Rise of Humanity

Chapter 859: Yin and Yang

Zhong Yue showed her that the cathode was anodic and the anode was yin and yin, and the yin and yang changed, and turned into innate tai chi. It was not even necessary to talk about Tao.

This is a higher-level display. The congenital Taiyin and congenital sun formed a perfect whole. It is a level that Jin Hexi has not yet encountered. Naturally, she can only lose.

Zhong Yue said with a gentle smile: "Sister He Xi, from Jinwu's family, race has made you, but also restricted you, so you can understand the cathode yang and anode yin, and you are struggling. The anode is negative and precious. "

The racial boundary is innocuous to ordinary people, and for higher gods, this boundary is often a shackle that limits their achievements.

In fact, many ancestors seem to be tyrannical and innately powerful. They outperform other races in the abyss. They can do more with less. They can practice faster than other races.

But the higher you practice, the more racial boundaries become apparent.

For example, Jinwu's natural control of fire, born of pure yang, allows them to obtain unparalleled talent, the speed of cultivation is extremely fast, the magical power is vast, and almost all of them can achieve magic.

But the blood of success is also the blood of failure. The blood of pure yang allows them to understand pure yang to the extent that other races can't look at it, and it can even be cultivated as the congenital solar energy and congenital sun road.

And because of the limitation of blood, their understanding of pure yin is more difficult. Only a few outstanding existences such as Jin Hexi can reach this step.

At this step, it is extremely difficult and extremely difficult. This is to break the bloodline!

The stronger the race, the more difficult it is to break through the racial boundaries. The Jinwu family is an emperor, born with the blood of imperial emperors. Therefore, Zhong Yue said that Jin Hexi's breaking through the racial boundaries is valuable.

Jin Hexi smiled reluctantly, and said, "So Brother Yi has broken the racial boundaries?"

The smile on Zhong Yue's face froze, and Jin Hexi was startled and lost her voice: "You have learned about the cathode positivity and the anode yin and never crossed the racial boundaries?"

Zhong Yue sighed: "My blood is too strong. Cathode anode and anoin are transformed into Taiji, which is also a kind of bloodline talent. I am still within the racial boundaries and have not broken through."

Jin Hexi was shocked. What kind of race is this and how can the racial boundaries be so arrogant and so terrible?

The Jinwu family is already an emperor, with innate emperor blood, and even the protoss is even more terrible than the Jinwu family. Even the yin and yang tai chi are their racial blood talents!

Want to break through the boundaries of racial blood, isn't it that it is extremely difficult and almost impossible?

"Empires in our family history rarely cross racial boundaries, and often they are accomplished by racial talent."

Zhongyue thought: "Calculate that maybe only one emperor broke through the racial boundaries and reached an unparalleled achievement."

The emperor he said was Fuxi Daozun, the only Fuxi who broke through the boundaries of Fuxi's blood, and opened up six reincarnations to reach the level of Taoism.

The shock of Jin Hexi's heart could not be increased, and within the racial boundaries, he achieved the Great Emperor's position and obtained the Great Emperor's Dao Guo. Is there really such a terrible race in the world?

"Yi, this unknown race is really so strong?"

Jin Hexi stepped forward and said earnestly: "Brother Yi, I don't know if He Xi can communicate with you? Although I realized the anode Yinsheng, it is difficult to go further and gain a higher understanding. I am earnest in seeking Tao If Brother Yi can teach, He Xi is willing to hold the disciple gift. "

The meaning of holding a disciple is not to worship Zhong Yue as a teacher, but to hold the disciples of Zhong Yue as a teacher.

As the daughter of the Jinwu family, her descendant patriarch, willing to hold the disciple gift is already ashamed of the Jinwu family. After all, she is the future patriarch of the Jinwu family.

"Yue, it's too much for the future patriarch of the emperor to bow his head to disciple ceremony."

In Zhongyue's knowledge of the sea, the fire was rare and serious, and he said, "Although the emperor is not as good as the royal family, how can the descendant patriarch of the innate **** emperor descend from his identity? I don't agree with this matter, it should be mated! Only equal! After mating, babies will be born, and whoever has the strongest blood will have the last name, either Jin or Zhong, maybe they will give birth to ... "

Zhong Yue turned a deaf ear to this little flame, and laughed, "Sister, maybe you and I will be able to benefit from each other if you communicate with each other. Why do you need to be a disciple? I also need a master-like understanding of the congenital Sun Avenue Such strong men come to confirm each other. "

"I am angry."

He was angry and angered: "Stink boy still remembers the prediction of Chaos God Ao? Chaos God Ao predicted that you are Zhongshan's big breeding cattle. As a big breeding cattle, you should take breeding as your duty and work hard to give birth! "

Jin Hexi rejoiced: "I do n’t dare to prove it, I still hold the disciple's gift, after all, the master is the teacher. After communicating with Brother Yi, I am a student and I mutually prove that I also get more."

She gave a disciple and followed Zhong Yue, and the two came to this temporary temple. Zhong Yue knew the power of Jin Wu's. This race has complete emperor-level exercises, blended with six reincarnations, and communicated with Jin Hexi. It is also beneficial for him to fuse the concept of the six reincarnation with Fuxi's imperial power.

The wisdom of the two is comparable. Jin Hexi's accomplishments on the Avenue of the Innate Sun are extremely deep. Compared with him, she is inferior to each other. She has confirmed each other and complemented each other.

Zhong Yue's heart is divided into two uses. While understanding Fuxi Taoism, and understanding the congenital change of the Tao, while communicating with Jin Hexi, the two men's heads are illuminated by the congenital day, and the innate bright moon rises, and the sounds of the Tao are trembling. .

Zhong Yue waved his hand, the temple was opened, and it turned into an altar. The two sat on the altar, wisdom turned on, and various sounds continued to come. He pointed out Jin Hexi ’s anode and cathode, and he became an innate tai chi. And Jin Hexi's wisdom helps him realize a higher realm.

I saw the sky above the planet, the sun and the moon revolving, a total of two rounds of congenital day, two rounds of the bright moon, the sun and the moon rising, reincarnation is very wonderful.

The sun and the moon are double, and the interaction between yin and yang, and I see that this inanimate planet is constantly evolving, and the earth, water, fire, and thunderclouds are shining. In the turmoil of yin and yang, the most subtle totems combine to generate life.

Zhong Yue and Jin Hexi gave a faint sound, looked into the ocean of the planet, and saw the incomparable totem of yin and yang, the incomparable life was born in the movement, gradually becoming more complicated.

"Creation, creation ..."

Zhong Yue whispered: "Yin and Yang create creatures to transform life. Is this the state of creation?"

Jin Hexi is also inexplicable. They have not yet entered the realm of the Creator. One is a god, the other is a true god. There is still a very long distance from the creator. Without hundreds of years or even thousands of years of hard work and suffering, it is impossible Achieve the Creator.

However, they exchanged and confirmed each other, and each of them has made great progress, but they took the lead in comprehending some realm means of the Creator on this planet.

The two looked at each other and constantly evolved the changes of yin and yang. I saw the vicissitudes of the earth on this planet. The changes in the totem of yin and yang were more nuanced, and gradually life became more complicated.

The process of watching this yin and yang creation is also enlightening for them.

Suddenly, the two of them had a congenial heart, and they saw the two rounds of innate confluence in the sky that merged innately and brightly. The two felt that each other's souls suddenly felt compatible with each other.

Life on this planet is constantly evolving, constantly evolving, becoming colorful, the desolate planet is gradually colorful, life in the water has become more complicated, and it has become many kinds. It wanders in the water unconsciously, and some absorb it innately. The light of the sun and congenital moon grows on its own, and some devour other creatures.

In the movement of groundwater, wind and fire, the sea changes, the land rises and falls, and some creatures land on the land, or they become simple plants or animals.

Zhong Yue and Jin Hexi were even more surprised, and this change was somewhat unexpected.

"Is this life or a creature?"

Jin Hexi was puzzled: "Life has life, souls have souls, where does the soul come from? Can we create souls by creating things?"

Zhong Yue's heart moved slightly, the probe covered the congenital big day and the congenital bright moon, and a mass extinction immediately appeared, and countless lives died.

Jin Hexi quickly waved his sleeves to let the sun and moon reappear, and the planet became vibrant again.

"They are not real creatures, they are just lower creatures born of the fusion of our yin and yang qi." Zhongyue thought.

Jin Hexi's eyes brightened and said: "Our yin and yang road has not yet reached the extreme. If it reaches the extreme, can we create a birth spirit?"

The congenital big day and the congenital bright moon rotate with each other, Zhong Yue and Jin Hexi rise slowly, and the two turn into a giant three-legged Jinwu staggered to fly around the planet.

Jin Wu flew across his neck and danced, waving the innate totems hidden in the sun and the moon, and derived a more wonderful life.

Their minds were intertwined and they had a rhinoceros in their hearts. Suddenly Zhong Yue turned into a dragon. The dragon and the Jinwu swam between the clouds and the sun and the moon, sowing the seeds of life, and a huge figure appeared and disappeared.

Below, more life appears on the planet, giving birth to colorful races.

The fusion of yin and yang, forgetfulness, and the long chanting of dragons and blacks came from the sky. The life on the planet is also evolving by itself. Life is evolving rapidly, and wonderful changes are born in the intersection of yin and yang.

On the land, in the sky, and in the ocean, there are many giant beasts, and a complete ecosystem is formed.

Suddenly, a cry came out, Jin Hexi flew from between the sun and the moon, and Jin Yu flew around her. The woman wrapped her shirt, flew away, and fled without a trace.

After a while, Zhong Yue walked out of her face in shame.

"Yue, good job," Xinhuo said excitedly.

"I'm communicating with her about the change of yin and yang. I don't know what to do ... I don't know what's going on! Yeah, it's the congenital avenue that controls my mind with her!"

"Nonsense! If you cultivate a congenital yin-yang avenue with a male Jinwu, you will not speak like this now, and you will have nowhere to cry at that time!"

Xiu Huo sarcastically said: "The innate yin and yang avenue has been practiced to the extreme, and she will involuntarily intersect. She has practiced with you. It is a trick, and she has been entangled for two or three years without knowing it. She will regret it after she wakes up! , When it ’s okay, practice with the girls and yin and yang avenues, and the Fuxi family will prosper and grow! ”

"Two or three years?"

Zhong Yue jumped down and left, "Well! Mu Suge has been detained for two or three years, and Fu Li can't stop how to torture him!"

Over the planet below, the congenital sun and congenital moon continue to orbit the planet, forming a peculiar scene ~ www.readwn.com ~ Life on this planet is still thriving and constantly evolving. I do n’t know how many years have passed The birth of intelligent life evolved, and two statues were created on the altar ruins, Jinwu and Dragon, Jinwu is the Heavenly Mother, Dragon is the Heavenly Father, and the life sacrifice worship on the planet is a small episode in Humane Supreme.

Zhong Yue galloped and hurried to the territorial territory, Xinghumbao.

He unknowingly delayed on that planet for three years. Those guys in Fuli will certainly not give Mussuge a good look. The detention time is so long, and there must be a lot of suffering.

Zhong Yue's original intention was to detain him for half a year, and then rescue him. He never expected to delay so long.

"Fuli will not have sold him, right?" He felt a little hairy.

Xinghumborg was wandering around and had no place to stay. He was about to contact the people of Xinghumborg first, but at this time, a bell rang in the depths of the universe and came from afar.

Zhong Yue's heart jumped, and she looked in the direction of the bell, and saw that the bright stars had gone out one after another. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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