Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1491: Astral Wind

[Title: Extreme humanitarian progenitor star of the 1491 chapter of the wind: house pig]

The latest chapter of "Humanitarian Supreme" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Masters of Tong Tianxian Road, Wu Lianfeng, Tangmen masters in the eternal heart of another world, the legend of the Dragon King, the legend of Wusong, the world ’s holy market water teacher, started from Zhong Yue and entered the Jianmen. Go to the Longyue Demon Clan, talk about the battlefield of the West Wild God, talk about the small void, talk about Feng Shouzhu's death on behalf of the brother, talk about Fengshang sacrifice his life to fight for the future, talk about Xuanyuan Bajian Jianmen Mountain, talk about Go to Zhongyue Taishan to seal the world's blood for a night.

He also talked about the tombs of emperors and emperors buried on earth, the teleportation array on Mars, the Kun eggs on Kunxing, the method of Mu Xiantian technology tree sealing the ancestral god, and the turbulent sky sealing the ancestral sky. Talking about the Emperor Yan arson burning the sky, and talking about the Emperor Ziguang's luck to plug the loopholes.

He talked about Zhong Yue leaving the ancestor to find a way to break the seal of the human race, talking about Jun Sixie abandoning the door and joining hands with him, talking about Xun Peng on Jupiter, talking about the Mediterranean, and talking about the West Deity Protoss overseas demons , Talking about the Queen Mother of West Kunlun ...

He talked too much, which made people listen to it. He forgot that the bell was ringing after class, and then the bell was ringing. The language teacher outside the door stood dark, but the students inside were still quiet. Listen to the old man on the stage telling this unknown history.

They listened to Shui Zi'an's voice, and it seemed as if a roll of old and dusty scrolls slowly opened up in front of them.

Zhong Yue, Qiu Yier, Jun Sixie, Fang Jiange, Feng Wuji, Feng Sang, Feng Shouzhu, Shui Zi'an, Nong Huang, Yan Huang, Xuan Yuan, Xing Tian, ​​Shi Ming ...

More and more people have become myths and legends in the story.

"I'll tell you here today. The story of the Thai emperor cannot be finished in a day or two."

Teacher Shui cleaned up the podium and said with a smile, "We will have time in the future."

"Principal, principal!"

There was a loud noise outside the classroom. The Chinese teacher pulled the principal over and said angrily: "Ms. Water has dragged the classroom again! He took up my class and didn't say it, but this time he was talking nonsense again in the gods, talking about it, taking Broken child! "

The headmaster had a headache. He dragged the water teacher out of the classroom and said gravely: "Lao Shui, now that technology is bright, those who are gods, ghosts and weirds, say less. You see, the fleet is talking about the fleet on the outside When I arrived at Pluto, I discovered alien life, and didn't say that I found anything like that ... "

The Chinese teacher said, "I was listening outside just now. He also said that we are not called Earth here, what ancestors are, and that the earth is much larger than what we see, thousands of times larger. Isn't this nonsense? With so many monsters, it's one for me! "

"Old water ..."

The headmaster just spoke. Suddenly, the fleet landed on Pluto on a holographic screen outside and encountered strange things. The worm eggs dug out of Pluto suddenly awakened, giving birth to a huge, ugly bug. The steel shell of the huge space fleet was bitten like tofu A lot of holes!

The principal and the Chinese teacher stared at the horror scene in the holographic projection. This scene was like hell. The ground around the entire planet was constantly exploding. I do n’t know how many giant bugs awakened, crawled out of the ground, and headed towards the human fleet. Pounce.

Then, the mighty worm swarm flew towards the earth.

A fleet fired a nuclear bomb, but it was useless to these bugs. Instead, those bugs absorbed energy, growing stronger and growing in number!

"It's almost time."

Teacher Shui looked up at the sky and whispered, "He has been gone for seven thousand years. Ten years ago, he said he was coming to the ancestor. It is time to come ..."

There was a mess outside, screams everywhere, apparently frightened by the Zerg.

"Old water, don't talk about strange powers ..."

The headmaster shivered and said, "An alien is coming!"

Mr. Shui shook his head and said, "The Kun people are very weak, and the Thai emperor is almost here."

The Chinese teacher said angrily, "You see Teacher Shui talking nonsense again, what Thai Emperor, what **** ..."


Teacher Shui raised her hands. Suddenly the school was turbulent, pulled up continuously, and flew up into the air, carrying the whole school's teachers and students flying higher and higher, towards the direction of Shuzhong.

The principal and the Chinese teacher were sluggish. They lay beside the window and looked out. The whole school flew up, but outside the school was a thick light like a dragon. Sixty-four, held the school up and moved at an unimaginable speed. .

"My God ..."

The headmaster and the Chinese teacher were crazy, hugged together and yelled, and then they saw the teacher flying in the air, and those turbulent changes of light swirled around him, making the school fly higher and higher.

Soon after, they came to Jianmen Mountain in Shu. Teacher Shui stood in the air with hands making complex marks. There were strange totem patterns in the air that were unpredictable and extremely complicated.

Those totem patterns were printed over Jianmen Mountain, and then the original empty world suddenly changed unbelievably. There were majestic mountains and mountains rising from the depth of space, vast and towering to the sky.

The school shuttled between the misty mountains and misty mountains like flying land, and flew towards the peak of the mountain, which stood like a sharp sword in the center.

Students and teachers in the school stared blankly out of the mountains. There were mysterious palaces in the mountains, one by one, standing in impossible places, as if held by a lotus flower growing from a cliff on the mountainside.

It is mysterious and silent, and no one has been here for a long time.

They flew through a huge portal, and the school passed through it. There was ancient and huge text on the portal.


A moment later, the school descended on the Golden Gate of Jianmen, and a huge palace stood there. There was a former temple, and towering idols stood in front of the temple. Some eyes are deep.

Teacher Shui landed gently and walked out of the school. The principal and the Chinese teacher quickly chased after them. The students in the class came to their senses and hurried away.

The teachers and students in the school seemed to have come to the New World, and gradually came to the Golden Dome with boldness, and looked around.

The golden dome is too big. It looks like a small continent. There are ancient monuments everywhere. It is imprinted with various totem textures, and some have a strange light flowing.

It's just empty here.

Suddenly, the clouds rolled, and a behemoth protruded out of the head and called out, "Elder Shuizi Anshui, are you back? Why did you bring so many people? We haven't seen each other for a long time?"

It was a huge monster, wandering in clouds with heavy illusions.

Teacher Shui looked up and smiled: "It turned out to be Dragon. Since the Emperor left you, you have been dormant. It has been more than three thousand years."

The Chinese teacher was scared.

The behemoth made a loud noise and said, "Last time you came, I brought a bronze lamp, I was asleep, and didn't see you. Why did you bring so many people this time? Well, the sword gate seal was opened by you ! "

Teacher Shui was about to speak. The portal of the temple suddenly opened. A copper lamp flew out, and the lamp was faint. The light shouted, "Shui Zi'an, is the ten-year period coming?"

Teacher Shui nodded, and it was hard to hide his excitement: "Here it is, it is it!"

The little flame on the wick was also inexplicable: "Great, he said he would come back, he will definitely come back! He should be on the road now!"


Suddenly, a huge mirror emerged in the sky, reflecting outer space, shining out planets, and illuminating the starry sky. Teachers and students watched this scene blankly. What kind of technology is this?

Then, they saw the army of the Kun people flying in the starry sky, dense and mighty, flying towards the earth.

The principal swallowed and murmured, "Nuclear bombs are useless, are they going to destroy our planet? I hope this weird place can keep us ... but the people outside are probably bad ... In other words, Laoshui this guy is What is it? It seems that before I came to school, he had taught in school, took history class ... "

"Dragon--" The Chinese teacher screamed at the bright mirror in the air.

A dragon ship larger than the planet appeared in the mirror shaking the thousands of wings. The large-scale Kun people became extremely small in front of this dragon ship and were crushed directly by this dragon ship!

The thousand-winged dragon boat is so ancient that it is a living creature and flies to the earth!

The teachers and students of the whole school looked as if they were looking at the scene with dull eyes, and saw the bow of the ship, a figure of incomparable magnificent shore stood, those figures like gods had three eyebrows, waist scales, and feet underneath. It's snake tail.

Behind their heads, a dazzling halo was turning gently.

One of the gods and men probed his hand, grabbed the huge palm above the sun, grabbed an extremely huge giant tree, the heaven and earth road was surging wildly, everyone on the earth felt that strange changes had taken place between heaven and earth. There seemed to be a lot more in the underworld. But what's more, they don't know.

At the bow of the ship, another god-man grabbed out of the sky and tore all the stars and stars all over the sky. The starry sky turned into a picture, which he rolled up in his hands.

The stars in outer space disappeared and a completely different night sky emerged from the past. The giant galaxy six coiled together, and the light was shining. It was a spectacular scene!

Then, another god-man screamed and opened a gold list, chanting strange language, and the sound was shaking, spreading to all the planets of the solar system.

At the foot of Jianmen Mountain, the iron chain rattled, a black dog dragged the chain from the dog hole, looked up to see this scene in the mirror, and the black dog's eyes were complicated.

"Dog, it's time to eat shit!" A naughty boy shouted beside him, and cried after he had finished.

The black dog retracted his eyes, walked in silently, and shook his tail.

"Thai Emperor, are you going to unblock all the curses of the ancestor?"

Teacher Shui looked at the mirror and thought: "The blood curses of the Protoss and Demon races and human races will be untied? At that time, he forgot his life, and this sealed all the deities and demons of the ancestors ...


A student dared to get close to Mr. Water, and curiously looked at the flying copper lamp and the flame on the lamp, and was surprised and happy: "Mister Water, is he just a fire? What you said is true ?"

"Go away!"

The little flame was very temperamental, and said grinningly, "The boy of the Fuxi Protoss, the blood in your body is too weak! I won't choose you as the heir, the heir I want is pure blood Fuxi!"

"Really speaking!" The student was surprised.

Other students came up with a brain, curiously looked at the salary, and Cuizi An coughed: "Only those who have awakened the blood of Fu Xi's blood can be qualified to become a successor to the salary."

"Teacher, I feel my eyebrows feel itchy, maybe the third eye is awakening!"

"Teacher, it looks like I have dragon scales on my waist!"

"Teacher, the power of famine in my body is about to burst out!"


The headmaster came forward and laughed, "Lao Shui, I think the tailbone on my buttock is faintly aching. Is it to wake up the tail of the innate snake?"

Teacher Shui said helplessly: "Principal, I think it may be that your hemorrhoids are about to relapse."

The Chinese teacher quickly said, "My spine is crackling. Is this the awakening of the innate keel?"

"It's your lumbar disc herniation."

"I think my heart is pounding and has a lot of energy ..."

"You are coronary heart disease!"


In the mirror, the towering Fuxi God-man sacrifice a space wheel to open the space sealed by the ancestor star. Suddenly, the vast continent on the earth, a vast range of oceans emerged, and the mountains and mountains are constantly emerging. In this world, the sealed territories of the sealed territory are reappeared, making the earth constantly larger, more inflated, larger and larger, surpassing Saturn, Jupiter, and surpassing the sun. In the eyes of all beings, the earth has completely changed. Vice look!

The earth at this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ is so big that the sun also rotates for it, making Qiyan into a star flying around it.

The ancestral land of Fuxi reappeared the glory of the past.

On Jianmen Mountain, the water teacher and the flame in the bronze lamp were very excited, watching the approaching Qianyilong ship, waiting to meet the old man.

On the thousand-winged dragon boat, a young man who looked like an emperor was asking an emperor around him and whispered, "Brother Huang, is it really the father in the dragon boat? I always have some doubts ..."

His body trembled, and his voice was hoarse: "The Tao world is not so easy to deal with, and reincarnation is not so easy to jump out. How dangerous is Daoguang? Moreover, Daoguang is everywhere in Dao! I suspect my father has not Down in the world, the father in the cabin may be another one. He doesn't want to make us sad. I have a way to verify that is the third eye of the father. We can know if we have a third eye , Or ask Feng Daozun to the lower bound! Feng Daozun was also in the doctrine at the time, he must know the result ... "

Beside him, Zhong Huangshen stood there with his hands on his shoulders, looking at the ancestors that were getting closer, calmly said: "Sheng Wu, do you think it is the father in the cabin, does it still matter?"

The emperor was a little surprised.

"Father is Fu Xi, what he wants to do has been completed, everything in front of him is everything he wants most. It doesn't matter if the person who came down from the Tao in his heart was him."

The thousand-winged dragonflight flew into Zuxing and headed for Jianmen.

Zhong Huangshen calmly said: "This is Fuxi, this is humanity. Regardless of whether the real father is in the cabin, this is the ending he wants most. You see, the wind of the ancestor has risen, blowing Fuxi Flag. "

"Humanity Supreme? Windy Wind", end.

Humane Supreme, End. 166 novel reading network

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