Rise of Humanity

Chapter 189: Land of War

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Jie Zhongyue sighed. Elder Shuizi Anshui was really unpredictable, but his ingenuity was also something he admired.

After these two wars, the strong men who chased them down were either dead or retired. The next day was peaceful and unpredictable.

After all, these two battles of encirclement and encirclement not only failed to leave Zhong Yue and Shui Zi'an, but also caused the major protoss to be severely wounded and wounded without any gain. The high-level protoss who died were not a minority. For the pros who hunted them down It was a huge loss. If replaced with a lesser protoss, I am afraid it will be difficult to restore vitality for hundreds of years.

The destructive power of a wise man is more terrible than a strong one. Especially when this wise man is a strong one, it is even more terrible. Shuizi An is such a person.

"Tomorrow, you will return to the great wasteland."

In the morning of the second day, Shui Zi'an's footsteps slowed down from time to time, and he coughed from time to time with blood in his sputum, and said with emotion: "I'm still old, and my blood is not as good as before. In the two-day war, I have traveled a long distance, and my physical fitness is still a bit inferior. It ’s just that I can barely calm down the injury. Fortunately, the famine is near, and when it comes to the famine, it is completely safe, and I do n’t need to continue to work. ”

Zhong Zhongyue nodded. This place is still the border of the western wasteland, but the wild waste is no longer far away. A large swamp in front is the Lianyung Mountain, which is a majestic mountain across the wild waste and the western wasteland. It is said to be connected to the clouds in the sky.

Crossing the Lianyung Mountains is the territory of Jianhuang Gate.

In the last few days, Shuizi An escorted him from the Xihuang to the great waste, and worked hard. He was also extremely grateful. His views on the Elder Shui Tu's had changed a lot.

"I don't know how Zuo Xiangsheng, Zuo Tangzhu, and Elder Feng are also chased by protoss?" Zhong Yue whispered.

"Instead of worrying about them, it is better to worry about yourself. The sooner you leave Xihuang, the more dangerous it is, because hunting is chasing behind and blocking is already ambushing in front, waiting for you to throw yourself in the net."

Shui Zi'an looked forward and said, "Some strong men will chase you down and slow down your pace. Some strong men will go to the road you must pass and stop you there. The pursuit may not necessarily be a must-kill situation. But the obstruction is a must-kill situation. You see, this place is called the land of divine warfare. It was also a place where the protoss lived. They once lived a very powerful protoss tribe and established glorious temples and civilizations. But later they lived in The protoss here has fallen, and now the place has become a ruin. The reason why it is here is because a blocking war took place here. "

As Zhong Zhongyue listened quietly, Shuizi An continued: "This battle of blocking is related to my people. At that time, the first generation of my Jianmen led the tens of thousands of people to kill the Xihuang, and this is the way to go."

Min Zhongyue moved slightly, looking at the swamp ahead, and murmured, "The ancestors of the Dahuang people tribe, also went this way? Because of that battle, this place is called the land of **** war?"

"Yes, this is the source of the land of God's war. They were hunted all the way, they were blocked here, and there were earth-shattering wars. The gods of my tribe sheltered the tribe and led the tribe to find a pure land. To safeguard the dignity of their protoss, tolerate no betrayal, let alone a humble human race? "

Zhong Zhongyue gazed at this swamp, and saw that some places in the swamp are shallow lakes, reeds, forests, and wet green fields. There are no people here, and no protoss can thrive here.

"That battle established the reputation of the God of Jianmen, and also caused my God of Jianmen to be severely damaged. After entering the wilderness, he fought with the mother of Tianxiang and beheaded his mother. After opening the sword, the **** of my people He died shortly after the attack. "

Shui Zi'an sighed, "He died early in his life, but he also took the initiative to die. While his soul is still in its heyday, he must save his soul and defend the great wasteland. If he does not die, if he lives a few more years, With his talents of that year, I am afraid that my people will no longer be partial to the wild wasteland, but will annex the other wasteland. "

Zhong Zhongyue felt sorry for himself. Unfortunately, the two battles of that year were too fierce, and the first generation of Jianmen was exhausted and failed to complete the rise of the human race.

"In the battle in this swamp that year, many protoss fell because of this. They used the gods in their respective temples to stop the gods of the tribe and those of my great desert tribe. The gods are the totems and spirits left after the death of the gods. Many of them have souls, many powerful and boundless gods stir the world, kill the earth, break the sky, and break the sky, and turn the land where the gods once came into swamps and ruins, and become a feared **** in the Western Wasteland. Battlefield. "

"The ancient gods died in battle, fell into this swamp, and turned into a mysterious mystery. These mysteries are the mysteries in the gods' body, and they contain countless wealth. In addition to the mysteries of these gods, there are also the past. Many of the most powerful soul soldiers of the protoss are lost here, and there are even **** soldiers and weapons of the gods. "

Shuizi An leisurely said: "This is a treasure land, but it is also full of murder. Often, the remnant spirit of God wanders here, suddenly burst out from the swamp, devouring passers-by. And there is still the scene in the swamp ten thousand years ago. The aftermath of the magical powers of the earth-shattering war, even if the giants entered it, it is difficult to retreat from the whole body. In history, there have been giants that have fallen here and been wiped out by the magical powers of the gods. Therefore, here is becoming more and more barren, and it gradually becomes a jedi No Protoss live here again. "

"I chose this path because it is dangerous here. Those who obstruct us will never think that we will take such a risk in this swamp, and this place is so dangerous, so there should be no ambush on the road."

Jie Zhongyue wondered, "But this road is so dangerous. How should we get past?"

"I know there is a safe way."

Shuizi An laughed: "Among the ancestors of Jianmen, someone once recorded the path the ancestors walked and made a map. There were too many horror supernatural powers left in the war that year, but they came out of here. The place they walked through was the only safe way in this battlefield of gods. I have seen this picture, and I will write down the way out of the swamp. "

Zhong Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "With the map of this road, we can walk through the swamp without worry and return to the wilderness. Those protoss who do n’t have a map, do n’t want to catch up with us, and they ca n’t be in the land of war. Ambush us. "

Shuizi An nodded and laughed: "Although there are many protoss in the tribe, their strength is far above me, but not many of them are above me. The reason why I walk along this line is to be in This battlefield of gods casts off all ambush and pursuit. "

Zhong Zhongyue couldn't help but praise him in secret, admiring the old man's thoughtfulness.

An old man and a young man walked in this swamp, walking an unknown secret path. On both sides of this secret path, a colorful mist appeared from time to time. There were huge mountains floating in the mist, which were left by the ancient strong. Magical powers, the inner power is inseparable.

From time to time, there are gorgeous colorful phoenixes flying by the path, holding the long tail of fire, very close to them, Zhong Yue can feel the terrible power hidden in that phoenix, even if a small Martian falls on him I am afraid it will be enough to burn him to ashes.

In this swamp, there is a variety of ancient magical powers. Yu Wei, who was a **** war ten thousand years ago, is still fierce here, proclaiming to the invaders how cruel the war was.

Zhong Yue also saw that the mountain-like skeletons were half hidden in the swamp and half of the surface was exposed. There was a ghost fire floating in the depths of the swamp. The shriek came from the ghost fire. It should be that the **** was beheaded and the remnant of God was screaming. .

In the sky, the sun also seemed to be covered with a layer of gray mist, gradually becoming dim, and Shui Zi'an and he continued to walk, only to see the sky gradually getting gloomy, overcast, and a thunderous thunder.

Tong Zhongyue looked up at the sky, and uttered a flick, and saw a strange scene in the sky. The dark clouds blocked the sun, and it was obviously daylight, but the sky became dark.

What's weird is that at this time, the moon actually appeared, half of the day was overcast, and the other half of the day was sunny. A bright moon hung in mid-air, and the full moon was bright.

Wu Shuizi'an also noticed this scene, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly stopped, Zhong Yue nearly hit him.

"how is this possible?"

Wu Shuizi'an looked pale and murmured, "How can this happen? The Xiaomang Protoss simply couldn't know this road, how could they block ahead ..."

Yin Qing was deficient, and the xiaomang protoss guarded the four giants of the Quartet Temple. Xiaoyin, Xiao Qing, Xiaoyuan, and Xiao Que. He and Xiao Que had already faced battle. He was also seriously injured.

But now, the sky is half-yin and half-clear, and it is obviously daylight, but there is a full moon hanging in the sky. This represents the three great filial piety gods of Xiaoyin, Xiaoqing and Xiaoyuan. They are in the front, in this battle of gods. In the land, waiting for them to throw themselves in!

Wu Zhongyue also communicated this, and a heart sank.

"It is impossible for the filial piety tribe to get a map of the path to the battlefield of God. Only my people have a map of this path. Why do Xiaoyin, Xiaoqing and Xiaoyuan ambush in advance?"

Shuizi'an's face became even more bleak, and he murmured, "Some of the people in my high level of Jianmen have seen the map, recorded it, and handed it over to the filial priests! It must be this way, it must be this way. , There is a big maggot ... Hey, it's planted, this time I planted it ... "

Zhong Zhongyue was silent. Shui Zi'an had seen the ancient map. Other people in Jianmen had seen the map, and copied it to the Xiaomang Protoss.

Therefore, Xiaoyin, Xiaoqing, and Xiaoyuan can come to the heart of the battlefield in advance ~ www.readwn.com ~ waiting for them to throw themselves into the net!

"Hehehe, Zhongshan, this is not a game to kill you!"

Suzi Zi'an suddenly laughed and laughed, and the old tears burst into tears: "It's not just to kill you, you don't need to use Yin Qingyuan to lack the four giants. This is a game set to kill me!"

Zhongyue nodded silently.

He is just a gas refiner in the beginning of the round. Without enough time, he cannot grow into a strong man who threatens the filial piety. At this time, the keeper of Jianmen was already old, with a life span of only one or two years. When the keeper of Jianmen died, the highest combat power of Jianmen disappeared, leaving only two giants, Fengshouzhu and Shuizi'an.

Among them, Shuizi'an has made friends all over the world. He has a wide network of people.

I want to destroy the sword gate, first destroy Shui Zi'an.

的 The protagonist in this game is not Zhong Yue, Zhong Yue is only incidental. What the Xiaomang Protoss really deal with is Shui Zi'an. Kill him, so that he will not call friends when he attacks the sword gate!

An energy that Shuizi'an can drive, the combat power can be a holy place!

"It's no wonder that Xiao Que didn't go after Brother Shouzhu, but went after you and me. That's it."

Shuizi straightened her pole and looked at the clouds and the moon in the sky: "This battle can't be escaped, there is only battle! Zhongshan Family, do you know why I doubt you, but haven't killed you? You must not think of it Why, now I tell you ... "

———— Brothers, this is the first update in July. The monthly ticket list has been changed. Book readers who subscribed last month should have one or two guaranteed monthly tickets. Please ask for monthly tickets, please vote for Humanity Supreme! !! R1152

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