Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1480: Teana

[Title: Humanitarian Supreme body of the 1480 Chapter of the day perish: house pig]

The latest chapter of "Humanitarian Supreme" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Dragon King legends Tangmen masters in an alien world Tianxian Road Eternal Heart Martial arts world martial arts refining the peak of the alien army "He devoured the past himself, the former origin **** king, in order to get out of the path of samsara origin . But the origin of the Taoism at this time should not know much about the future. "

Zhong Yue looked at the Holy Land of Origin, his eyes flickered, and he whispered, "He was chopped by me, and not many memories have been saved. I have understood his way out of reincarnation. At this time, he became the origin of a new reincarnation. But you have to determine my reincarnation in time and space ... The key to this victory is not in the battlefield, but whether I can jump out of my reincarnation! "

He was shaking and disappeared from the past.

Soon after, Zhong Yue returned to the present, but did not stop, but continued to move forward to the future. The future picture is intermittent. For the living creatures in this universe, the future is unknown. It has not been determined. The change of any idea of ​​any living creature may change the future.

But for chaos, the future is certain.

Chaotic creatures swim in time, because time is clear, they can swim between the past and the future, which shows that all time, whether past or future, is known to chaotic creatures and is immutable.

That is to say, everything that happens in time is a given, it is the past, even the future!

This shows that the future is a cycle.

If you want to change the future, then you have to jump out of this cycle!

Now, Zhong Yue sees the future picture of himself and the entire imperial dynasty, indicating that he is still in a big reincarnation in the future. Even if any effort is struggling, it is part of this great reincarnation.

Da Shiming struggled hard, and was ultimately part of this reincarnation, and failed to escape.

He thought that the way to escape was to open up the Dao, but it was the opening of the Dao that made him a part of reincarnation, and died in the Dao of Dao.

Zhong Yue came to a future that was already chaotic and fuzzy, and there was chaos here, but the pictures about him and the imperial dynasty were still there, but there were only slight changes.

For example, some of the existences that were determined to have died in this battle in the future pictures are still alive, the existences that have been determined to survive, and are now dead.

He walked forward, trying to get into these pictures, but found that he couldn't get into them anyway.

He came to the final scene and saw himself siege by Origin, Heaven, Four-faced God, Black and White Emperor, King of Reincarnation, etc. When he died, chaos imprinted and his body was drowned.

The Taisui God King saw this scene in his meta mysterious realm, and wanted to speak, but did not dare to speak.

He was worried that his words were a bit too much and would anger Zhong Yue.

After all, Zhong Yue was extremely ferocious in his eyes, and even swallowed the God of Origin, which angered Zhong Yue and probably swallowed him!

Zhong Yue raised her palm and gently covered her chest. There was his Chaos Brand, but the Chaos Brand had disappeared and he was moved to his future self.

When he used the reincarnation to move the brand of chaos, he felt a strange disturbance. Under the influence of that disturbance, he could only transfer the brand of chaos to himself 50 years later.

Now he finally understands that the battle in the picture should take place fifty years later.

Fifty years later, he died in the hands of origin and others. Since he no longer exists, he cannot move the brand of chaos to a more distant future.

"Fifty years later, will it be the beginning of my reincarnation and the origin of my reincarnation ..."

Zhong Yue smiled, and in the future picture, Tian's figure suddenly disappeared among the strong men who besieged him.

"Heaven is dead."

Zhong Yue's heart moved slightly, Tian's trace disappeared from the future, indicating that Tian's burial was in the reincarnation area!

However, his ending has not changed, or he died under the siege of the existence of the origin Taoism.

"In this reincarnation, heaven is not important. Death or immortality has little to do with the future. What if the other gods died? Will it change the future?"

The light wheel behind Zhong Yue's head turned back to the present.

Tenth day of rebirth burial area, funeral day.

The sky rained.

The emperor burned the sky, the burial spirit gods and the emperors and many gods will bathe in the blood rain, this blood rain is magnificent, and the tenth heaven is red.

This blood rain is not blood, but heaven's physical fragments, countless sacrifice forces and countless thoughts that make up the sky, a condensed force of sentient beings, and the soul of the sky.

God was killed by them.

The samsara burial area is the destination of the souls of all living beings in the world. After those living souls fly away, the broken souls will come here and be buried in the tenth heaven in the samsara burial area. Among them, the ninth heaven is the emperor's funeral heaven, the place where the emperor was buried, and the tenth heaven is the funeral heaven, where the heaven is buried!

Therefore, the soul of the sky is scattered, and it will be turned into blood rain on the tenth day, and buried in the funeral sky.

"The funeral was named after Fuxi Dao, and it became a phrase."

The burial spirit **** king bathed in a **** rain and said suddenly: "Did Fuxi Dao Zhuang really see this scene then? Or do you think that the name of the burial place is unlucky to the queen mother-in-law, so she changed it to burial?"

"I don't know."

The emperor burned the flames around his body, looked up to the sky, and said coldly, "Follow me to the ancestral court, and there are enemies there!"

The king of funeral spirits frowned. This battle is really fierce. The strength of the sky is too strong. They have worked hard to die the sky in the funeral sky. The generals were seriously injured and wounded. war.

Even if he and Emperor Fen Tian, ​​the injuries are extremely serious, if they fight again, they will definitely threaten their lives!

I am now in the ancestral court, I am afraid that the entire army will be destroyed!

"Now rushing to the ancestral court, I'm afraid to die."

The burial spirit king hesitated, "The emperors are too injured, or I will go to the ancestral court with you."

Emperor Fei Tian nodded, and the two stirred up the remaining mana and flew to the ancestral court. Along the way, Helian Guiyu was defeated, and the power of Helian Guiyu was greatly damaged. It is no longer possible to threaten Baguan .

The ancestral battle of the ancestors is still frantically rolling. In this battle, the power of the Zhonghuang God has been completely exhausted, but the Emperor Wudi came here to take over the Zhonghuang God.

The two black and white emperors were blocked by Feng Xiaozhong, and the reincarnation saint king was also dragged by Feng Xiaozhong. Inside the ancestral court, twenty emperors of the Emperor Xi entered the battlefield, plus the emperors of the past, Dalai, Huadai, Houtu, and others. This battle seems to be in control.

Zhong Yue took the Taishou God King through the ancestral court, but did not enter the ancestral court, but came to the realm of Chaos. The ancestor of Chaos hurriedly greeted, and smiled: "Your Majesty, the battle is urgent, why did you come to the cold house?"

Zhong Yueke politely said, "Dao Brother, let me borrow the way."


The chaotic ancestor was a little surprised, quite puzzled, and said, "Dare to ask His Majesty what way to borrow?"

"Let's borrow the chaos behind my brother."

Zhong Yue laughed: "I was brought into chaos by the Seven-God God-Man who had not yet landed, and hid in his mouth, and experienced some wonderful things."

The face of the chaos ancestor changed slightly, and behind him was a vast chaos, where the chaotic zone was connected, and he could enter the chaos through it.

He stayed here for the purpose of returning to chaos in the future, no longer paying attention to world affairs, and did not expect Zhong Yue to borrow this way from him.

However, Zhong Yue also mentioned that he had hid in the mouth of the Seven-Thanks Chaos God-Man and entered Chaos once, so that the chaos ancestor could not help but change his face greatly and lost his voice: "No wonder the future is chaotic. It turned out to be that time!"

His face was cloudy and lame.

Zhong Yue blinked, wondering, "Why did Tao Brother suddenly lose his character?"

The chaos ancestor said: "You have entered chaos, which is equivalent to suddenly interrupting all causes and effects, so your future will change, which is equivalent to ..."

Zhong Yue suddenly realized and lost his voice: "What you mean is that it is not the boss who broke my Emperor Star that changed my future, but that when I entered chaos, I suddenly jumped out of the cycle of the world?"

The ancestor of Chaos hurriedly stopped speaking.

"So it is, so it is ..."

Zhong Yue had a feeling that the haze in front of her was pulled away, and laughed: "I don't want to jump out of the cycle of the world again, but I want to jump out of the cycle of time, so I have to go into chaos again and see the future."

The chaos ancestor nervously said, "Your Majesty is proficient in the cosmic light. You can go to the past and the future. Why do you need to go into the chaos to see it? The time in the chaos is chaotic and muddy, and now you cannot go to the future.

Zhong Yue shook her head and said, "It can still be seen. The future is not completely turbid, and there are some pictures that are not turbid. I don't see clearly in the future, so I want to look at it from the chaos. At first, the seven magic chaos hid me in him. In my mouth, I survived the chaos. I want to come to my brother to have this means ... "

The Chaos ancestor cautiously said: "If I have nothing else, it is not unreasonable to bring His Majesty into the chaos, but the Seven Trick Brothers let me take care of this bell. Now that I have promised, I must guard this bell. There is no way to bring His Majesty into chaos. "

He was afraid that Zhong Yue would be angry, so he was quite careful.

Zhong Yue smiled gently and said, "Since the Dao Brother is in trouble, this time I will not bother the Dao Brother. Too old God King, come out."

Tai Sui God King jumped out of his mysterious realm and landed on the ground.

Zhong Yue laughed: "I hid in Tai Sui, and can travel through the chaos. The future is cloudy, Dao Brothers may not be willing to set foot in the future, but fortunately, Tai Suo God will not."

The Chaos ancestor saw the Taishou God King and lost his voice: "The flesh and blood of the grandfather!"

Zhong Yue was surprised, and the chaos ancestor hurriedly said, "I have seen this Taoist in Chaos, knowing that he is transformed by the body of Da Shiming ~ www.readwn.com ~ Dao Brother knows so much."

Zhong Yuedao: "Dare to ask for a way?"

The chaotic ancestor hesitated and said, "Naturally dare not stop your Majesty. But the future is turbid. Your Majesty needs to be careful not to get lost in the turbidity. If you feel you can't go, then turn back, and I call your Majesty to guide your Majesty."

Zhong Yue thanked him, walked with the chaos behind him, and suddenly stopped walking: "Brother, what's the name of this bell?"

The Chaos ancestor did not take it seriously and said, "Innate clock."

When he said this, he couldn't help regretting it, secretly crying: "The purpose of the Thai emperor's purpose was to ask me this sentence! I said why he borrowed my way! He obviously can enter through the hibiscus tree In the chaos ... "

Zhong Yue laughed: "Innate clock? It turned out to be a symbol of the ancient universe. Then the bell that ordinary people can't see must be a void clock, and it symbolizes the void world."

Having said that, he reached out his hand and swiped lightly. The body of Tai Sui Shen Wang split open, and Zhong Yue flashed into the body of Tai Sui Shen Wang.

The Taisui God King rolled into chaos and disappeared.

The chaotic ancestor's face was cloudy, and he walked around, muttering, "How is it now? Would you like to tell that brother ..."

He hesitated, and suddenly a voice came out: "No need, I already know. When he gets out of the chaos, I will explain the cause and effect to him."

——Can't write the second chapter today, sorry. There was also a matter of banning yesterday, which has nothing to do with the house pig and the book review district administrator. I heard that it was caused by a certain god, and it was too late to delete the book review madly. Some readers in the book review area complained to me. This is nothing wrong. I did n’t write the second chapter today because the pigs had to make up lessons. 166 novel reading network

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