"Are you sure about what you told the CEO?" Marco said as soon as the door closed behind them. "Because once we get the ball rolling, it won't stop. What's at risk here is the justice your family needs and deserves."

"I'm sure of it." Ian said with a nod. "And as I said. I won't hesitate to sacrifice my revenge, not because of my duty to the Reyes Group, but because Mike's actions have a lot more victims than just the Lims."

"No wonder he picked you, that bastard." Hank said with a laugh as he walked to the assistants' offices.

"Did you just call the CEO a bastard?" Ash asked as she shook in her spot. She was worried that at any moment the CEO would step out of his office and hear what Hank had just said.

"No, no, not my uncle." Hank tried to calm Ash down as soon as he realized that she was beginning to panic. "Their future boss." Hank said as he shook his head.

"They are a match, are they not?" Marco asked with a grin.

"I'm shocked he managed to find them despite being where he is." Hank said as they continued their cryptic conversation.

"As much as I am enjoying the tortured looks on their faces, you two might end up saying something you aren't supposed to." Jake told Hank and Marco as they entered Marco's office.

"So what's the plan?" Jake asked Marco as he sat on the couch.

"Well, I think for this one, Ian should take the lead." Marco said with a nod as he looked at Ian. "He is the one with the most at risk. Don't worry Ian, you will have all of the Reyes Group's resources at your disposal."

"Actually, we have our work cut out for us." Ian said as he scratched the back of his head making Camilla laugh.

"Why don't we invite him up here, it might make things easier?" Camilla suggested as she began dialing a number on her phone.

"I'll go meet him, you tell him it's urgent." Ian told Camilla as he walked towards the door.

"And we are just supposed to wait?" Hank asked Ian.

"Trust me, this will be worth it." Ian said with a laugh as he exited the room and walked down the hall.

Since he had use of the CEOs elevator it didn't take him long to get to Krisanta Land's floor. 

He quickly searched for the marketing department's area through the maze of cubicles and offices that spanned the entire floor.

Eventually he found the marketing department and quickly spotted Seth typing away on his laptop.

"Seth." Ian called out as he briskly walked towards his friend.

"Ian?" Seth asked. "What are you doing here? I thought you had a client meeting?"

"Yeah, it's done, we need you at my boss' office. It's urgent." Ian told Seth.

"I know, Camilla called, give me a second, I just need to save this, and done!" Seth said victoriously as he closed his laptop and got up from his seat.

"I hope you aren't busy." Ian told Seth as they walked back to the CEO's elevator.

"I don't think anything could be more important than something your boss might need." Seth said with a laugh as they looked around making sure no one saw them turn towards the private hall to the elevator.

"Still, thanks." Ian said with a smile as the elevator doors opened and they stepped in.

"So what does the CEO of the Reyes Group need from me?" Seth asked. "I'm just an ordinary employee."

"And the eldest son of the Dean Family Mafia." Ian added.

"You know that I'm trying to distance myself from that career." Seth said with a frown as the elevator doors opened and they walked out.

"I know, but we kind of need your connection this time. It's just for information and not to do anything." Ian said as he led Seth towards the assistant's office.

"This place is really intimidating, but nice." Seth said as he looked around.

"It should be." Ian laughed at Seth's comment. "It's the hallway towards the CEO's office. Our offices are next to his and the fastest way is through here."

"No wonder it gives off that cold, I want to run away and hide vibe." Seth joked as they passed the CEOs office and walked into the separate area  for the assistants.

"So this is where the second, third, and fourth most powerful employees of the Reyes Group work." Seth teased as they walked towards Marco's office.

"There are a lot of people so don't be overwhelmed." Ian warned as he pushed the door open.

"Took you long enough." John grumbled as he finished handing out coffee to everyone.

"Hey, I know you." Seth said as he pointed at John. "You're the annoying guy at Solaire Towers!" 

"And you're the kid that won't fight back." John said with a laugh.

"Please don't tell me you managed to annoy another person at Solaire Towers." Marco grumbled as he massaged his temples. 

"I tried to, but this one is way too calm." John said with a grin. "So who is he?" John asked Ian.

"Well Seth, it's your secret to tell, not ours." Ian told Seth as he gave his friend an encouraging nod.

"Ummm. . .Hi, I'm Seth Dean, and I belong to the Dean Family Mafia." Seth said in an awkward voice, unsure of what he should tell the group.

"Ah, so you're the kid that Ray warned about." Jake said as he laughed. "How could I have not connected the dots?"

"Ray warned you about someone in the Mafia being a part of the Reyes Group?" Hank asked Jake.

"Yeah, but he didn't tell me how important this kid was, now I'm dying to find out why Ray thought it was important for me to know about you." Jake said as he observed Seth from head to toe. "You seem ordinary."

"He isn't." Camilla said with a proud smile.

"Then who are you to the Dean Family Mafia?" Marco asked as he gave off an intimidating aura.

Seth couldn't help but smirk, he had been around enough alpha males to not care about how powerful the other person in the room was.

That wasn't the world he wanted, but it was what life gave him.

"I'm the eldest son of the head of the Dean Family Mafia." Seth said with a grin as he watched everyone's expression turn to a stunned or surprised one.

Ian who stood next to him couldn't help but laugh, it seemed that there were some things that could catch even the members of the CEOs inner circle by surprise.

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