嘭 ——

This lotus exploded completely, and countless auras scattered!

The power of Taoism continues to shock, and the terrible waves impact the chaotic monsters. Even if the opponent is a Taoist god, it is constantly broken in this terrible wave!

After a long time, the suffocating mighty power finally dissipated, a phantom suddenly became dim, and then disappeared one after another, Dazhu, Huazhen, Houtu, and the 28 Emperors of the Emperor successively fell to the ground, panting heavily. With his anger, his strength was almost exhausted.

"Hehe ... hehe, it's a terrible first kill, and almost sent me here, almost ..."

At the place where Dao Jie bombarded, the air of chaos was filled with perspiration, and there was something in the air of chaos that was creeping, gathering, and gasping with a grin: "It's a shame ... Now, the emperor's Tao should be dead Isn't it time for me to break this first killing line! "

The air of chaos is getting thinner and lighter, revealing the huge shadow in it. Gradually, the figure of the origin **** is clear, his body is scaly, but he smiles, spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, but looks very leisurely, and looks ironically at Dayi, etc. Man, Tao: "Taoism can break the Dao Avenue of God, but it can't break chaos, it can't break my chaotic body. I have been to the future, and everyone is dead in this battle. Now it seems that although there are twists and turns, But the future is still the same. Zhujun, it's time to take you on the road! "

The grandmother burst into drink, and the sea of ​​chaos suddenly erected in her palm, clasped behind her, and stirred up all the strength as much as possible.

The mother-in-law and the mother-in-law of the rear soil each got up, urged Zizhu to the fullest, and shouted, "Have emperors of all ages, withdraw from this place!"

The first killing of the ancestral court has no masters. Now the Taoist **** of origin will be invincible. Now he can withdraw and still retain some strength!

The God of Origins said with a smile: "Go? Where can you go? This universe is so big, it is incredible to ordinary people, but it is not so much to me. Even if you go back to the future, Can't escape it! "

The nest emperor laughed and said, "Since this is the case, we still don't leave. Three old ancestors, we stay and fight to death!"


A respected emperor laughed and laughed: "Decisive battle!"

The God of Origins laughed, "It's easy to kill you!"

His words just came to an end, and suddenly, the first killing line started again ~ www.readwn.com ~ a statue of virtual image emerged, once again compatible with the big aunt, Hua Ao, Hou Tu Niangniang and others!

The crowd was stunned, and Daxie laughed: "It seems that the emperor's Tao is not dead yet! Origin brother, how long can you persist?"

Origin Tao God's face changed greatly.

Over the ancestral abyss, Zhong Yue ’s body exhausted all its strength, the Yuanshen dissipated, the flesh grew old rapidly, and fell from above into the endless dark abyss below.

At this moment, a light flew up, holding him slowly.

"The emperor ..."

Zhong Yue opened her eyes, saw the hazy shadow, recognized the person holding him, and suddenly he coughed blood violently, and sat up.

Zhonghuang God bowed down and worshiped: "Father Emperor, sons and daughters are not filial, but still out of the circle of reincarnation! Father Emperor exhausted, sons and daughters came to take over the ancestral court, and they are about to destroy the origin and the four-faced god!

Zhong Yue's body was withering, and her hair was pale and gray, her old tears were turbid, and she shivered, "You came out, are my children and my children all going to die in this battle? No, no, my children, It's all Fuxi, and according to my temperament, I am very obstinate. The Emperor God's orders! "

The Emperor Zhonghuang is indifferent.

Zhong Yue lifted up the Emperor's authority, slowly dropped it, and placed it gently in his hands: "In the past, the ancestral court was in danger, and you were a young person in the ancestral court to stop the calamity. When this was in danger, I was the leader of the Fuxi clan. Grant this authority to you. Hold this authority, the fate of the family of Fuxi is tied to you. You are born, Fuxi is born, you die, Fuxi cannot die! This authority is power, but also a burden. When you catch it, you will Live for it, die for it! "

The Emperor Zhonghuang took power with both hands and solemnly said, "Children, be authorized!"

Zhong Yue's body showed a smile, and the flesh was rotten. He raised his hand and gently touched his head, and then the flesh body **** was completely destroyed, as if the glass was broken.

The Emperor Zhonghuang bowed his head, straightened his waist, and offered authority. 166 novel reading network

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