Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1477: Break the cycle

[Title: supreme body of humanity to break the cycle of Chapter 1477: the pig house]

The latest chapter of "Humanitarian Supreme" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The eternal heart, Wu Lian, the pinnacle, and the master of Tianxian Road, who passed the gate of the Tang Dynasty in the legend of the Dragon King in another world, appeared in the reincarnation burial area. The heavenly court went straight down to the reincarnation area, and the hundreds of holy medicines that had just been swallowed by Emperor Changsheng were also released, and they were deliberately given to Emperor Changsheng to devour refining and fusion. .Fastest update

Emperor Changsheng was originally the root of the Holy Spirit. A root root broke down into 10,000 kinds of holy medicine, and each kind of holy medicine had different characteristics. Among them, as the Emperor Changsheng said, it is highly toxic and can poison the Emperor!

But Zhong Yue didn't take it at all, and in the shouting voice of Emperor Changsheng Emperor directly inserted him into the mouth and swallowed it!

Aside, Tianmao was horrified. If it weren't for the 800-strong emperor's law formation, such as the funeral spirit and Emperor Tiantian, he would have fled a long time ago, how far he fled!

Zhong Yue swallowed the Emperor Changsheng with a bang, and suddenly a loud noise blew away from the sky. The voice came from outside the sky: "The funeral spirit, the emperor burned the sky, this is the funeral sky. Do n’t let down the name of this sky. , Buried this Protestant age! "

The burial spirit kings, emperors burned the heavens and the emperors, as well as the countless spirits of spirits and spirits, were exuberant, the call was thunderous, the array was more violent, and they went to heaven!

"You can't kill me!"

The sky burst and drank, resisted, and was spitting blood by the formation, screaming: "In the future, you will all die in this battle, and I survive, and in the final battle, I beheaded and killed my brother and other origins. Thai Emperor! "

He blew through the sky, his voice continued: "The emperor did not kill me, but he was in danger. He did not kill me at all, but to borrow your hand!"

The eight hundred emperors, such as the burial spirit king, turned a deaf ear, and the formation rolled, flooding the sky.

At this time, the two black and white emperors in the gate of the Tao Realm were still trapped inside the door and could not go out. Suddenly, the two black and white emperors in the Door of the Tao realm showed joy, and then their body disappeared from the Tao realm and appeared in the Tao realm. in.

"Two brothers, it's not too late!"

The reincarnation saint has been resurrected from the reincarnation holy land, but he is still a little weak, and immediately decided: "The origin brother and the four-faced **** are trapped in the ancestral court, and the two pals are also requested to break the ancestral court!"

The two black and white emperors merged into one, and the two voices laughed in unison: "The origin brother and the chaotic brother are so embarrassed, it is surprisingly rare, but this time their two brothers need not worry. In this battle, with us, the winning ticket is already in hand! "

The two turned into a black, white and two lights and went straight to the ancestral court. The saint reincarnation hurriedly chased after him, intending to join forces to break the ancestral battlefield.

Bai Di laughed: "The complete Tao realm is extraordinary, and now you and I are only as good as the Thai Emperor. This is the real realm of Taoism!"

The black emperor Shen said, "Bai Di's brother Xiu should praise him. The Thai emperor did have some skills. He had to surpass us a lot in the past, chasing us from the present to the past, from the past to the future. We only rely on samsara now. The sacred king ’s reincarnation avenue temporarily jumped out of the Taoist trap, which is not the true Taoist god. He should be one point worse than him. "

Baidi haha ​​laughed: "You and I have fought all my life, but I didn't expect to have a chance to join forces. You and I are fighting alone, not the Thai King's opponent, but we are united together, and the Thai King is not our enemy!"

The Black Emperor thought deeply and nodded: "Thai Emperor ... Thai Emperor!"

In front of the three people, the huge reincarnation howls and turns, which is the eight reincarnation formed by the time and space of the reincarnation avenue. It is extremely overbearing. It passes directly over the three people. The three have no time to see the eight revolving reincarnations. The figure of the emperor.

They were flying head-on, and the speed of the two groups of horses was extremely fast, and in an instant they didn't know how far apart, and both sides had no time to start with each other.

The three saint kings of reincarnation were all dumb, the black and white emperors were sweating coldly, and secretly fortunately.

"The Emperor of Thailand never saw us. I didn't have time to see it."

Bai Di breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "This **** actually stopped retreating to deal with the chaos contract and Dao Daoguang. He jumped out and looked at the situation like it went straight to Dao Dao. Is it because he died slowly? "

He suddenly came to his senses, his face changed dramatically, and he lost his voice: "He is not going to the Tao world, but to go to the Tao world! He is trying to save that person!"

The Black Emperor and the Reincarnation King were both shocked, and the Black Emperor shouted, "You must not let him unlock the man's Taoist trap and let the man out! Let's kill it back!"

The saint king looked pale and murmured: "It's too late, too late, the Thai emperor has already reached the Taoist reincarnation. I feel that he is touching the reincarnation avenue that I have left in that person ... Go! Let's go, first Rescue the God of Origin and the Four-faced God and plan again, otherwise the man will be released. With him and Thai Emperor, we will all die in the ancestral court! "

The three were galloping and screaming away.

During the reincarnation of Taoism, Zhongyue stood on the platform of the giant reincarnation sacred ground, and the reincarnation avenue roared and cut into the Taoism.


He calmly said, "Don't wake up yet? I need you."

A figure of a middle-aged man appeared in the portal in the gate of the Tao world, and the figure gradually became clear.

The door widened and he stepped out.



When they saw each other, Zhong Yue could hardly suppress the Tao Dao Guang in his body. The Dao Dao was too close. The power of the Dao Dao that shuttled quickly on his reincarnation avenue was also increasing. ! "

Feng Xiaozhong nodded and drifted away.

"You can rest assured that I am here."

His voice came from far away: "Aren't you coming together? I see that there is a lot of light in your body. It should be that you have eaten a spiritual root, is it Emperor Changsheng? You have eaten him and promote your physical body. , Suppressing the brand of chaos, as long as you do n’t encounter the saintly king of reincarnation, it will not be a big deal. I will help you kill the saintly king of reincarnation, you can rest assured. "

Zhong Yue shook her head, and the voice went far away: "Brother goes one step ahead. I have some doubts. I need to go to another place to see the Taoist friend."

Feng Xiaozhong's body disappeared.

Zhong Yue fixed his mind and looked to the sky above the ancestral and heavenly courts. Although the Void Bell is invisible and like the void, he seems to be able to see it.

The saintly saintly king was shocked in his heart, and then thought that he was surrounded by the mysterious Qiqiao Shenren, and his courage returned.

However, Zhong Yue did not walk towards the Void Bell, but sank in a slump. The light wheel in his head rotated and cut away from the heavy space along the seventh cycle of reincarnation. Before long, his body suddenly changed from the seventh cycle of reincarnation. Disappeared in the area.

"Where has the Emperor Thai gone?" The reincarnation saint Wang looked around in sixteen, never seeing Zhong Yue's trace, and asked quickly.

Qi Tiao Chaoren's tone is also a little unsure, saying: "He should want to jump out of time and space and change the future. But can the future really change?"

Reincarnation of the Holy King is puzzled.

Qiqiao Shenren continued: "Time is a cycle of constant reincarnation. Past things and future things are immutable. For chaos, the past and future are established facts. Changing the future is not like a boss The fate is so simple. You want to change the future. When you look back into the future, every step you take to change the future is doomed. But he wants to jump out of this cycle. In theory, he does n’t have this. Ability, it ’s just that the scene in front of me and the future I have seen are already quite different ... "

He also has a lot of doubts and puzzles, which is difficult to figure out.

The reincarnation saint hesitated, and said, "Feng Daozun was released by the Emperor Tai from the Tao realm, and the two black and white emperors were also released. This war has many variables. Do we need to participate in the war? If we do not participate in the war ... ... "


The Seven Gods Man raised his hand and said, "I need to take another look, and take another look ... Unlike the future I know, the impact of this change is far-reaching. I want to see what he intends to do. . "

The reincarnation saint King couldn't help but said, "The sky is going to be killed!"

"Well." Qiqiao God Man carelessly said.

The reincarnation of the Holy King was cold.

In the holy place of death, the gods and demons Taiji City, the Emperor Wudi, the Shouniangniang, and the twenty emperors were rushing to the ancestral court, and everyone passed the eight barriers. They did not care about the battle conditions of the eight barriers and flew to the ancestral court.

Sacrifice Emperor Shen said: "The ancestral court is very important. His Majesty is afraid that he cannot hold it anymore. There is our battle in the ancestral court. We are compatible with the ancestral court before we can kill the origin **** and all sides. God! "

The speed of the demon Taiji City is extremely fast, but it still slows to fly to the ancestral court. Lei Zemu suddenly shakes his body ~ www.readwn.com ~ turns into the body of the dragon, and exclaims: "You come to my back!"

"Brother, it's me!"

Shilong Shenwang flew to him, and said loudly, "I am faster than you, and I all come to the boat!"

Twenty emperors, Emperor Wudi, and Fuxi boarded the ship one after another, and the goddess, goddess and thunder, as well as the commander, boarded the ancient ship, the dragon of the first dragon shouted, and the ancient ship with thousands of wings broke and disappeared. !!

After all, this ancient ship was a treasure refined by the **** king of the dark age, and coupled with the speed of the king of dragons, he came to the ancestral hall within a short time, and the ancient ship with thousands of wings was about to enter the battlefield. I saw black light and white light in the air covering half of the sky.

"Black Emperor and White Emperor ..."

The hearts of everyone on the boat were cold, and I saw the dark and white light converging and rushed to the ancestors!

"You get in first! I'll stop them!"

The goddess stood up, turned into an innate serpent and walked between the black and yellow, and greeted the black light and white light. Only listening to the loud noise, the big snake was intertwined with black light and white light. It was cut off immediately, and the goddess' head fell .

"younger sister!"

The goddess yelled, suddenly raised her foot and kicked heavily, kicked the ancient ship with thousands of wings into the ancestral courtyard, and flew into the black and white emperor.

"You guys enter!"

Lei Ze Shenlong also roared, rushed into the air to intercept the two black and white emperors, and a violent shock came from the air. The dragon head and the snake head successively fell.

On the other hand, the King of the Dragon Dragon rushed into the ancestral courtyard with everyone on board, and a respected emperor rose up one after another, each compatible with his own formation.

"Shilong ancestors, let's go to the formation center!" Sheng Wudi urged.

The Qianyi ancient ship sailed towards the abyss. At this time, under the Ninth Divine City in the ancient universe, Zhong Yue appeared there, looking up to the front, where is the holy place of origin. (To be continued ...)

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