Ian decided to drive them to the bar rather than to let John drive for them. He didn't want to hurt John's feelings that he wasn't invited and Ian didn't want to impose on Seth to ask him to invite John either.

"You ready?" Ian asked as he knocked on Camilla's door.

"Yep." Camilla said as she stepped out in a from fitting black dress.

"You look, umm. . ." Ian was at a loss for words. For some reason, from the moment he met Camilla he didn't see her as a woman, just as someone like a sister.

"Close your mouth, you aren't my type.." Camilla teased as she walked to the elevator, swaying her hips.

"You look like a girl, pretty." Ian said as he cleared his throat and pressed the elevator button.

"You're crazy, I've always been a girl." Camilla said as she rolled her eyes and got into the elevator.

"I know." Ian said with a laugh. "And trust me, you're not my type either." 

What Ian said was true. He knew that most men would find Camilla attractive, but he didn't feel anything more than friends for her. 

It wasn't that Camilla wasn't attractive enough, it was just that they were too close to be anything but friends. At this point they already had a sibling-like relationship, and all Ian wanted to do was protect her from any ogling eyes at the bar tonight.

The drive to the bar was silent. It seemed Camilla did not take Ian's comment that she looked like a girl in a good light. In fact she seemed offended that Ian would say such a thing.

Camilla normally wore skirts and pants and high heels to the office, so it wasn't the first time Ian saw her dressed up. 

It was however, the first time Ian saw her dressed up for a more casual occasion with a more sensual outfit. 

When they finally arrived at Hype Bar, they saw Seth waving at them from the entrance with several dangerous looking men surrounding him.

"I guess that's our proof that he belongs to the Mafia." Camila said with a slight laugh as Ian shook his head in response.

"I got proof when his people attacked me." Ian told Camilla.

"His people what?!" Camilla asked. It was the first time she was hearing this.

"Oh, someone placed a hit on me." Ian explained as they slowly pulled up to the driveway of Hype Bar. "And the Dean family is apparently the best in the business when it comes to hitmen and assassins."

Not wanting to explain any further, Ian unlocked the doors and stepped out of the car.

One of Seth's men quickly approached him and bowed.

"The boss sent me to park your car." The man told Ian.

Ian quickly glanced at Seth who gave him a small nod, telling him that he could trust the man.

Knowing that the person he was handing his keys to was really one of Seth's men, Ian didn't feel the need to worry.

"I'll give you your keys back when I've parked the car." The man said as he got into Ian's car. 

"Wow! Just Wow!" Ian could hear Seth praise as Camilla walked over to their friend.

"That's the exact same expression Ian had when he saw me!" Camilla said with a slight blush as she hugged Seth. 

"Well, don't get mad, but you don't exactly dress that way in the office." Seth said with a laugh. "You look stunning tonight. Ian and I need to work twice as hard to keep the men away."

"Oh, come on. I can talk to other men." Camilla said as she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, but not men at this event." Seth said in a defensive tone as he rolled his eyes at Camilla.

"You guys aren't my older brothers, my father, or my dad." Camilla pointed out.

"No, we are your friends and I know exactly what kind of people are in that bar." Seth pointed out. "Trust me, they are either sleazy mafia or gang bosses or spoiled second generation heirs."

"Yeah, like you aren't a mafia boss." Camilla said in a low voice making Seth's men laugh. 

"Let's go in." Seth grumbled as he turned around and led them to the entrance.

When the bouncer saw them he simply nodded and let Seth's group in, allowing them to cut the line of wealthy and well dressed patrons that were trying to get in.

"So who owns this place?" Ian asked as they passed a dark hall.

"The king of the underworld." Seth whispered. "But of course, I'm one of the few people that know who he really is."

"Who?" Ian asked as two guards pushed open a set of large double doors flooding Ian's senses with loud party music and the strong smell of alcohol throughout the room.

"I can't tell you right now, but you'll find out tonight." Seth whispered to Ian, making sure that no one else heard him.

Marco mentioned that the Reyes Family would be here. But as Ian scanned the room he didn't find anyone from that family on the dance floor.

"Come on, we're going to the VIP area." Seth gestured as they walked up to an elevated portion of the bar that had cocktail tables and booths.

Ian watched as the bouncer bowed to Seth and let their group into the cordoned off area.

There were two tables with the name Dean on them, a waiter quickly came up and took the signs away, allowing them to sit down and make themselves comfortable.

In one table were Seth, Ian, Camilla, and three other men. 

"This is Andre, my second in command." Seth said as he introduced the large well-built man to Ian and Camilla.

"It's an honor to meet you." Andre said in a smooth voice.

"Ummm. . .Thanks?" Camilla responded, unsure of how she was supposed to reply. 

"These two are Cato and David, my personal bodyguards." Seth said as the men simply nodded to Ian and Camilla.

Ian recognized them as the two guards that were with Seth when they first met at the park.

The waiter soon came back and served them drinks. Ian was surprised to find that Seth had ordered several expensive bottles for their table.

"Relax, enjoy." Seth said with a grin as he noticed the worry on Ian's face.

Ian nodded and calmed down, how rare was it for him to have a peaceful night? He might as well enjoy this one.

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