"So what do you have?" Emilio Reyes said as he looked at Ian and Jake.

"We have this." Ian told the CEO as he placed his phone at the center of the room and played the recording.

As they listened to the recording, Ian could see as a smile started forming on Hank's lips. He knew that Hank had a special hate for Mike because he was so brave in using the Reyes name for his own advantage.

"Do you think we have something here?" Jake asked as the recording ended.

"You do, that's for sure." Marco said with a nod. "But it's definitely not enough."

"He can always say that Manuel Juan lied to get in your good graces, especially with what's about to come to the Juans." Emilio added as he analyzed the situation.

"So we will need proof of him really trying to take Ash's client and trying to ruin the names of other employees and in the process the name of the Reyes Group?" Ian asked as he thought long and hard about the situation.

"We need to lure him in." Hank said with a nod. "I'm sure Manuel Juan and his father would be more than willing to cooperate with the Reyes Group if it gets them in our good graces."

Ian saw as Emilio Reyes frowned at the suggestion.

"The problem with that, is we can't." Emilio Reyes said as he shook his head.

"What do you mean, uncle?" Hank asked as he gave Emilio Reyes a confused look.

"They can't be on our good side, we can't promise to protect them." Emilio Reyes said as he glanced at Ian.

Ian couldn't help but feel guilty about the situation. 

Was his petty feeling really more important than the company? Could he let go of his revenge and allow the Reyes Group to promise protection to the Juan family?

"They went against someone we would never turn our backs on." Emilio Reyes said as he put his foot down. "I care for this company, but there has to be another way. A way where we don't need to promise them our support."

"Uncle, you don't need to do that." Ian said as he voiced his concern. "My petty grievances can be put aside if it's for the company." 

Still, Emilio Reyes shook his head and rejected Ian's offer.

"We would be just like everyone else if we placed the company's benefit before the people that are important to us." Emilio Reyes told the people in the room. "It's the people that matter, not the profits. That's always been my mantra. We will find a way around this."

"The Juans might not even ask for our support Uncle Emilio." Jake suddenly said. 

"Go on." Emilio Reyes said with a nod as he listened to the young man.

"From what I've heard they are already supported by the Dean family." Jake explained. "They already have one of the biggest mafia families backing them, why would they need us?"

"Then what are you proposing we do, Jake?" Emilio Reyes asked.

"I think we should at least talk to the Juans, we need to know what they want in exchange for helping us." Jake said.

"You know that the price will be steep." Marco said as he crossed his arms around his chest and looked at Jake. "You know that the price is always steep whenever we ask something from other people."

"I know, but what choice do we have?" Jake asked.

"We can wait." Hank suggested. "We've waited long enough. What's a few more months?"

"Yes, what's a few more months to the great and powerful Reyes family, you aren't the ones directly being affected by this man and his co-conspirators." Jake said in an angry tone, practically shouting at Hank. 

"You won't be affected Jake, they can't do anything to you." Hank pointed out as he glared at his cousin.

"Yes, I won't be, but my people will." Jake hissed. "Everyday they need to go through the torture of Mike and Armand ruining their names, taking money from them."

"We will compensate them." Hank said with a shrug.

"It's not just about money, cousin." Jake said. "It's a person's mental health and integrity. It's not as simple as you think."

"Jake, calm down. We will find a solution for this." Hank said as he tried to calm his cousin down.

"I don't understand you, Hank." Jake said as he shook his head. "You were with me, we went through all the ranks of the Reyes Group, you know how badly one rotten employee can hurt everyone else."

"And I'm telling you, waiting will not risk much." Hank answered back.

"What if all he wants is money?" Ian suddenly asked, making the arguing men look at him.

"What do you mean? The Juans are well off, they wouldn't come to us just for money." Jake pointed out.

"Well, I think they might be losing money." Ian suggested. "The place they are planning on buying is a small unit in the city. I think they are planning on moving and selling their mansion."

"If that's the case, then money is no issue to us." Emilio Reyes said as he reacted to Ian's information. "But if we initiate talks with them, we need to be ready for them to ask for more."

"As I mentioned earlier, sir. I'm ready to give up my revenge for the Reyes Group." Ian reminded Emilio Reyes.

The CEO closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Ian, I don't like repeating myself." Emilio Reyes said as he gave Ian an angry look. It was enough to make anyone feel like a tiny pest in the room.

"I already told you, Ian, call me uncle in private, not sir, not boss." Emilio Reyes told Ian, making the younger man smile awkwardly, unsure of how to react.

"Yes, Uncle Emilio." Ian said with an awkward nod.

"You assistants have twenty four hours to figure out the financial status of the Juan family as well as their involvement with the Dean family mafia. Only then will we be able to decide on our next move." Emilio Reyes said with a nod.

"And what if what Ian said is true?" Marco asked the CEO.

"Then we catch them.." Emilio Reyes said with a grin as he dismissed everyone from his office.

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