Rise of Humanity

Chapter 632: Seeing the King

As soon as Zhong Yue and Qiu Yier disappeared, they saw that the space was cracking again, and a sacred **** and demon urged the battleship to lead the sky soldier to kill him again ..

At the same time, the prison emperor led the seventeen palaces and the gods of **** were killed from the depths of hell. The two men and women converged in the ghost city.嫂 可可 泺, look at the most cowardly girls

All the strong men in the heavenly courts were embarrassed.

"This fake inspection made Tianzheng work with the two fake inspections!"

A government sentenced his finger to Tianzheng in the Nether City, and sternly said, "Capture him and blame him!"

The impermanent white in white is standing in front of the city. The wind is light, the hand is holding up a token, and calmly says, "What do you think this is?"

The house judges sneered, "He wants to lie to us with a spirit card? It's daring! Capture him first, crush him to pieces, and let him be reincarnated as a pig!"

"Do not be presumptuous!"

A celestial priest stared at the token in Tianzheng's hands, suddenly his face changed suddenly, and he knelt down on one knee, respectfully said: "Chen and the other seventeen emperors!"

Hundreds of millions of heavenly gods hula lazed down on one knee, their voices were as loud as the same person, and they were deafening: "The officials wait to see the seventeen emperors!"

The imperial emperor and the seventeen palaces judged wrongly. Suddenly the imperial emperor awakened and immediately kneeled down on one knee. The other imprisoners also sobered up and bowed down and said, "The minister has seen the seventeen emperor!

"Come up. I'm the emperor, but not the emperor. There is no such majesty and authority. The son of the emperor is like a normal man, but he was a little higher at birth, and he dare not be a gift."

Tian Zheng raised his hand and let the gods stand up and laughed: "Get up quickly, lest other brothers, siblings and sisters say I'm not here for inspection, but for prestige."

The gods rose up and saw a priest standing up and saying, "We don't worship His Highness, we worship the might of the Emperor."

The prison emperor and Shizun Zunfu were stunned. It was unexpected that the Emperor Jie had sent the seventeen emperor as a **** inspector. They almost regarded the emperor as a party of Zhong Yue and others just now, and now they can't help but be afraid.

Tian Zheng's eyes flickered, looking at the direction in which Zhong Yue and Qiu Yier disappeared. The mind said: "The secret is silent, the secret is silent ... we will see you again."

He said silently: "Chang Tianji, thanks to you this time, I can take my life and death book into my pockets. The emperor is also not very safe. I have too little power. If my brother, sisters and sisters conspired, I do n’t know what kind of lower race it will be. You can help me control my destiny by cutting out my life and death book. Unfortunately, I do n’t know who you are or what your name is ... ”

In the cliff area, people such as 狴, 妗, Shi Yi, Bai Canghai, Jun Sixie, and Liu Dao are guarding the body of Zhong Yue and Qiu Yier ..

The flesh of the two still exudes vitality. Suddenly, Zhong Yue and Qiu Yier opened their eyes and glanced around. Qiu Yier thanked him, "You have been with us for so long? In the past six months, you haven't Leaving half a step? "

"What half a year?"

The teacher was not easily surprised: "You just left half a day. You enter Hell's reincarnation at sunset, and now it's just dawn."

Zhong Yue and Qiu Yier were shocked. They stayed in the prefecture for half a year. Why did it only take half a day here?

"Hell reincarnation is in a different space from reality, with different rules of heaven and earth, one year in the earth government, one day in reality."

狴 and 犴 explained: "So you have been in **** for half a year, and it's only been a long time here. Brother Zhong, have you rescued the man who wrote that I was a bad guy?"

Zhong Yue nodded slightly, regretfully saying, "Unfortunately, the senior did not leave with us. Instead, he left the six realms."

But He and He didn't take it seriously, with a smile on his face, and clapped his hands and smiled: "As long as he gets rid of the repression, everything will be fine. Don't ask him where he went. This time there are Brother Luo Zhong and Brother Qiu."

Bai Canghai quickly asked: "Did you modify the book of life and death?"

Jun Sixie and Liu Dao, the old man, and the teacher couldn't easily get nervous. They looked at Zhong Yue nervously. Zhong Yue nodded gently, and everyone cheered. Zhong Yue talked about modifying her life and death book and her experience in the local government. When it came to the thrilling place, everyone could not help but take a breath. When it comes to the various experiences of falsifying the book of life and death, everyone can not help but smile.

Zhong Yue said that the true **** inspection led Tianzheng to mention that he also modified the book of life and death, and let them leave at the last minute. Everyone couldn't help but wonder, one after another guessing the origin of Tianzheng.

"He should be a big man, otherwise he cannot be appointed as a **** inspector."

Jun Sixie thought: "But why did he cut off his book of life and death?"

However, the creator He Lan rescued those fierce gods and said that he would leave a team for Zhong Yue. Zhong Yue skipped this matter. The relationship between this matter is too big and involves the Fuxi Protoss. Zhong Yue can only keep this secret in In my heart, I guard alone.

Although Qiu Er'er followed him into the reincarnation of the hell, and also experienced these things, but the creator He Lan and his words were both spiritual power transmissions, and even she was concealed in the drum and did not know.

The more they knew, the more dangerous they became. The creator He Lan once said that the danger that Fu Yue had to experience and the difficulties he faced were hundreds of times his, so Zhong Yue chose to hide them.

"The two returned home safely and modified the book of life and death, which is a great joy."

Martyrdom: "In a few days, I am afraid that the King of Heaven will call us. You killed the son of King of Heaven, Master Zhong cut off the head of the Emperor and suppressed it. The news should also spread to the prison world these days. We The brothers are also influential in the prison world, helping the flames, the master of the circle should already know about it. The King of Heaven must not dare to chaos, so this time the king is called, there is no danger. Only in the future, you will have more danger. . "

狴 continued: "One more thing you need to pay attention to is that the subsequent battle is definitely more dangerous. The next battle is a big comparison between the whole prison world. Extremely powerful! "

"In the prison world, the left tooth star field is just a medium force, there are hundreds of thousands of similar star field forces!"

Shen Shen chanted: "There are probably a lot of strong men like our brothers in it. It's not uncommon to see such talents like Li Tianxing!"

Zhong Yue breathed a long sigh of relief. He solved the problem of identity, which was nominally the soul of the six realms. As long as he would not be strangled by the existence of the King of Heaven, he didn't have to worry too much.

In the confrontation of his peers, he didn't hold anyone in his mind, even the reincarnation **** emperor, and even Li Tianxing, who had cultivated all the demon evils!

"One more thing."

狴 Looking at Jun Sixie, he said, "You have n’t awakened the innate true spirit. In the next showdown, you are still very dangerous, so you do n’t need to participate. As for this girl Qiu, she has awakened the innate true spirit. "

Zhong Yue also looked at Jun Sixie, and said, "Sister, the future is dangerous. Sisters should not participate as well. After all, we are not creatures of this six world. Although the first name and last name are listed in the book of life and death, it is false after all. ,Forged……"

Jun Sixie glanced at Qiu Yier, shook his head, and chuckled: "Sister Qiu can participate in the war, why can't I do it? In this big comparison, I must be where is the gap between me and other star powerhouses!"

She was quite conceited and smiled, "I have completed the Tiandi Avenue, and I may not be inferior to them!"

Jian Dan Qin heart thinks evil, when did he show weakness? When do you consider yourself less skillful than others?

Zhong Yue frowned slightly, Jun Si Xie's natural nature is strong and competitive, not weaker than others. If she continues to persuade her to give up, she may become angry because of this, which will affect her mood.

But if Jun Sixie participates in this contest, he will definitely encounter fierce danger!

Qiu Linger awakened the innate true spirit, and the pure innate true spirit's combat power is not weaker than the demon. Based on this, she has the power to protect herself.

Although Jun Sixie has completed the incomplete avenue rules and greatly improved his strength, it is still a demi-god level, and there must be a certain distance from the existence of inverse emperor, 狴, and 犴.

"I won't go to war."

Bai Canghai laughed quickly: "I am indifferent, I'm not as good as you, or I will not die."

Zhong Yue nodded, and smiled, "The King of Heaven must summon us, and you have to go there."

"It's natural."

Bai Canghai held his chest up and laughed: "I have to go around and see the demon everywhere. Maybe I can find a curse and worship him as a teacher!"

Sure enough, as Lu and He said, within a few days, the news from the left ya star field asked the nine winners of the twin galaxy duel to go to the Bitianxing Mansion, and the king of Bitian met.

Puppets, puppets, Zhongyue, and others set off. After passing through the teleportation array, galaxies passed through each other. After two or three days, they came to the Bitianxing Mansion in Zuoya Star Field.

"At Bitianxingfu, our brothers cannot help each other if there is any danger."

The crowd just landed, and Geng and Gong looked at each other and said in unison: "Brother Zhong, your friendship with me only ends here. You help us rescue that existence, and we help you modify the book of life and death. Everyone knows everything."

Zhong Yue bowed and thanked, "In any case, I need to thank Xian Kunzhong for his help."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." The two brothers left.

Zhong Yue also took Jun Sixie, Qiu Linger and others to the towering Bitianxingfu.

In the distance, He and He looked at his back and suddenly smiled and said, "Not far or close."

犴 Nodded and said: "If you are away ~ www.readwn.com ~ The two laughed:" Non-pro-non-sparse. When we help him, we can only help here temporarily. Don't go too close to him. If it is too close, if he is found in the future, he will affect us. But we can help him secretly, after all, are relatives in distress. "

The two looked at each other and walked into Bitianxingfu.

The extraordinary weather of the Bitianxingfu is directly carved from the big star. The goddess gold is used to strengthen the continental shelf and star core to build a magnificent mansion. From a distance, it looks like a sacred mansion orbiting the sun. Countless times bigger.

However, compared with the cliffs of the cliffs and the cliffs of the cliffs, it seems to be inferior. It is not as strong as the heavens and earths in the cliffs of the cliffs.

Even so, this place is a blessed place, far better than other galaxies in the Zuoya star field, a rare holy place for cultivation.

"Brother Zhong, I will never be weaker than any gas refiner!" Jun Sixie looked around, his hair fluttered and he suddenly said. (To be continued.) For mobile users, please visit //m.ia



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