Rise of Myriad Magic Emperor

Chapter 112: Yami Response

Today is July 7 and Kai with his classmates is sitting in the dinning room eating their breakfast and look at the beautiful scenery of tall mountains and rivers.

While Instructor Kade is telling us about the domain were are currently in.

"Students currently we are passing through the gandwana mountain. Known for its mineral deposit of silver as well as it's deep mountain valleys and ever changing weather.

Leading to the creation of a paradise of flowers in the mountains valleys. Just wait you will be able to see that place soon"

Hearing that girls were mostly excited. They like beautiful stuffs and flower.

Sometimes later, the beautiful and magnificent scene of mountains full of flowers appeared before them with thin fog around the mountain. Giving a unique feeling of peace and satisfaction as they have entered a completely different world.

"I will like to live here after I became old with my husband. What do you say Palma"asked Tasha as she look at Palma with a beautiful smile.

Palma nodded and look at the scenery outside the window with a smile"Really a wonderful place to live"

While Klaus didn't react much and open his copy.

Kai who was sitting beside him and see that this guy is sketching the scene outside in this copy.

While others are completely mesmerized by the landscape.

Kai was also enjoying the scenery of the outside, while drinking his tea and look at Dilo who is sitting on the opposite side and looking at the scene outside with sparking eyes and smiled.

Others also notice the weird smile on Kai face as he look at Dilo.

Regas wispered to Tylon"Brother, it's seem Kai and Dilo have become really close within a Kai and Dilo don't find any problems interacting with Kai. Unlike how he try to keep some distance from us.

"Yes, they have been friends so quickly"

Saying that Tylon look at Kai who was drinking tea with a elegant posture and look like a gentleman.

On girls side, Lizel, Tasha, Mina are looking at Alina. The magic champion level expert send by the academy and cannot help but feel her age is similar to them but tried to deny it.

"If one can become magic champion at the age of nineteen then what have we done these days. No no no, she must be a elder who had lived for hundreds of years"

All were trying to deny the fact to protect their self pride.

While Alina had no interest in Kai and Dilo. Her six sense is telling her that their is some crispy secret between these two people.

"Master, you are so intresting and never seems to amaze me"with a malicious smile on her face.

Kai felt the graze of Alina and look at her. Who replied back with a smile.

Sometimes later the view outside changed, as human settlements can be seen in the mountains valleys, scattered around the region with cattles and farmland attached with them.

As the train continue on its journey.

On the other hand in Buraford Kingdom.

[Royal City of Buraford Kingdom]

It's has been a day since Saintess Maya and Duke Grawn had arrived and have witnessed the magnificent market of capital city as well as the great change in the lifestyle of the people and their demand.

Specifically Duke Grawn who is merchant by nature. Noticed that he needs to change his marketing plan and introduce new varieties of goods and increase his investment in the market of Buraford Kingdom.

All these years he has neglected the market of Buraford Kingdom, because of its economic conditions and insignificant profit in return to his investment, but on the other hand he also notice that his rival merchant group.

Fastasia has grown on large scale without him knowing within Buraford kingdom and has many collateral trades with the local merchants and ability to reach wider range of customers.

While on his side the trades are only limited to customer like nobles and western region of Buraford Kingdom.

Also he found that infrastructure development projects and agricultural development projects, has been given to a new merchant group called Max Efficiency group. Which has been given sole authorities to buy and sell magic crops and equipment for military and does collateral trades with Fastasia.

Hearing that he can more and less can guess that. This company has some relationship with Buraford Kingdom Royal family or may be run by the royal family, while miss Kaya act as the owner of the company.

Another thing which doesn't make any sense to him is that Fastasia has lend his worker to help Buraford Kingdom in its adminstration work.

How can a kingdom allow a worker from a merchant group work in adminstration work of a kingdom on top of that Fastasia group is also paying the salaries of the workers.

"Just what is going on here? Unless the relationship between Buraford Kingdom and Gold master Sara is beyond that of trading partner. Well I will find out about that, when I meet her in person"thought Duke Grawn in heart and look at the view of the flourishing capital city from his balcony.

The room he is currently saying has a royal bed with a wardrobe and walls of the room are decorated with drawings of red autumn leaves and golden birds with blue background.

And upon his arrival he has been given this room to stay and all his needs has been taken care of by the servants of the palace. Making sure that he doesn't find any discomfort while staying in the capital city. Yesterday he has already done studying the market and currently making plans for future.

While the messager he came with has directly went to meet Lord Yami to deliver, the message and had not seen him since then.

He is also curious about the message send by her majesty in such a hurry.

Will his gave him the opportunity to visit and saw things which he has been neglecting and could have done a major blow to his career as a merchant and reduce his influence over the market of the continent.

On the other hand Saintess Maya was currently sitting on a sofa, inside the guest room. Sitting across a Elena and Yami is currently reading the letter, send by Empress of Oman Empire, Ersa Oman.

Yesterday, on her arrival she didn't got the opportunity, to deliver the message to Yami and was told to wait for a day, as Yami had left the capital city to do some negotiation with the northern tribes. It's seems negotiation were successful and temporarily they had stopped fighting with northern tribes while northern tribes has withdrawn.

After reading the letter expression on Yami face was grave and serious as he passed on the letter to Elena to read and looked at her.

"Miss messager, you must be a really a trusted and loyal subordinate of sister Ersa to allow you, to send you for such a important task. So, why are you still trying to hid yourself behind that white cloth?"

As Yami look at the white cloth covered person before him. He can only guess that the person is a beautiful woman by looking at her way of dress and her voice, but can't see her face. On the other hand his making sense is telling him that this person is way more power than him.

"If only miss Behemoon has been here. She could have currently tell, on what level of magic champion this woman currently on"thought Yami in heart.

Hearing that Saintess Maya remain calm and said"Sir Yami you have already read the entire letter and her majesty have clearly mentioned that it related to my personal identity is complicated as well as for the security reasons"

Getting such a reply, Yami only rised his eyebrows and stopped pursued the topic and decided to focus on the current situation. After all it was not going to solve the matter on hand.

Elena who was reading the letter beside Yami was shaking her head and reading the letter with tears on her eyes.

"No wonder, No wonder. Sister Ersa was not able to send us any help. She is so busy handing the political turmoil inside the empire, along with the assassination attempts by unknown enemies. War Sovereign was also poisoned by the life severing posion used by Chaos Empire"

"She is going through so much of suffering and we don't even knew about it"

Sob Sob

Elena know it very well that, Ersa is a kind and gentle person with a strong heart. But reading the letter, she cannot hold her tears back. All these years, Ersa was been like a family member to them always there to help them. Whenever they have needed her help. She was been visiting them time to time to check on Yami condition, when he was suffering from incurable and unknown disease and send many medics and expert to cure Yami.

Now, War Sovereign San Di has been poisoned, who is like a grandfather to her and also the person who support her to become the Empress of Oman Empire and why nobody dare to question her or rebel against her.

If others Duke and Nobles find out about it. It will let to major changes in political and power balance of Oman empire.

Thinking about these things, she looked at Yami with tearful eyes.

"Yami, you must help big sister. This is the first time she had asked for our help and we can't disappointed her trust. I believe we should ask Ellie. She must have some antidote for this poison or can cure it"

Yami nodded and look at the messager with determined eyes.

"We will do our best to help sister Ersa"

Saying that he stood up and told Saintess to follow him to teleporter hall; Elena also followed them.

Saintess who was following them didn't think that, she will receive such a intense and immediate response from Yami.

After all she thought that relationship between Ersa and Yami was just of mutual benefit but she has changed her view on seeing response of Yami and Elena.

"They are more like family even though they are not related with blood and are rulers of respective empire and kingdom"thinking so Saintess Maya hurried to follow Yami.

She was also curious who is this mysterious potion master, she had heard so much about.

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