Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1479: Out of samsara

[Title: supreme body of humanity out of the cycle of the first chapter of 1479: the pig house]

The latest chapter of "Humanity Supreme" pro ~ This site's domain name: The shorthand homonym of "166 小说", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The eternal heart is extraordinary, and the masters of Tianxian Road martial arts reach the peak. Tangmen masters in the other world Dragon King legend Wushen world, the alien army, too old God King is extremely wrong, the spirit is almost disordered, and his voice cried: "Your Majesty, your It means that the King of Origins and the God of Origins are actually the same person? Both origins are the same guy? So why would he eat himself and why would he sit and wait to kill himself?

Although Tai Sui Wang is huge, he is full of flesh and has no brain. Some places are unexpected, which is reasonable. .Fastest update

Zhong Yue's cold eyes fell on the God of Origins, and said indifferently, "Isn't this just forming a closed cycle? It all started three million years ago. It turned into a chaotic origin. It landed on the shore from the sea of ​​chaos and ate it. Seeing his King of the Sun, then sneaked into the holy place of origin, and swallowed his predecessor, the king of origin. But the king of origin did not die, and after three million years, the prince would resurrect the king of origin. The resurrected The King of Origins was betrayed by his grandfather, and then went into chaos and turned into chaotic origin. He went back ashore and swallowed himself three million years ago. What a perfect reincarnation loop can not help but admire. "

"But, but ..."

The Taishou God King felt that his thinking was completely confused, and murmured, "Did he not wrap himself in? Go ashore, kill yourself, then resurrect your former self, then enter chaos, then go ashore and kill yourself. Then be killed Resurrect myself, go into chaos, then go ashore and kill myself ... No, my head is going to burst! "

"Too old, you have no head at all." Zhong Yue shook her head and smiled.


A soft noise came, and the flamboyant Tai Sui Wang suddenly developed a head, but the head of the grandfather's life had been absorbed by him a lot, the flesh and blood was horrible.

"Your Majesty, I have a head, you see, you see!" Shouted Tai Sui God King.

Zhong Yue could not help but laughed and said, "The consciousness of Da Siming has been cut by the Tao world. Even if you refine his head, you will not become smarter. Let me tell you. The avenue is too great, not in reincarnation. If the avenue of this holy place is named, I call it the avenue of origin. The key to jumping out of reincarnation is the avenue of origin. The avenue of origin is really amazing ... "

He reached out and stroked lightly, and a circle appeared in front of him, saying, "The situation you said is like this circle, reciprocating, trapping yourself in reincarnation, and you can never be relieved. But the avenue of origin is not in reincarnation. In other words, this reincarnation cannot trap the King of Origins. "

With a slight flick, the ring was cut into a small opening and extended a line, saying: "This line is the origin **** of revenge success, which is the origin god. He jumped out of this reincarnation, Not in reincarnation. "

The too old **** Wang seemed to understand, he shrank his head back and murmured, "When I refine this head, I will have a brain. It must be so good, I will be strong and smart ... ... "

Zhong Yue could not cry or laugh. The God of Origin below was gloomy and coldly: "Poor, really pathetic! The grand life of the first life in the cosmic universe has turned into the only funny thing under the emperor's hands, making me funny. Nausea and sympathy again! "

The Tai Sui Wang was furious and shouted, "Someone, don't go, fight the Tai Su Grandpa for 300 rounds!"

The God of Origin no longer cares about him, and said coldly: "Your Majesty, you have talked too much! Even I myself did not think so much, even Your Majesty said it. Is His Majesty not afraid, I will take advantage of it in the future after I land Will you kill you as soon as you are born? Your innate creatures are just our congenital devil's playthings, food, and hypocrisy. This will give you the heavens and the earth, and Your Majesty, I do not know how to be grateful, will slay us innately. Let the acquired souls occupy the orthodoxy! After I go ashore, in addition to revenge on the boss, I will make a mess anyway! "

Zhong Yue was shocked and shook her head with a smile: "Origin Brother, I came to see you, do you know what happened?"

The God of Origin stepped up refining the Chaos Drift Bottle, and said, "Do n’t you come to kill me? You are useless even if you kill me. The origin God of God who jumped out of chaos has stripped time and jumped out of the cycle of time and space. , Kill me and he still exists, you can't change anything! You ... "

He showed contempt: "It is destined to be my plaything ashore! You will be juggled by me time and time again and again and again and again, and you will never jump out! The innate soul is the only thing in life!"

"I can change one thing."

Zhongyue Sacrificial Sword, "You can borrow the Avenue of Origin and jump out of my reincarnation!"

"Well, to jump out of this space-time reincarnation, no longer in the loop, no more reincarnation! Origin Brother, I need your Avenue of Origins to complete this feat!"

The sword lights up and cuts to the King of Origins!

The King of Origins flew into the Chaos Bottle at the moment his sword lighted up, while the flesh jumped to Chaos!

Daoguang was cut off, the origin of the King of God was different, and his consciousness pouring into the chaos bottle was also swept away by Daoguang and cut off!

A light noise came, and the Chaos Drifting Bottle fell into the chaos and disappeared. Detective Zhongyue grabbed the chaos, but caught an empty space, but had no time to fish out the flesh of the God of Origin, but saw that the flesh of the God of Origin was small. Half a body.

The Taishou God King trembled, "His Majesty, he fled for half a body? Will there be a problem? This magister took the magical powers of this life, seven reincarnations, went ashore from three million years ago, will he ..."

Zhong Yue frowned, and said, "You can rest assured that I've cut off most of his consciousness. He can't remember all the things in this life, even if there is memory, it's incomplete. No wonder ..."

He has a weird look. It is no wonder that the Taoist God of Origin didn't care much about Zhong Yue earlier, and always indulged him to grow up.

The origin Taoism understands the six reincarnations and seven reincarnations not as good as Zhong Yue and Feng Xiaozhong, but not as Fu Daozun. It was here that Zhong Yue was cut off by the previous memory.

In the chaos drift bottle, there is not much left of his consciousness, and in drifting in the chaos, his consciousness cannot see the past and future of time through the drift bottle.

He is afraid that there are only a few memories left, such as revenge on the boss, such as destroying the orthodoxy of the innate soul.

Too old **** Wang breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled: "Then I will rest assured, this is my life ... Your majesty what are you doing? Your majesty you are going to eat ..."

"To shut up!"

Zhong Yue took a sip and swallowed half of the King of Origins God. The Taishou King of God was so frightened that his body was fluttering and trembling, and he flew outwards.

Detective Zhongyue grabbed him with fat and carried him back. Taishou God King cried, "Don't eat me, don't eat me! I'm not delicious at all ..."

Zhong Yue held him on the ground and yelled, "Speak less! I only get half the avenue of origin. If you call again, you will be eaten too!"

Tai Sui God King quickly and honestly did not dare to move.

Zhong Yue worked hard to refine the origin of the King of the Origin, and extracted the Avenue of Origin from it. After a long time, he calmly said, "Too old, follow me."

Tai Sui, the **** king, beat and followed him, whispering in his heart: "Thai emperor was ferocious, he first ate the emperor, and now he eats the king of origin, and he keeps me in Does he have to eat by my side? Yes, he must be waiting for me to refine this head before eating me ... This head is so fragrant ... "

Zhong Yue took the Taishou God King out of the holy place of origin. He suspected that he was walking too slowly, and directly brought him into his own mysterious realm. He scared the Taishou God King to death, thinking he was going to be eaten.

The ancestral court is still killing the world, the sun and the moon are dim, and Feng Xiaozhong's figure appears there. Taoism at the level of Taoism is truly amazing.

However, Zhong Yue did not go to the ancestral court. The seven reincarnations in the back of her head suddenly rotated, and the reincarnation avenues flew out, uniting the reincarnation, forming the eighth reincarnation.

"He was going to go three million years ago to witness this history and see how the God of Origins jumped out of the reincarnation!"

After eight rounds of reincarnation, his figure disappeared.

Three million years ago, in the dark age, huge reincarnation cut through time and space. Zhong Yue appeared in this ancient age. The pressure of time and space was extremely tyrannical and forced him back to his age.

Zhong Yue snorted and suppressed the restlessness of time and space. UU read a book www.uukanshu.com and went to the Tanggu Holy Land.

The sacred place of Yugu, the domain of the Archaeological King of the Sun, the huge root of the hibiscus tree is like a torch in the dark universe. It burns and stands on the sea of ​​chaotic fire.

The Great King of the Sun occupies this spiritual root, devours the chaos fire of refinement, and becomes strong, but it is a powerful party that occupies the vast starry sky of the ancient universe.

This **** king is extremely cruel and perched on the root of the hibiscus tree. There are countless creatures in the soup valley. He is oppressed by the **** king's ethnic group. He sacrifices day and night and presents young and beautiful women of all ethnic groups. He will be swallowed up by the great king of the sun.

When Zhong Yue came here, the King of the Big Sun was sleeping, and the people of the King of the Gods had prepared a million young and delicious girls, only to wait for the King of God to wake up.

Not long after, the sea of ​​chaos suddenly fluctuated. A chaos kicked a bottle and a large piece of meat from the chaos to the shore, apparently thinking that this was not something in the chaos. It was necessary to drive the bottle and that piece of meat out of the chaos.

In Zhong Yue's mysterious realm, Tai Sui Wang was shocked and happy, and shouted, "That piece of meat is me! That bottle ..."

The mouth of the bottle suddenly opened, and a consciousness took the opportunity to get into the chaos. The chaos was full of horror. Suddenly there was consciousness, and then he went ashore. Those beings swallowed up and went away.

After a while, the King of the Sun was reborn, and his anger was irresistible. He searched for the enemy everywhere, but did not find the enemy. He only found an unknown piece of meat beside the sea of ​​chaos.

The enraged Dainichi King swallowed the Taisui God King, and after a few days, he could not digest it, vomited the Taisui God King, and kicked the Taisui God King out of Yugu.

At this time, Zhong Yue came outside the holy place of origin, but saw the chaotic creatures sneak into the holy place of origin, but they still could not enter the holy place of origin. 166 novel reading network

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