Rise of Humanity

Chapter 190: Don't feel guilty for me

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Wu Shuizi'an turned his head and stared at Zhong Yue. Now the old man is full of raging warfare and heaviness, even though he is short in stature, he has a spirit of being easy and magical!

"You have countless doubts on your body, enough to make me think you are the demon soul under the sword gate, and I didn't kill you. In fact, it is very simple. That is, you leave too many flaws and doubts."

Shuizi smiled with a smile, and his eyes showed a joke: "If you really invade Zhongshan's body, then you won't leave so many doubts and flaws. On the contrary, you will be like Shui Qingyan No flaws will be left. If Shui Qingyan had not fought with you in a no-taboo showdown, no one would have expected her strength to advance so fast! She played with you, and this only revealed the only flaw. "

"And you, it ’s not like a demon who has no plans at all. You leave doubts and flaws everywhere, but this is the biggest reason for your innocence. At the beginning, the host knew you and asked me if you have any problems. I He said to him, is there such a demon who is so stupid leaving so many flaws and doubts? The host laughed and nodded.

He smiled and said, "The more I study you, the more I find you interesting. Later, I followed the footsteps of Long Mao and came to the wilderness of the Great Plains. I was thinking about it, but I was ready to rescue her, but I saw that you shot it. Rescue Jun Sixie, and I know you are the dragonfly that troubled me in my water village. "

His eyes were applauded, and he said, "You ran to the Demon Clan again, became a Longyue, became a disciple, and then you gradually became more meticulous, leaving fewer and fewer flaws, and I also replaced You are happy because I watch you grow step by step. "

Zhong Yue's eyes were reddish, and Shui Zi'an took out a roll of pictures and shoved it into his hands, and smiled, "I watch you grow up, and I am happier than I picked up the baby. Bring this map, this is a copy of the original picture Follow me, I will find a safer secret place for you, you hide in it. I go to fight and cannot protect you. It is too remote here, and no temple can protect you. "

"Elder Water ..."

Zhong Zhongyue's nose was sour, and she couldn't help crying. When she suspected that Shui Zi'an was a traitor, she never thought that the old man was paying attention to his every move and his little progress, and the old man smiled with joy.

惺惺 "Don't be foolish, it's a man, stand up and cheer for me! The old man just wants to compete with those three old guys, not to die."

Shuizi An stepped forward and said, "Without the drag of your kid, I might even be able to kill it. By then, your kid who is trapped in this battlefield of God is your kid. There is no place for you to cry! Go , Go, let's find out, there must be a safer mysterious place to be saved here ... "

Zhong Yue took the picture and followed him. Shuizi Andong looked around. After a moment of searching, he said, "If you survive and I haven't returned to the wilderness, then go tell the doorkeeper that the maggots can only be found there. Among those who are qualified to view the map, there are not many who have this qualification ... Don't frown, I'm not really dying. My husband has been clever since childhood, and is the smartest person in Jianmen. There are hundreds of yuan in my mysterious realm. The powerful order cards are given to me by those powerful and terrible guys, and I have the order card that your kid gave me. These tokens can guarantee me hundreds of times ... "

Finally, Shuizi'an found a mysterious realm, and with one finger, a few swords flew out, cutting the secret realm, and shouting, "Come in! Zhongshan's, hurry up for me!"

Zhongyue rolled over and knelt down on the ground, nodding in the mud, then got up and flew into the mysterious realm.

"Don't come out yet, wait for the storm to subside!"

Shui Zi'an's voice came into the mystery, and across the mystery, it was a bit vague: "Remember, the person they are trying to kill is not you. From the beginning to the end, their minds are not on you. From the beginning, they were just to kill them. Me! Whether I die or escape, you don't need to feel guilty because of me! I don't need your guilt, understand? "

"Also, although this god's mystery is relatively safe, it is also dangerous. You must be careful. You can only come out after the storm subsides and you are safe. When you leave the mystery, you must also be careful around you, maybe there are hunters. No one will protect you then, and you will need to fight for yourself ... "

Uh ...

In this mysterious state of spirit, Zhong Yue was stunned, and his eyes were wet again, and then there was a flash of fire in his eyes to prevent the tears from flowing, but to evaporate the tears.

Luan Shuizi'an did not need tears, saying that it was pretending to be pretentious, and the tears were useless, and it was useless to shock.

"What is useful is strong support, strong force, my strength is too weak, and I can't help you ..."

Zhong Yue's demeanor was calm. Elder Shui confronted the giant prince of the Sifang Temple of Xiaomang. He could not intervene or help each other. After a while, his spirit refreshed, and he whispered, "It's no use to blame and self-esteem. I want to become stronger. I can only rely on my own efforts instead of being silent in grief! I'm still too weak, but I won't be weak all the time. This kind of thing will happen once! "

He calmed down, dispelled the thoughts in his heart, and looked around. Here is a meta-mysterious state of a god. The **** died, but the meta-mystery did not collapse.

The gods who die in battle will become extremely dangerous and full of unpredictable dangers.

For example, if the **** died in battle, if the **** died in battle, and the moment before his death, the mystery of Vientiane is still turbulent and volatile, and the power of Vientiane will be mobilized, then his death will still be filled with the power of Vientiane, Constantly changing!

Zhong Zhongyue entered the Vientiane mystery of the gods in the filial piety, and under the sacrifice of the white robe sacrifices, the mystery of Vientiane changed, turned into a desert, into a forest, into a temple, and the ocean.

And the gods who died in battle will have more horror in Vientiane. Horror scenes such as the power of mountains and seas, the might of temples, desert sands, the sea of ​​fire, meteorites, etc. will all appear.

If it is a five-element mystery, the five elements will kill and refine all invaders, the yin-yang mystery will pervade the yin and yang two energy, and the gods' mystery will fall down and draw the vitality of all the invaders. The Taoyi mystery is even more terrifying. The power of the five mysteries.

This area of ​​divine warfare will fall into the sky even if the giant 擘 rushes into it, and the danger is imaginable.

The secret realm chosen by Wu Shuizi'an is the safest one. There is no turbulent secret power in this secret realm, even if it is not as dangerous as other secret realms.

Zhong Zhongyue looked around and saw the sun and the moon in the sky, one hanging on the left and one hanging on the right, confirming that this is a mysterious yin and yang secret place.

In this mystery, the sun and the moon are broken, the big sun in the air breaks through a large piece, and the raging fire flows down from the sky, which is Yang Qi, the moon is penetrated by the sword gas hole, and a large hole is broken. Yuehua As the waterfall rushes down, the outflow is yin.

"The yin and yang secret of the gods is just the yin and yang in this yin and yang secret. It is not pure yin and yang. Obviously, this **** does not cultivate pure yin and yang. However, the yin and yang here are suitable for me to cultivate. Yin and Yang. "

Zhong Yue stepped towards the place where the sun flow, fire and yang were leaking out. For yin and yang, he was uniquely endowed. After all, he had obtained the sun and moon spirit. He had obtained the true transmission of yin and yang, and had the totem pattern of yin and yang. , Even he has become a ray of yin and yang, and it is pure yin and yang.

Xun Shu has a specialization, and he also has a stronger place than the gods.

"My secret yin and yang can also use this yin and yang to raise a big step to cultivate the yin and yang to a perfect state! I can also adjust the yin and yang and rectify the sun and moon, so that the yin and yang imbalance in the body is more important , My sun and moon spirit will definitely get a huge leap. "

Zhong Zhongyue sat down on the edge of the fire and practiced quietly.

"Elder Water ..." From time to time, a small figure of the old man appeared in front of his eyes, remembering his big sleeves fluttering.

"You said that you did not die because of me, but in fact you died because of me. If you did not come to rescue me at the command of the gatekeeper, would you be in such a danger?"

"You don't let me feel guilty, are you worried that guilt will disturb my mind and make me decadent in guilt? I won't."

"I only feel helpless without help, helpless with helplessness, and I will become stronger, constantly stronger, and not let this happen again!"

Uh ...

In a vast place of war, Shui Zi'an put his hands in his sleeves, and the sleeves rushed against the wind. The old man moved forward, only to see that the sky on the left was more cloudy, and the bright moon on the right was brighter and clear.

The dense cloud is not a cloud ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is a gray-black robe covering the sky, and the moon is not the moon, but a jade plate carved by white jade, and the clear sky is the deep space rays The forged nets melt into the sky.

Wu Shuizi'an looked up at these three powerful soul soldiers, and suddenly laughed: "Xiaoyin, Xiaoqing, and Xiaoyuan, three brothers and sisters, don't have to hide, I'm here!"


The clouds trembled and turned into a gray-black robe draped over the shoulders of three old men. The moon fell and turned into a white jade and hung behind the head of a white-haired old woman. A net of blue and green light formed a net in the sky. In the middle of the jitter, an old man was standing backwards on Luo Net, hanging on his head and feet.

The Quartet Temple, three giant sacrifice rituals, appeared on the only way of life in the land of war.

"Shui Zi'an, Brother Shui, you are a wise man. You don't need to say more to our sister or brother, right?"

Xiao Qing is exactly the old lad. The white jade plate in the back of the head is brighter and smiles, "You should have guessed our goal. We have four sacrifice for Yin Qing's complete lack of sacrifice. In addition, there are five giants of filial piety." In order to get rid of you. You hit the filial piety demon and filial piety, and let us work against you together, you are dead enough to be proud. "

"Dead and proud?"

Lai Shuizi laughed, "Before I die, I have to pull a brother or two to accompany me on the road. I don't know which of the three of you?"

When the three giants came to death, Xiaoyuan laughed and said, "Without this possibility, you have been wounded, and there is no sword cocoon and sword silk in your hand, we can't take any of them to burial."

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