Rise of Humanity

Chapter 631: Cousin

His tone of resentment was so high that this resentment even caused Zhong Yue and Qiu Er'er behind him to come to understand the sea, and the deep resentment could be even Zhong Yue and Qiu Er'er such as gas refiners. Disturbance shows how deep his grievances are.

"Your grievance is too heavy, the creator, He Lan."

The man in the cage sneered: "Your killing heart is too heavy, you can't stop the desire to kill and avenge."

Zhong Yue and Qiu Yier pushed the old creator forward, and their hearts were disturbed. The old creator was indeed moody and somewhat abnormal. If he could control his killing thoughts, it would be fine. If he couldn't control it, wouldn't he? All sin will be upon them?

& n $ 猪 $ 猪 $ 岛 $ 小说 (www). (zhu) (zhu) (). () bsp; Qiu Yier said that Zhong Yue's Shou Yuan was backstabbed because of the seal of the ancestral blood of the ancestor. In the next two or three hundred years, if there is another large-scale curse, I am afraid his life will be cleared directly!

"I didn't expect to save people and put myself in danger."

Zhong Yue secretly said, "But the old creator is right. It is true that these fierce gods cannot be let out. The old **** may still hold back the killing heart, and these fierce gods will not hold back, and will shoot unscrupulously!"

"The Creator, He Lan!"

A voice came suddenly, but it was a white-haired old man crazily crouching in a prison cage, with white hair mopping the floor, and he laughed and said, "Let me out, I can help you kill heaven! You are framed by that existence, face He was tattooed, and he was conspired to cut his legs. You ca n’t get revenge, but let me help you! You and I have many years of friendship ... "

"No help."

The old creator didn't look at him, and said coldly, "Is your friendship worth a fart?"

The white-haired old man's expression changed dramatically, and he said fiercely, "Old thing, you will have no place for burial! After I go out, kill your family!"

Zhong Yue frowned slightly to save these guys from going out. It seems to be an extremely dangerous thing.

"Creator He Lan, could you save me out?"

The sound of crying for help in the cages, some intimidation, some temptation, some pleading, the old creator turned a deaf ear. Turn a blind eye to these beings.

When he came to suppress the demon god's cage that tried to break into the **** and tried to modify the book of life and death, Zhong Yue suddenly heard the voice of the old creator and said, "You speak, please let me unlock the cage for him."

Zhong Yue froze slightly, wondering.

The voice of the old creator continued, and said, "This demon monkey is so good. Although he is about to die, he is very powerful and not very evil, and it is worth saving. If you say something to save him, you can make him thank you. There will be a return in the future. For Fuxi to rise, you must have the help of the strong, and you alone can't. "

Zhong Yue was silent and suddenly said, "Senior He Lan, can you save this demon emperor?"

In the cage, the demon emperor ape seven suddenly opened his eyes. It seemed to him a look of doubt. The old creator Shen said, "Saving him is okay. But saving him is useless. His physical body will die and he will be reincarnate and reborn. The previous life is revoked, and he can only be restarted from the beginning. Moreover, if he is in Hell and the Six Realms It ’s your turn to kill. You can stand the punishment? Think about it. ”

Zhong Yue Zhengse said: "The disciples have already figured it out, and they also asked their predecessors to rescue them."

The old creator reluctantly said: "Since you ask, I can't help it. But this little demon emperor, you and I make it clear that you must not open the killing ring in Hell and the Six Realms."

The seven eyes of the imperial ape dimmed. Shaking his head, "I will die in the flesh, most of the next generation will be reduced to ordinary people, even animals and beasts, I'm afraid I can't wake up. Why save me?"

The old creator sneered: "I am the creator, He Lan. If you want to have a baby, you will have a baby. If you don't want to have a baby, what difficulties will I have for you to make a new body?"

The Seven Emperor Ape's eyes brightened suddenly, the old creator gave a pointer, and the mysterious magical power broke out. It was more powerful and terrible than Zhong Yue's hands, and broke the prison cage with one finger.

Qihuang Ape seven stepped out of his cage and bowed his sincere thanks to the old creator.

The old creator said indifferently: "Why thank me? Without this boy, how can you live without me?"

Qiu Ape Qi Qiong Zhongyue bowed down and thanked, saying, "The grace of salvation is memorable."

"Don't dare." Zhong Yue reciprocated.

The old creator said, "I will take them out of this six realms. When you need them, they will appear by your side."


Zhong Yue's heart stunned and suddenly saw the next cage and suddenly understood what he meant.

In that prison cage, there was a golden fierce **** lying on his side, surrounded by a broken sun, and the fierce **** snoring shook the sky.

"Predecessor He Lan, this predecessor is extraordinary and not like a fierce god. I heard the **** **** will say that he was also wronged, so he was driven into this place. I wonder if I can ask senior He Lan to help me?" Zhong Yue said Road.

The golden fierce **** suddenly woke up, looked up at Zhong Yue, arched his hand and said, "My little brother speaks and asks, my name is Shang Yu, and my name is Yu Huang, and there will be a return for the future!"

His demeanor is truly extraordinary. He has the calmness and calmness that other fierce gods do not have. Other fierce gods are imprisoned insanely, and suffocation is better than before, but he is still awake. Although he has been sleeping for 10,000 years, he has not been affected by the abyss of prison.

The old creator's eyes fell on him, and he said, "Although you have enemies, you must not take revenge, otherwise you will be affected by your benevolence. Can you guarantee that you will not attack your enemies?"

The Emperor Yuzheng said positively: "If it is involved with the eunuch, I will definitely not fight against the enemy."


The old creator rescued the Shang Yuyu Emperor and told him to follow him. His eyes seemed to be able to see through the good and evil, and went all the way to point out which repressed demon Zhong Yue wanted to rescue. Often it is not a big deal, but an offender who has offended the six realms, and is therefore detained here.

Zhong Yue pleaded guilty, and the old creator rescued these existences. Regardless of whether these existences were to be grateful to Zhong Yue, they all agreed to the conditions of the old creator and left the six realms with him.

The gods and devil he chose are very ingenious, and the most wicked and evil will not save, and those deeper beings will not be saved, because those beings are not weaker than him. If they are rescued, he cannot be restrained, but will bring danger to Zhong Yue.

Go all the way. Zhong Yue asked him to rescue the ninety-nine gods, and finally came to the entrance to the abyss of the town.

Outside, hundreds of thousands of **** gods were clothed into seal formations. Seventeen houses were sentenced to stand in the middle of the formation, and the prison emperor dispatched himself to hold the position. Like the enemy.

Suddenly, a powerful force from the abyss of the town was transmitted. The burst burst into pieces, hundreds of thousands of gods vomited blood, and they couldn't stand to fly in all directions. The dozen or so houses were also spitting blood and being attacked by the abyss The hurricane from China blew out, the body was torn and frightened.

The prison emperor was also shaken with blood and blood. Back and forth.

The old creator was sitting in a wheelchair, and was pushed out of the abyss by Zhong Yue and Qiu Yier. He glanced coldly at hundreds of thousands of gods and said, "You can't even take my breath, can you still step back?"

The prison emperor pressed down the blood that rushed into his throat, and yelled, "The Creator, He Lan, what can you do if you escape? I've been in heaven, where can you escape?"

The old creator glanced at him. The prison emperor was so shocked that he felt the whole road was chaotic. I couldn't help but spit out my mouth, turned around and left, plunging into the sea and disappearing.

"Prince Emperor, send me in my flesh!" Qihuang Ape flew to the sky and yelled loudly.


The underworld cracked and a huge monster monkey flew out. The Seven Souls of the Demon Emperor Ape entered the flesh and drank, "Return my weapon!"

A golden rod in the underworld rose up, and the demon emperor grabbed it.


The old creator calmly said, "The gods of heaven are already waiting for us."

Zhong Yue, Qiu Linger, and the ninety-nine fierce gods embraced the old creator across the heavy land and walked along the Naihe Bridge. It didn't take long before they came to the ghost city of the ghost city.

Zhong Yue looked up. I saw the sky full of gods, the endless golden clouds descended from the sky, and a ship and a large ship broke through the space and drove into hell. A wide banner fluttered on the side, and the sound of drums shook the sky.

Millions of heavenly demons, heavenly soldiers and generals, pressing the battlefield in the sound of drums, a powerful and boundless momentum surging, but seeing the golden clouds, a stature standing upright and standing high Look down.

"Bold and guilty, dare to rebel, violate the rule of heaven, rebellion!"

A mighty **** will scream, "If you still have conscience, kneel down and fall down, otherwise Tianwei will be angry and want you to die without a place to bury your body."

The old creator shouted in the sky, and among the roars, a cloud of golden clouds shattered, and a building ship was slammed into the space by the roar and smashed into the heaven. The flag on that side was torn apart, and a statue seemed extremely powerful. The existence of hematemesis spit blood, and even rolled over and ran back.

Millions of soldiers and soldiers were swept away!

"Fu Xi, let's just stop there."

The old creator sent a message to Zhong Yue and said, "I take them away, and when you need them, go to my ancestral court. I can't repay you for your kindness, only so."

With ninety-nine fierce gods, he opened the space between **** and the six realms, and left. Zhong Yue quickly said, "Senior He Lan, where is the ancestor?"

"The ancestral court is the ancestor of Fuxi, the origin of Daxi, called Lei Ze!"

The old creator went away with ninety-nine fierce gods, and the voice came: "Don't forget the youth of Fuxi, there are many of your relatives and friends in the three thousand and six realms! And I am your distant house Cousin! When you want to turn this world up, look for me there! "

Zhong Yue was so shocked that he watched him go.

The old creator disappeared with the gods ~ www.readwn.com ~ Qiu Yier hurriedly preached: "Master, this place should not be stayed for a long time, we must return to the six realms as soon as possible, so as not to be seen from the past!"

Zhong Yue nodded, just about to take off the mask, and suddenly saw a ghostly white robe fluttering on the ghost city, standing there alone.


Zhong Yue froze slightly, and said, "Brother Tianzheng, leave this place as soon as possible, and the heavenly gods will soon come again, you ..."

"I don't need to hide."

Tianzheng smiled slightly and said leisurely: "I am the real **** inspector, why should I hide?"

Zhong Yue paused: "The real **** inspector? Then why ..."

"We will meet again."

Tian Zheng waved his hand and said, "The next meeting, I hope it is a friend and an enemy. Don't give it away."

Zhong Yue and Qiu Yier took off their masks and disappeared from the **** cycle. (To be continued.)

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