Rise of Myriad Magic Emperor

Chapter 113: Conspiracy inside the Church

[Almon City, Duke Castle]

Upon coming out of the teleporter, Saintess found herself in a complete different room from she had expected.

They were standing before a room and from which, constant sounds of shattering of glass were coming from, with crazy laughter of a woman.

Hearing the crazy laughing sounds Yami quickly opened the door to find out what is going on inside.

On opening the door, they found themselves in a room full of shattered glass; everywhere on the floor with strong smell of medicine and herds assaulting their nose. As Yami and Elena eyes fall on the woman wearing purple colour dress with uncombed hair. Who is  crazily rushing towards the left corner of the room, and opening the wardrobe to take out a semi blue colour potion and drank it, while holding her laugh.

Finally after sometime her laughs became slower and slower, until they finally stopped.

Ellie who has just went through a lot of mental trauma, finally calmed down and stood up to look at her workshop which is currently in complete mess and had a disappointed expression on her face, but thinking about what she explained just a moment ago left a lingering fear in her mind.

"What a sinister new potion, I have created. which turns laughing into a weapon; this potion will not kill anyone,but surely can be used to torture someone"thought Ellie as she wiped out the sweat on her forehead.

When she hears the sound of footsteps coming from her back and turned around to look at Yami and Elena who are currently currently standing at the gates of her workshop.

"Oh! Grandpa, Grandma. Good morning"shouted Ellie 

"Good morning,Ellie"Said Yami in reply and questioned

"What is going on here? Why is your workshop in such a mess? Why were you laughing in such a crazy manner earlier?"

"Oh! That is because of the new potion which I have developed recently by mistake during by research"saying that Ellie took out a glass bottle with a green solution, from the wardrobe.

"This is the new potion, which I have named as laughing potion. Whoever drink smell this potion, will start to laugh like a mad man without stopping. The effect lasts for a time period of one and a half hour"

Hearing that Yami looked at the suspicious green solution and was about to ask, what is this made of. but remember his original purpose he had rushed to Ellie workshop.

Taking a pause, Yami explain that he want to know if she had any solution to act as a antidote for the life severing poison and explain why he needs it.

After hearing the entire story, Ellie looked at the white cloth person as her magic senses scan her body.

On the other hand Saintess Maya felt a powerful magic sense scanning her body, just like how it occurred in Rio city. Making her heart exclaimed with various emotional.

"This person is also legendary Saint magic users. Just how much powerful is Buraford Kingdom? Why did these powerhouses never took action?"

After scanning the white cloth person. Ellie was completely astonished.

"This white cloth has special function of interfering with magic senses but before magic sense of Saint magic users, cloth completely lost its function. But still this person looks, just like Maya with a more mature personality. Just who is this person?"

Because Ellie was not present during the visit of Sara and Julis. She has no idea that this person is Saintess Maya, former absolute ruler of Radiant Empire.

"Grandpa Yami, who is this person?"asked Ellie pointing at the white cloth person.

Seeing that Ellie is pointing at the messager. 

Yami wispered"I also don't know. She was send as the messager of Empress Ersa to deliver the message. Empress also had mentioned that the messager has something to discuss with Gold master Sara, and need her help to do something. So I have to arrange a special room where gold master Sara and messager can meet and talk without interference from anybody"

Hearing that Ellie nod and look at Saintess for the last time"Does that mean she know miss Sara personally?"

Thinking how she looks so similar to Maya and want to meet Sara alone, who is mother in law of her lord. Ellie felt a sense of responsibility, to ask her about her identity and decided to talk to her by used mind transmission.

"Who are you? Why do want to meet miss sars in person?"these were the words, Saintess heard in her mind and recognise that the voice belongs to the Saint magic users standing before here.

"This is the legendary telepathy, which can only to used by saint magic users to transmit their thoughts directly to the minds of the person"exclaimed Saintess.

Even though, she is the peak magic champion and stand at the peak of the continent. She left like she is nothing but dust before the mental strength of the saint stage expert, standing before her and tried to reply carefully to Ellie question, after all she cannot afford to displease a saint magic users.

"Hello Honourable one, My name is Maya Vermillion former ruler of Radiant Empire and exiled head of Radiant sun Religion"

Knowing the identity of the woman filled Ellie with astonishment and asked the next question.

"Why do you want to meet Gold master Sara? What relationship do you guys have?"

"I have known Sara for a long time and had first meet her, when she came to Imperial city of Radiant Empire, Joisin. And had been closely associated with each other and became close friends. I just want to meet her to ask her to deliver a message to current ruler of Radiant Empire, Josif Vermillion. About the conspiracy going on inside the radiant sun church, and the plans of council of Archbishop which is currently suppressed by Archbishop Dandula Fardin and his followers, who is one of my trusted friend. It was also him who helped me escape from the mastermind behind the scenes. But in recent years, Dandula side is weaking and I don't know for how much time they can suppress the mastermind behind the scenes and stop him from becoming the pope"replied Saintess with a sad expression.

Upon hearing that, Ellie has more or less idea that some big changes is going to take place in the power struggle between the church and the imperial palace of Radiant Empire and she also have heard how saintess died from bishop in Royal capital city.

"So, who is the mastermind? Do you have any idea?"asked Ellie with curiousity, because this can also cause a huge influence on the people of Buraford Kingdom. About 30% of population of Buraford Kingdom believe in Radiant sun Religion and among them. There are blind believers also, who believe anything the religious leaders orders. Which can very disadvantages for Buraford Kingdom.

Not to mention of anything happens with the imperial family of Radiant Empire. It will effect the political scenario of the continent.

"Lord will be very displeased and may even run to slaughter entire Radiant Church; to bury it to the ground. Which can turn the image of lord into a tyrant and public enemy of believers of Radiant sun Religion"just thinking about it causes headache to Ellie.

"But may be there is a solution. If she again become the ruler of Radiant Empire. It can mostly be solved, we can also control the Radiant Empire through her, or make Maya replace her. But on the other hand Maya does not have personally fitting for this work. On top of that this woman has great body and I don't think that lord will dislike her"just thinking about it made Ellie excited.

While Ellie was thinking of a plan to turn saintess into Kai women. Yami interrupted her thoughts.

"Ellie, so can you make a antidote for life severing poison?"

Hearing that Ellie came back to her senses and replied"If I can get a sample of the poison and only after studying it for sometime,can I come to any conclusions"

Hearing that Yami nodded and placed her hand on her shoulder"I believe you can do it Ellie"and looked at the messenger and told the messager to give the sample to Ellie which she had brought with herself.

Saintess came forward and took out a small glass bottle, full of white salt like substance and hand it over to Ellie.

While Ellie smiled and used her mind transmission"Feel free to stay in Buraford Kingdom for the time being until the antidote is prepared. I can guarantee you, nobody can harm you inside the boundary of Buraford Kingdom. Until you have my protection"

Hearing that Saintess felt relieved. Ofcourse, if she knew about the plans going on inside Ellie mind which, threads her purity; she would have start running immediately.

But before starting her work, Ellie didn't forget to ask about the master mind behind the scenes.

"So, who is the master mind?"asked Ellie

"Head of Archbishop Garfield Romos, but from my recent discoveries. He is working with a organization called Golden cross"

Ellie nodded and turned back to continue her work and test the sample of life severing poison.

While Yami, Elena and Saintess left the workshop to return back to Royal City after meeting Duke Michael and Diana.

On the same day, Sara arrived and meet with Saintess alone and after sometime doubt and suspicious. Sara finally accept that Saintess is still alive, and heard her entire story and that she need her help to send a message to her Emperor Josif vermilion without anybody finding about it.

Sara readily accepted Saintess request and they had some other talks with eachother.

Saintess was also happy, it's been a long time she had talked to somebody so freely.

Next morning Sara meet with Duke Grawn and other local merchants and business.

On the other hand Kai and his party finally closed to reaching their destination.

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