Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1476: Thai emperor exit

[Title: Humanitarian Supreme body of the King of Thailand Chapter 1476 OFF ON: house pig]

The latest chapter of "Humanitarian Supreme" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Wu Lianfeng, the extraordinary, the eternal heart, and the legend of the dragon king. Tangmen masters in the world of alien martial arts. Don't dare to slack off and die! "

The Emperor Zhonghuang furiously rushed to the crown, fully controlled the power, and mobilized the ancestral formations!

The origin Dao God thought that Zhong Yue's Tao was in control of the ancestral court, and he was stunned and somewhat expectant. It was beyond his expectation that Zhong Yue's Tao could persist for so long. According to his calculations, Zhong Yue's Tao had reached the present level. The oil is dry and the lamp is dry. After performing the Taoist solution, he must also do it. The avenue disintegrates, the physical body does not exist, and the Yuanshen annihilates.

But now Zhongyue's Tao actually persists, but it should be just the return of light before death.

He didn't know that Zhong Huangshen controlled the ancestral court. Zhong Huangshen's control and understanding of the ancestral battlefield were not as good as Zhong Yue's, so that the formation was a little negligent and the formation was not working as expected.

At this time, if the origin Taoist **** escaped, he could rush out of the first killing line, and he thought that it was Zhong Yue ’s Taoist body that controlled the ancestral courtyard. If he wanted to endure the Zhong Yue Taoic body for a while, he lost the opportunity to escape from the ancestral courtyard. .

Zhong Huangshen is more and more proficient in controlling the battlefield of Zu Ting, because he has spent thousands of years in the cycle of reincarnation to realize the cycle of reincarnation, so that he can jump out of the cycle of reincarnation. The cycle of matrix formations is changing, so over time, his understanding of matrix formations has deepened, and the power of killing arrays has also grown.

By the time the origin gods realized that it was not good, the opportunity to escape the ancestral court had been lost!

Zhong Huangshen's control of the battle array becomes more and more calm, but the consumption of the battle array is also incredible. It requires not only strong wisdom, but also the highest understanding of the seven reincarnations!

Zhong Yue is one of the Taoists who established the foundation of the seven reincarnation practice system. Although it is not the first existence of the seven reincarnation, it has been cultivated into the space seven and the Zhouguang seven, and it operates calmly for other types of seven reincarnation. Switching is superb.

Zhong Yue's life was struggling between difficulties and death. He fought fiercely against the most powerful enemy, and watched his life with his life. Therefore, although he was a man, he had great achievements.

Although Zhong Huangshen is exceptionally talented and rare in the world, there is no life like Zhong Yue who is struggling to survive, so the realization of the seven reincarnations is limited to himself.

In his early years, Zhong Huangshen experienced great hardships and hardships, and became a blockbuster, but after Zhongyue's stability, he lost a few chances to struggle and struggled. Without the struggle and ups and downs in the sea of ​​hardships, there was no boundless achievement.

And this time, the race is in danger, the imperial dynasty is in danger, and the spirit, potential, vision, and fighting spirit of Zhong Huangshen have been aroused again.

Even so, the burden of manipulating the ancestral courtyard is unimaginable. Even Zhong Yue's Taoist body can't escape death. Even if he improves himself in the course of hardening, he will sooner or later be exhausted and exhausted. And go!

The Emperor Zhonghuang knew that this would be his own ending, but he had no other things, he did not take his own life as his intention, and wholeheartedly maintained the operation of killing.

"Thai Emperor Tao, can't persist for so long!"

The origin Tao God is getting more and more panicked, and the large array is still running. It seems that "Zhongyue Taoshen" has endless mana, endless energy, endless power, and continues to refine until he is condemned to death!

Taoism is not so easy to kill, but the power of Taoism is not endless. In the past, even the boss who controlled the avenue of life could be killed, not to mention him?

"I can still insist, but the four-faced **** is not yet a Taoist realm. He has withstood the impact of the last Taoist solution. Although it is a little weaker than the Taoist solution I have suffered, he can also be hit harder and his injury than I am heavier. Can he persist? "

The Taoist God of origin is getting heavier and heavier. At present, "Zhongyue Tao" still shows no signs of exhaustion, making him unable to crack the first battle.

The person who can solve this situation is probably the saint king.

The saintly king of samsara can crack Zhong Yue's plot against the black and white emperors, and the lower bound of the black and white emperors can determine the overall situation.

"If the two black and white emperors can't go down, then the future will no longer be the pictures we see! However, the reincarnation saint king should also be taken care of by the emperor of Thailand, and he will inevitably be trapped by him. Take control of the reincarnation avenue, as well as the reincarnation holy land, knowing that you can be resurrected in the holy land even if you are dead! "

The God of Origin said: "Now, you have only died once, resurrected from the samsara of reincarnation, and break this deadlock! I wonder if you can come up with this key? Or, do you not want to die?"

The two black and white emperors were trapped in the world by Zhong Yue. This is something they never expected, and it is very different from the pictures they will see in the future.

In the future pictures, Daxu, Lei Ze, Huaxu, Houtu, and others have all died, and the emperor and emperor of the past have also become graves. In this battle, Feng Daozun did not go down to the Dao, but the two black and white emperors participated as the main force, which played a vital role in breaking the ancestral court and breaking the heavens!

But now, the second emperor in black and white is trapped in the world by Zhong Yue. Without them, the outcome of this battle is unpredictable.

"Origin and the Four-faced God have been trapped in the ancestral court for so long. Why hasn't the ancestors been cracked?"

In the sacred place of rebirth, the reincarnation saint king was trapped, slamming left and right, but was unable to break out of the siege. In order to deal with his reincarnation avenue, the people blocked the time and space. Avenue, so that he cannot go past and future to avoid this siege.

Reincarnation rattan is the foundation of the seventh zone, entangled him, entangled his avenue, so that he could not leave the seventh cycle of reincarnation.

However, it is impossible for people such as Li Ming and oracles to kill him. At that time, Zhong Yue did not kill the reincarnation saint. The reincarnation saint's combat power was not at the highest levels, such as origin, four-faced **** and zhongyue, but his path of reincarnation was exquisite. It was not pure power that could kill him.

"Origin and the Four-faced God must have encountered other changes!"

In the heart of the saint reincarnation, suddenly the key came to mind: "It seems that the origin can't solve the deadlock and let the black and white emperors go to the lower bounds. Only I can solve the deadlock by myself! I need to die once and regenerate!"

Over the ancestral court, on the nose of the giant Void Bell, another saint saint king stood there, watching the battle, anxious in his heart, secretly saying, "Seven wise men and chaos let me stand here, it seems that I should also wait This decisive battle. Why has n’t I been ordered to attack? Heaven ’s situation is a little bad now! Is n’t Tian ’s subordinate also? Do you sit and watch the sky buried by the buried spirit and the emperor burned to death? ”

Suddenly, he had a peculiar induction, and he couldn't help but hesitated, then he was overjoyed: "Another I'm dead? Strange, it's really weird! How could this sudden death be so strong? Yes, he committed suicide Get out, return to the sacred place of reincarnation, rebirth of rebirth! Oh, want to be beautiful! While you are ill, you will die! Your rebirth will be much weaker than before in a short time. This is a great opportunity for me to devour you to refine you! "

The reincarnation saint was about to move, and was about to return to the reincarnation holy land. Suddenly his body stiffened and stopped.

I saw a seven-chaos chaos man walking towards the battlefield.

Qiqiao Chaos God-Man has a chaos contract with him, and he does not dare to violate the two's agreement. He can only press the anxiety in his heart and wait for Qiqiao God-Man's order.

"Not the same, not the future I see ..."

Qiqiao Chaos, the God-Man did not order him to enter the battlefield, but mumbled to himself, with an inexplicable confusion in his tone: "Why is it different? Obviously the emperor of Thailand has already lost at this time, and the ancestral court has been broken ..."

The reincarnation saint did not dare to talk much, his heart was restless, and he wished to immediately fly into the reincarnation holy land and swallow another one.

"But the end of this war should still be the same as before?"

Qiqiao Shenren whispered: "Although the details have changed, the reincarnation saint has jumped out of the siege. The reincarnation avenue is mysterious. He can use the reincarnation avenue to reincarnate quickly, and then use his reincarnation avenue to bring the two black and white emperors to the In the reincarnation of the Tao world, the two black and white emperors entered the war, and the ending is no different from the future I see. "

The reincarnation saints kept talking, and the Qiqiao **** man looked at him indifferently and said, "You want to devour another you? What you can't do, even if he is born again, he can't devour him with your ability. In what I see In the future, you will be swallowed by him. "

Reincarnation saintly lost his voice: "I am dead?"

Qiqiao Shenren nodded and said indifferently, "But this time you won't die. This time ... eh? Impossible!"

He was so full of energy and turbulence that he was obviously surprised to the point that he couldn't keep his mind steady!

The reincarnation saint king also looked to the heaven court, his face could not help but change greatly, and saw that in the heaven court, the unparalleled heaven emperor stepped out of the reincarnation celestial sphere and looked down at the battlefield below!

"Thai Emperor is out?"

The samsara saintly lost his voice: "Is he going to be a deadly fight? Not good! He went straight to the samsara burial area, and the heavenly friends are in danger! God man ~ www.readwn.com ~ only you can stop him! It's too late!"

The Qiqiao Shenren didn't bother, but lost his voice: "Why go to the samsara burial area? Why not go to the samsara reincarnation? His choice is completely different from the future choice!"

Reincarnation area 7, the tenth day, funeral.

Emperor Changsheng suddenly felt something, hurriedly looked up, and saw hundreds of holy medicine hola la fly, and he couldn't help ecstasy, many of them took the holy medicine all at once and devoured it.

He and the King of Heaven and the Moon God were trapped in the burial heaven. The King of the Burning God and the God of Burial Spirit led the three hundred emperors and countless burial area gods. The King of the Moon God had been killed alive, and they Both were also wounded.

As one of the three sacred places in the seventh area of ​​reincarnation, the Thai emperor attaches great importance to the sacrificial burial area. The 800 emperors in the burial area are the elite among the emperors. Hierarchical and top-of-the-line.

In order to kill Tian and Changsheng, these emperors repeatedly used the great unified powers. Tian's forty-nine heavens could not be resisted, and were repeatedly hit.

Emperor Changsheng also repeatedly appeared the spirit root body, but because he was broken once by the big cricket, he was not defeated.

And now there are hundreds of holy medicines suddenly flying, can Emperor Changsheng not be pleased? After swallowing these hundreds of holy medicines, his strength will leaps and bounds. Even without the dozens of holy medicines in his hands, his combat power can be elevated to the level of heaven!

Emperor Changsheng had just swallowed the hundreds of holy medicine, and suddenly a large hand passed through the heavy array of funeral spirits and Emperor Fen Tian, ​​pinched his neck, shook hard, Emperor Changsheng screamed, and could not help himself Out of the root of the spirit, and then greeted him is a great emperor on the shore, opened his mouth, apparently intending to eat him!

"Thai Emperor!"

Emperor Changsheng cried, "You can't eat me! I'm poisonous-"

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