Rise of Humanity

Chapter 858: Easy

Afterwards, the memory of Prince Fuxi was a history of blood and tears of the Fuxi Protoss. His benevolence turned into cruelty against the Fuxi Protoss, which caused the history of Fuxi's resistance for more than 20,000 years.

A powerful messenger came, and the self-proclaimed messenger convened the most powerful being at the time, and a bloodbath was brewing.

Prince Fuxi also noticed that it was not good, but he was panicked and couldn't come up with any idea in the face of this situation. At this time, the strong Fuxi escorting Fuxi Taoist Emperor Coffin to the ancestor was ambushed.

The strongest imperial force of the royal family was almost wiped out, and Prince Fuxi came forward at this time, and said to all the nations that Fuxi Taoist had done wrong. He represented the Fuxi protoss to make reparations to the world.

These two incidents directly caused the invincible deterrence accumulated by Fuxi Daozong for the Fuxi Protoss for over 120,000 years to be lost, and all races saw the weakness and decline of Fuxi's family!

The nations rebelled and attacked in hordes. Prince Fuxi did not suppress it in the first place, and did not use iron and blood to deter him. Instead, he repeatedly gave in and finally turned into an irreparable disaster.

At this time, the Fuxi Protoss is still the most powerful race, and still has the power to crush various races, but because of his weakness and concession, the Fuxi Protoss has been eroded.

It is extremely ironic that even those imperial existences that once sheltered him have rebelled, including those supernatural beings who were reincarnated to Fuxi, and set the banner for the skywalk.

After a thousand years, a **** curse erupted, completely ruining Fuxi's future.

At that time, the Emperor Tianyuan received the support of the angel of heaven and became the emperor. He was relegated from Gan and called Tianzi, the Son of Heaven. Since then, the true emperor of heaven has become history.

Fuxi Dao Zun fought for thousands of years for Fuxi with the end of his soul flying away. During this millennium, he failed to make any moves to turn the tide on, which led to the subsequent annihilation of the race.

This also led to Feng Changyang, the patriarch of Fuxi's last luck, even if he had earth-shattering talents, and was unable to return to the sky. He had to begged the emperors of all ethnic groups, begged those traitors, and left a trace of blood to Fuxi.

Finally, Feng Changyang fell on Tianhe, and used his life to exchange his son's head to make Fuxi's future.

Fuxi also survived, thanks to the merits and virtues of Fuxi Dao Zun for initiating the six reincarnations, and some people were deeply concerned about the existence of Fuxi and could not bear the extinction of Fuxi. Only sealed him, suppressed in the sky.

Zhong Yue's heart was sad, and Prince Fuxi's house was kind and hearty. When Fuxi Daozong removed all obstacles to Fuxi's future, he protected those beings. In the end, because of his kind heart, he only protected himself. , And buried his own race.

Fuxi's mental strength was withdrawn. The crown prince had already lost his original spirit. Now he is old-fashioned, just an old man who complains and is about to die.


Salaried indignantly: "Why are you still alive?"

Fuxi bowed his head and remained silent.

Zhong Yue sighed: "Fire, go."

Salary flew back to his eyebrows, still angry: "He is not without talent, but his talent and wisdom are not worthy of his status! Let a person with talent and wisdom not be worthy of the high position, this is the biggest scourge Shuzi, deficiencies and conspiracies! It was cheap for him to stay here until he died! "

Zhong Yue was silent, shaking his head and said, "I still hope that one day, he will be able to get out of this little universe and revive his father's legacy."

"I think you are delusional, arrogant and arrogant, but not enough to succeed. Relics, Yifeng, or you to inherit Fuxi's legacy."

Zhong Yue heard that there was a sense of weakness in her heart. At the end of the Earth Age, there were three or five thousand emperors. Although most of them had died under the sword of Fuxi Taoism, there were still elders who survived. "Heaven" is high. How can he fight against such a huge force?

He immediately invigorated, and laughed, "Whatever the day of his mother, cut his knife with a knife!"


Salary Haha laughed: "Cut his mother!"

Each person made a few swear words, and cleared out the feeling of weakness in his heart.

Zhong Yue took out the thirty heavenly maps left by the emperor, carefully studied and thought, "Fu Li captured Prince Mu San and tortured him for a while before I went to the rescue. Without suffering, I rescued How could he be grateful? "

He studied thirty heavenly maps, but the mysteries contained in the heavenly maps are still obscure and cannot be understood at all.

The Tao map is too deep this day. Rao created the deduction method of Yin and Yang, and it was impossible.

"No wonder the Emperor is unable to teach Salary, let Salary spread the map of heaven."

Zhong Yue sighed, put the Tao of Heaven into her own sea of ​​knowledge, and went to study Fuxi Taoism. For him, the Fuxin Tao Zunxinjing was a lot easier. With the cultivation experience and understanding of Prince Fuxi, all the obscure points of this method were solved.

Originally, Zhong Yue's enlightenment of this technique had countless places that could not be enlightened, so he could only focus on the six samsaras. Now that he has the complete Fuxi Taoism, and combined with his experience and understanding, he can systematic Practice this technique!

This is Fu Xing Dao Zun's method of suppressing an era. The knowledge contained in it is vast. Fu Xi Dao Zun cannot be transformed into a Taoist **** because he is an acquired soul, but this method is definitely a Taoist god!

Zhong Yue was not only amazed, but devoted himself to the study, forgotten to sleep.

The understanding of Prince Fuxi is the understanding of the emperor, which is very important to Zhong Yue. The understanding of the emperor can save him a lot of detours.

His understanding of the avenue has reached the level of the emperor, but this only includes the five types: the congenital sun avenue, the congenital Taiyin avenue, the congenital Shinto, the congenital magic avenue, and the congenital thunder avenue.

He did not reach this level by innate change.

He was able to argue in the King Wu's and King Wu's creators, and even defeated his opponent, relying on his higher understanding of the Innate Avenue of the Sun.

But if he changed to another avenue, such as the Five Elements, such as Liuhe, he would be too late.

And the understanding of Prince Fuxi's emperor level will allow him to go further, make his horizons wider and deeper!

The most critical thing is innate change. If the understanding of innate change can reach the level of the emperor, he will definitely have a terrible promotion!

Pushing God, Demon, Yin, Yang, and Thunder from innate Yidao can also help him elevate these five innate avenues to the level of emperor!

This is terrible!

"Salary fire, the greatest virtue of the complete Fuxi Taoist Scriptures, I am afraid it is not yet an improvement on my six congenital avenues."

Zhong Yue stunned and suddenly said: "It's the complete six reincarnation concept!"

There are complete six samsaras in the Fuxi Taoism. The six samsaras were created under the leadership of Fuxi Taoism. They are perfect and integrate the wisdom of all strong men of that era. The wisdom of these strong men is unified in the Fuxi Taoism. In.

"With the complete concept of six reincarnations, I can complete the exercises of Emperor Fuxi, not just Fuxi, but even Emperor Xi!"

Zhong Yue was extremely excited and said quickly: "I can use six reincarnation concepts to perfect the exercises of the ancient emperors! Let these exercises be complete and flawless!"

Salary was also dumb, surprised, "If this is the case, wouldn't it say that my heritage is still useful?"

"it works!"

Zhong Yuezhong emphasized: "There are great uses! After I complete these exercises, they are perfect emperor-level exercises that include six reincarnations. Naturally, they have a great use! Even the emperor's exercises have a great use, including Six-cycle Samurai Emperor-level exercises! "

Salaried with his hands on his hips, Haha laughed, "So to speak, the heritage of fire is also very useful! Hey, I was originally worried that my heritage has become a useless commodity, now it seems that the master of salaried fire is still awesome. Big baby! "

Zhong Yue was in distress and said, "But in a short time, I can't complete any of the exercises. To fully comprehend Fuxi Tao's Heart Sutra, it takes a lot of effort, let alone make up. All other emperor-level exercises ... "

"No rush, no rush!"

The fire is still excited, saying: "You are now taking cultivation as your main task, and improve your cultivation as much as possible. It will not be so difficult for you to complete these emperor-level exercises until you are ascended to the realm of the Creator and the Emperor. Young man, work hard! Master Salary is counting on you! "

Zhong Yue continued to retreat intently, and devoted himself to the understanding of Fuxi Taoism, and his innate Yidao continued to grow and deepen.

His congenital Yidao was made into an innate sword by him. This sword has absorbed Fu Xi's cultivation as a avenue and has become a monarch-level treasure, but this is not his own cultivation.

If he wants to exert all the power of the innate sword, he needs to realize a higher level of his understanding of the innate connotation.

Of course, due to the limitation of cultivation, even if his understanding of Innate Ido reaches the level of emperor and monarch, he will not be able to fully exert the power of the Congenital Excalibur, but it should still be able to achieve 15%.

15% of the emperor's treasure, the power is extremely impressive!

Zhong Yueku sat for more than a month and suddenly his heart moved slightly, feeling that the ban he had placed was touched, and he could not help opening his eyes.

"Is Brother Yi Fengyi here?" A familiar voice sounded outside.

Zhong Yue stunned: "Jin Hexi? How did she chase here?"

He left this time, asking himself that no clues were left. Jin He's Jin Hexi was able to find it, which was quite unexpected.

When Zhong Yue walked out of the palace, she saw a woman dressed in a golden feather dress standing in the distance, just stepping into the restraint left by him.

Jin Hexi smiled lightly: "Brother Yi, when you talked with you, you moved your hands and feet a little bit, so that I could find you."

"Hands and feet?"

Zhong Yue wondered, Jin Hexi took out a silk thread and laughed: "I have drawn a silk thread from your clothes. Your clothes should not be the treasured clothes you made yourself? One silk thread is missing, yourself You can't notice it, but the silk thread is part of your clothes. Of course, you have to chase after you. I use this silk thread to find you. "

She let go of her finger, and when the silk thread came, he got into his clothes automatically, interlaced, and recovered as before.

"This dress was woven by a friend of mine, and it really wasn't a soldier I had cultivated."

Zhong Yue suddenly realized and laughed, "Sister He Xi, why are you here to find me?"

"Naturally, it's another story!"

Jin Hexi flashed in his eyes: "Now you can rest assured, this is not Tanggu, you can leave generously even if you beat me!"

"Sister, look at my palm."

Zhong Yue laughed ~ www.readwn.com ~ He showed a palm, and the palm of his hand rose day by day, which is the birth day.

"My Tao is called Yi Dao. Between the palms of the hand, the yin and yang change, and Qiankun reverses."

Zhong Yue flipped her palm up, a round of innate bright moon flew from the back of the palm, the sun and the moon rotate and change, and the yin and yang coexist. The congenital big day and the innate bright moon complement each other, and the buzzing sound turns into an innate Taiji picture to enclose him in the picture!

"This is easy!" Zhong Yue leisurely said.

Jin Hexi was about to discuss with him. When he saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel dull, and his expression became pale.

I can see that this volume of innate Taiji diagram not only achieves anode yin, or even goes a step further, it achieves cathode yang, and yin and yang complement each other perfectly.

This level surpassed her too much!


After a moment, she yelled, "Lose ..." (To be continued.) Activate the new URL

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