Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1490: Earth

[Title: Humanitarian Supreme body of the 1490 chapter of the Earth: house pig]

The latest chapter of "Humanitarian Supreme" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The legendary eternal heart of the legendary martial arts dragon king, Tangmen master shivered in the heart of Zhongxian Road, the legendary emperor in the world, and hurriedly said, "Father, can you not go to the Tao world?"

Zhong Yue laughed and laughed: "For my father's life, I have been afraid, lost, and beaten, but never gave up. The Taoism will chop me, and in just a few days I will break the chaotic clock. How can I be chopped by it? Kill? This crisis is my own crisis. This reincarnation is my own reincarnation. I don't want to implicate you! "

He looked up at the high level of Dao Jie, the door of Dao Jie still opened, and the light continued to fall, beheading him.

Zhong Yue leisurely said: "I want to unravel this reincarnation myself!"

Zhong Huangshen gritted his teeth and said, "Father rest assured, I will wait ten years! If my father does not return ten years later, I will untie the seal of the ancestor!"

Zhong Yue smiled and waved, letting him go down.

Zhong Huangshen bowed down and said, "Father, there is one more thing. During the war, Huai Yu let go of the wind and he was abolished, and God ’s brain was cut off, and then he was released. I have followed the wind for years. Wuji's whereabouts, but only to search and find no trace of his whereabouts. The wind does not fear him ... "

Zhong Yue froze a little, knowing her heart, and laughed: "Although Feng Wuji is unwilling to be lonely, he has become a difficult event. You don't need to take him to heart. He has his own ending."

The Emperor Zhonghuang put down his heart and retreated.

"Master, have you abdicated and abandoned the seat of Tiandi, or have you decided to enter the Tao?"

Feng Xiaozhong came up, stood side by side with him, looked up at the Tao world, and leisurely said: "Although I feel that you will definitely die if you enter the Tao world, but I feel sorry for your sincerity and heart, and I feel that you will win the confidence and I will also miss you The courage to find the avenue, so I will not stop you. "

Zhong Yue smiled slightly and said, "My Tao heart is not as stable as my brother, and my brother would persuade me if I might change my mind."

Feng Xiaozhong shook his head and said, "I will not persuade Taoists to give up their desire for Taoism."

Zhong Yue laughed, poured wine for him, raised his glass and drank to the Taoism, and rushed to the sky with great pride: "Brother, goodbye in our Taoism!"

Feng Xiaozhong also drank it, and tossed away: "Goodbye in the Tao world!"

His body disappeared in the gate of the Tao realm, no trace was found.

Zhongyue silently, Qiyue Zhongyue came and said, "It's time, and the eight chaos bells are about to break."

"I want to say goodbye to my wife," Zhong Yue said calmly.

Qiyue Zhongyue nodded, Zhongyue went to see Yin Xuan, went to see Qiu Erer, went to see Jin Hexi, went to Jun Sixie, went to Hua Qianzhen, went to Yi Wanjun, and went to see Shi Yinji ...

In the end, he met with the maid of death.

These women he loved and loved him, it was a great honor to have one in this life, but he had it all.

He wanted to keep it all the time, but there were still obstacles in his path.

a long time.

"time to go."

Zhong Yue said goodbye to them, met Qiyue Zhong Yue, and said quietly, "I'm not sure."

Qiyue Zhongyue nodded and said, "I have a way to escape the Tao Realm. I opened up eight mysteries in chaos and evolved the universe. You follow me, the Tao Realm should not be there. I do n’t I will follow you to the Tao world, and I will go to my world. "

Zhong Yue laughed: "This is what makes you different from me. This reincarnation, I will break it!"

Qiqiao Zhongyue frowned: "After you break it, your connection with me is broken."

Zhong Yue suddenly said positively: "I want to ask you to promise me a few things."

Qiyue Zhongyue said calmly: "But it doesn't matter!"

"I know that you have led many souls into chaos. Most of the heroes who died in this war are with you. You plan to open another universe in chaos, but people have no grinding, no enemies, only They will perish. "

Zhong Yue slowly said: "The creatures in both universes need enemies in order for the Taoist magical power to continue to advance and continue to transcend ancient times, so I think ..."

Qiyue Zhongyue interfaces: "Sooner or later, the two universes will collide. As long as there is contact, there will be disputes. They will not lack the opportunity to sharpen!"

Zhong Yue smiled and said, "Are all the men still alive? Are the kings still alive? There are Xi and Yunmeng, do they live with you?"

Qiqiao Zhongyue said: "You go with me, you know it naturally."

"Don't go!"

Zhong Yue stepped towards the Dao, and laughed, "I have never experienced how many difficulties and obstacles in my life, and never flinched! Withdrawn, am I still Fuxi or God of War? I ask you for another thing The thing is, if I do n’t come back in ten years, you will see the emperor on my behalf. He ca n’t tell you and me, leaving him a little hope. ”

He waved down and walked into the gate of the Tao world.

Qiqiao Zhongyue's eyes have not been removed. When he saw him entering the gate of the Tao world, he was relieved and silently put away the eight-way chaos clock.

The eight-piece chaotic clock suddenly shattered, and all the lights roared and rushed towards the world of Tao!

Qiyue Zhongyue was stunned, and it took a long time before he stepped out of the heavens and headed for the holy place of chaos.

In the Chaos Holy Land, the ancestor of Chaos has been waiting for a long time. When he saw him, he could n’t help laughing, "I know you will come to send me, my brother, I have risen for a while, and all hearts have strayed into the dust, disturbing my heart, and now time has moved forward , The future will no longer be turbid, and I should leave this turbid world and return to chaos. "

Qiqiao Zhongyue laughed: "After Daoyou enters chaos, you and I should see you again in the future."

The chaotic ancestor laughed: "Who dares to say certain things in the future? But I think you are extremely dangerous when you enter the world of Tao, and you may not be able to jump out of the cycle. You may still be Zhong Yue and you will have a previous life."

Qiyue Zhongyue lost her voice and said, "You mean, that I will die in the Tao world, turn into chaos, repeat this cycle?"

In the sea of ​​chaos behind the chaos ancestor, a huge chaotic creature emerged, calling him, the chaos ancestor walked out and walked into the chaos, and the voice came: "Then see if the emperor can jump Come out, if you ca n’t jump out, you are him! "

His body was hidden in the chaos, and he turned into a chaotic creature, migrating with other chaos.

Qiyue Zhongyue looked stunned, looked up at the Tao, and muttered: "A decade? 10 years is fast, 10 years is too fast ..."

He walked into the chaos and came to the eight worlds he opened up in the chaos. Another samsara king was traveling in one world and one world. He searched for a long time, but did not find the samsara of samsara. His heart was depressed and he suddenly saw The banner of Tiandao fluttered, and he couldn't help but be surprised: "Heaven is not dead yet?"

He quietly passed over, and when he saw the banner below the heavens, he was startled again: "It turned out to be this puppet! This puppet is really good and can live to this day!"

He suddenly saw a vast galaxy again. There was a very powerful demon in the galaxy, and his heart was shocked again.

The more places the reincarnation saint walked, the more shocked he became. He saw so many demon who died in the rebellion. He even appeared here at the moment and lived well!

"Strange ... what a mess! I see!"

The reincarnation saint's face was cloudy, and he lost his voice: "The origin brother and the four-faced **** must think that I am a traitor and follow the Thai emperor!"

"Will not."

A voice came, and the saint reincarnation hurriedly looked at him. When Qiyue Zhongyue came, Xu Xu said, "They are all dead."

"Dead?" The saint reincarnation paused.

"Including the other you, is dead."

Qiyue Zhongyue calmly said: "Before he was dying, he thought you would become the true sacramental king. The master of samsara will resurrect him. But he did not expect that you are no longer the saintly saint of the universe."

The saint reincarnation was shocked and happy, but more puzzled: "That universe?"

"Yes. That universe."

Qiqiao Zhongyue waved his hand gently, but the reincarnation resurfaced and said leisurely: "You are the master of this universe's reincarnation!"

The sacramental samurai was completely stunned, and murmured, "But this universe is so small, and it is your secret place ..."

"That's why you need to continue developing."



"This is a great adventure, an unprecedented achievement in human history!"

On the holographic three-dimensional projection of the city's high-rise buildings, a picture from distant outer space is being played. An excited anchor quickly said in an excited tone: "Our fleet of humans, for the first time, came to the edge of the solar system, and then In three hours, the space fleet will come to Pluto! Speaking of Pluto, there is another interesting thing. In the past, Pluto was listed as one of the nine major planets, but it was later named and turned into eight planets ... Look, Pluto appears It's in the fleet's view! This quiet rocky planet seems to have flown from the sky, and is incompatible with other planets ... "

"A life signal came from the life detector of the fleet ahead!"

The anchor almost blew up, and the sound attracted pedestrians on the street, stopping to watch ~ www.readwn.com ~ I saw the announcer's cheeks flushed: "Oh my God! My God! There is a signal of life in Pluto! Strong life Signal! There are countless life signals coming under the rock formations! Is it an alien? Is the alien living underneath Pluto? This is a revolutionary discovery! It is a great achievement of technological civilization ... "

Among the people who stopped, an old-fashioned old man withdrew his gaze and continued to walk to where he went to work, muttering: "The star that Sister Niangniang moved? Really assholes, actually went there, It seems that the Thai emperor sealed some eggs of the Kun people there ... these guys are going to suffer ... "

He entered the school, came to the classroom, coughed, and said, "Go to class."

"Stand up! Hello Teacher Water!"

"Hello Teacher!"

The water teacher said, "Today's history class, let's talk about the ancient myth, the story of the Thai emperor among the three emperors. Originally, the earth was not called the earth, it was called the ancestor. At that time, there were no Australia or Australia. The Mediterranean Sea does not even have many mountains and lakes now. At that time, there was a male mountain in Jianshu called Jianmen Mountain ... "

"This student was right about the Jianmen Mountain now, but the Jianmen Mountain at that time was too high, many times higher than it is now. Somewhere northeast of Jianmen Mountain in the middle of Sichuan, there is a mountain called Zhongshan ... not Zhongshan in Nanjing, the Zhongshan in the Shanhaijing, or the Zhongshan inhabited by the candle dragon, at the foot of the mountain there is a personal tribe, calling himself Zhongshan's, and one of the young people is called Zhongyue ... "

———— Tomorrow Humane Supreme will have more than one chapter left. At around 8:30 tomorrow, the house pigs will be chatting with everyone in the Humane Supreme VIP group, and they will fart. Welcome to harass. Humane Supreme VIP Group: 320724211, you need to subscribe to Humane Supreme to enter ~~~ 166 novel reading network

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