Rise of Humanity

Chapter 857: Kindness and cruelty

Fuxi shook his head and said sadly: "I can't change the outcome of the Protoss' destruction. I am guilty. I am a sinner. I push the Fuxis to the end ..."

Zhong Yue sneered: "You are the son of Fuxi Dao, the dignified son of the emperor is not as good as the little half-blood Fuxi who survived the genocide of mine. You are too disappointed. I have disappointed my grandparents. I still have You do n’t even have that responsibility! ”

Fuxi looked desperate, and murmured, "Assuming it? If I had a responsibility, I would have done my own gratitude, I am a sinner and a coward ..."

Zhong Yue was extremely disappointed. The only remaining emperor-level existence of Fuxi would be like this, which really made him sad. He originally thought that he would meet a man of the highest standing and carry the burden of racial survival. Now it seems that this Fu I am just a madman who is out of control, a poor worm who resents himself.

"Lao Tzu hero bastard, this kind of thing is not uncommon."

Salary shook his head and said, "The prince of Fuxi Taoism is nothing but a spoiled bastard. He has no emperor-level cultivation and has lived for so many years. He is over 100,000 years old, right? The child who grows up is not mentally sound, and without half the burden, this **** should be sealed and suppressed. Yue Xiaozi, you can't expect this **** to be half-pointed, expecting that he will only make you work hard and will be punished by him Implicated to death. This is the wisdom of survival. "

Fu Xi's face was grey and trembling.

Zhong Yue sighed and turned to leave, whispering: "Anyway, he is the prince of Fuxi Daozong, Fuxi Daozong is fighting for his race, his son should have a peaceful old age. Now the seal is broken Mostly, let him spend the rest of his life here. "

Fuxi knelt and cried, the old man was crying like a child.

Sui Huo suddenly said: "However, the complete scripture of Fuxi Taoism can not be brought into the grave. If this method is buried with him, the efforts of Fuxi Taoism will be in vain. Fuxi, Fuxi Tao The Scriptures of the Heart are passed down, and you stay here for your own sake. "

Fuxi was trembling with white hair and surging spiritual power, and taught him the complete Fuxi Taoism Sutra, including all his comprehension. The seal was still there. His spiritual power wave touched the seal, tearing him apart again.


His immense spiritual power is like the cosmic flood, it is the spirit of the imperial existence, boundless and boundless, in contact with Zhong Yue's spirit, Zhong Yue's eyes change momentarily, and he enters Fuxi's ancient and long memory.

He seemed to be back in the ancient years more than 100,000 years ago.

He seemed to have become Fuxi, Fuxi Daozun's prince. He was young, full of vigor, and full of spirit.

Zhong Yue saw the old age of the most glorious and magnificent dynasty in history. At that time, although Fuxi Taoism was old, the dynasty was still in its peak state and possessed extremely terrible power.

That power, which shook ancient and modern times, is a power never before seen in any era. It surpassed its predecessors and shook time and space.

The six reincarnations were established, and all ethnic groups oozed unprecedented vitality. Under the rule of the ancient emperor, there were as many powerful men as possible, and there were as many as three or five thousand emperors.

The ancient universe was also under the rule of the divine dynasty. The 36th Taoism had not yet been fully established, and it was completely different from the current 36th Taoism.

An ancient supernatural being, there is an emperor-level existence. As the six Taos, he controls the reincarnation, creating three thousand six realms. These emperor-level existences hold the six samsaras and control the boundless power.

What a magnificent scene?

Even the innate god, the innate demon, is subject to the rule of this glorious deity.

This is the eleventh year of Fuxi's rule. He lived long and became emperor, and Shou Yuan has come to an end.

As a young prince, Fuxi has a kind heart and treats all ethnic groups and associates with the heads of ethnic groups. He has always been kind and believes that all ethnic groups are equal, and that all ethnic groups have no respect or inferiority. He should treat all people equally. Boundaries should not exist, and all ethnic groups are fused together without distinction.

Therefore, he was a bit uncomfortable with some of Fuxi's actions.

His prestige was extremely high. In his later years, Fuxi Daozun became more and more prestigious. Even the heads of various ethnic groups suggested that his son inherit his father's business and set Prince Fuxi as his next emperor, taking over the universe and dominating the heavens. .

This is the best time.

However, Fuxi Daozun rejected the proposals of various ethnic groups, saying that the emperor, the virtuoso and the capable, lived there, and the prince, Fuxi, was able to be superficial and weak, and should not abandon his ancestral teachings because of him. . The next dynasty emperor of the Earth Age is naturally the most viable and responsible existence.

At the time of the accident, the Fuxi Dynasty was still the strongest and most glorious period.

This change came very suddenly, extremely violently!

On this day, Fuxi Dao summoned him, worried, and said to him, "Heaven" was born.

He was quite puzzled and did not understand his father's anxiety.

A few days later, the arrogance of the innate gods existed, sneaking on the innate deities, and the contradiction between the gods and demons suppressed by Fuxi Taoism broke out.

This is a fierce battle. The imperial existence of the innate gods and spirits are buried in the war, affecting the situation of the entire universe, so that more imperial existences have joined this fierce battle, the ancient Fuxi God. The DPRK has a tendency to fall apart and disintegrate.

The fall of a respected emperor, the number of emperors is rapidly decreasing, the entire universe is turbulent, blood is flowing around, and the battles between various races are endless, making the entire universe blood-stained.

The elder Fuxi Daozun personally set out to march, leading his elders to fight north and south, and executed a monk, trying to restore the dynasty that was about to fall.

But he is old and faint, and is no longer the wise and incomparable Warrior Great Emperor.

The old Fuxi Taoism became cruel, and the princes and princes who had once contributed to the six ways, to reincarnation, and to the world community, were executed one by one, deprived them of the Pangu gods, entered the six reincarnation, and let the pangu gods. The master holds six reincarnations.

Half of the emperors of the God dynasty were levied and beheaded by him. Half of the Pangu gods in the 36th realm were he personally stripped off the meta-mystical realm of the emperor class and created the Pangu gods and men!

It was a terrible horrible storm that swept the universe.

Following Yue Fu's perspective, Zhong Yue witnessed this tragic war, and this terrible battle that swept the entire universe was the fierce battle that scared the goddess.

The goddess goddess in the ancient Tibetan area sensed the fall of an innate **** and an innate demon, and sensed the breath of incomparably powerful existence, disappeared from the heavens and earth, and sensed the annihilation of billions of souls, one by one Life on the planet is dying fast!

This is the terrible war of the ancient battle, which washed the countless stars of the universe and countless civilizations!

The entire universe was frightened. During the thousand-year battle of Fuxi Taoism, all wars were calmed down, and countless strong men trembled, hid, and dared not regenerate their hearts.

However, Fuxi Taoism is still being conquered, and the execution of the strong existence that once contributed to the heavens and the earth continues to build and perfect the 36th Taoism.

Prince Fu Xi, because of his kind heart, had many emperor-level beings leaning against his door to pray for a way of life.

Fuxi sheltered them with the crown prince's identity. The strong men gathered under the door, and even gave up his great magical powers who were about to be beheaded under the Emperor sword of Fuxi Taoism.

I don't know how many great magical people have been reincarnated to Fuxi under the protection of Prince Fuxi.

Prince Fuxi's reputation reached an unprecedented peak, and at this time he discovered a great secret, a secret that changed the Fuxi protoss, and a secret that destroyed the Age of the Earth Age.

He took the secret out.

"Father, it was you who provoked the war between the innate gods and the innate demon gods, and it was you who set off this unrest that swept all races!"

Prince Fu Xi was desperate and led many imperial beings to question Fu Xi Dao Zun, and he found that his father was behind the turmoil.

Fuxi Daozun provoked the battle between the innate **** and the innate demon with one hand, and then secretly aroused the situation to allow countless protoss and demons to be involved in this fierce battle!

Fuxi Daozun personally led the crowd to eradicate the old meritorious ministers and eradicate the emperors who shined in the sky, all from his plan, his strategy!

"You plan to live in the world!"

Fu Xi was angry with his old father, he was generous in his submissions, he was powerful, and he uttered a strong voice: "Did you kill the old minister and kill the great magical man who has contributed to the society of the world, to clear the obstacles for me to succeed? This dirty world, I do n’t want ! "

The most powerful Heaven Emperor ever, learned the strategy of the strongest Heaven Emperor, and eventually lost to his son.

"You are faint!"

"You don't deserve to be this emperor!"

"You have failed the world!"

Fu Xi's voice shook his deafness, Fu Xi Dao respected his body and his name, and resigned from his position as Emperor of Heaven.

"I'm not for you, I'm for the Fuxi Protoss."

The twilight old emperor was physically and mentally exhausted, and said to him, "I can suppress the emperors, suppress the peoples, suppress the heavens, and maintain the dynasty when I am alive. After I die, the Fuxi Protoss will inevitably become a thorn in the eyes of all ethnic groups and the sky will die. My **** tribe, the emperors will destroy my **** tribe, and the ten thousand will destroy my **** tribe. You are not familiar with it, and you cannot keep the Fuxi protoss. I want to do something for my race before I die ... "

"You're really faint!" Fu Xie blame him sadly and sadly ~ www.readwn.com ~ If I don't do it, the Fu Xing Protoss will not exist. "

The old emperor shivered, "Your kindness will destroy our race. If you still treat me as your father, you will be beheaded by the gods and demons who have been reincarnated to Fuxi. It is not my heart ..."

"Every nation is flat with benevolence, and all races are unified, regardless of each other. Why doesn't Fuxi exist?"

He cried out: "I am as close to the family as my family, and my family is as close to me as my loved ones. The world is united and there is no respect and nobleness. This is the glorious age of the earthen age! Father, how brilliant you are in your early years, and how amazing Why is it so faint in old age? You are so disappointed! "

On this day, Fuxi Taoism died, and the most powerful existence in history died.

"I hope you can keep a little blood of Fuxi ..."

His father grabbed his hand before he was dying, and wanted to sue him, to be freed by him, and let go.

This is farewell, the destruction of the entire Fuxi Protoss. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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