As the night went on Ian began to drink, Seth offered to have one of his men drive Ian and Camilla home to Solaire Towers.

Before he even knew it Seth was dragging him and Camilla over to the dance floor. It seemed that the future Mafia boss loved to party. His second-in-command, Andre, even made a joke about his boss loving the party life so much.

"It's rare that I can let loose." Seth said with a shrug as a beautiful woman came up to him and began rubbing herself against Seth.

"She seems to like you." Camilla said over the music as she continued to dance with the three man hovering protectively around her. 

Seth simply winked and continued to encourage the woman. 

As the night went on as Ian could feel his tension loosening and him finally relaxing from his stressful week..

Suddenly there was a commotion at the end of the dancefloor. People were moving aside and making way for a group of men, all dressed in black suits with serious expressions on their faces.

"Ian Lim, Camilla Montero, Seth Dean, come with us." One of the men said.

"Why?" Camilla suddenly asked. "What if I don't want to come with you?"

"Camilla." Ian whispered as she gripped her wrist.

"Don't worry, we mean no harm. Mr. Reyes simply wishes to speak to you." The man said.

Ian looked at Camilla and nodded. They didn't recognize the bodyguards, but they trusted that nothing bad would happen to them. After all, very few people knew that either of them had ever interacted with the Reyes family. 

"Keep an eye out, if I'm not back in two hours then send men after us." Seth instructed Andre as he moved past the woman he was dancing with. 

Andre walked towards the opposite direction where the VIP area was located. Gone was his fun demeanor, he was suddenly serious and scouting the area. 

"This way." The man said as he led Ian's group towards the bar. To it's right was a hidden staircase which they climbed. 

Ian could hear as the music continued to play behind them, this time muffled as the went higher up the secret staircase.

When they got to the top, Ian was surprised to find a hallway lined with velvet and outlayed with gold. This was the most luxurious area in a bar that he had ever seen.

"The boss is this way." The man said as he led them down the hall and towards a large and elegant double door. 

As the man pushed the doors open, Ian was caught by surprise when a woman excitedly squealed and hurled herself towards Camilla.

"Miss Ayanna." Camilla said in shock as the young vice president of the Reyes Group finally released her from a hug.

"Is this Richardo's kid?" A man that Ian recognized to be a Senator named Jose Sebastian asked as he glanced at Ian.

"Yes." Emilio Reyes said with a nod as he waved for Ian and Camilla to come over.

Ayanna was quick to grab each of them by the wrist and pull them towards her father.

It didn't escape Ian's attention that Seth had moved a little bit to the side and was greeting Raymund Laurence like an old friend. 

"It's too bad the others aren't here yet." Ayanna said as they finally stood in front of Emilio Reyes, Priscilla Reyes, and several other people Ian recognized but couldn't attach a name to.

They all looked very familiar and yet very intimidating to him. As if he had met them a long time ago and forgotten about it. 

"Emilio here says you know what society talks about." Jose Sebastian told Ian as he offered him a drink.

Ian accepted it and thanked the politician.

"People tend to ignore me at parties and events." Ian said as Ayanna made him and Camilla sit down next to her.

He couldn't help but be uncomfortable that his boss' daughter was treating them like friends rather than employees. She seemed incredibly excited to see both him and Camilla for some reason.

"Good." Jose Sebastian said with a nod as he carefully thought of his next words.

"Just ask the boy." A man suddenly said as he walked up to them followed by Ray and Seth. 

"I'm not sure if he would know anything." Jose Sebastian said as he hesitated.

"There is no harm in asking uncle Jose." Ray suddenly said. "Ian is trustworthy. I trust Ian and uncle Emilio trusts Ian."

Ian was somewhat caught by surprise by the confidence Ray had in him.

"Your man trusts him too?" Jose Sebastian asked as he glanced at Seth.

"They are friends." Ray responded with a nod.

"Very well, what have you heard about a William Tamayo?" Jose Sebastian finally asked Ian.

Ian closed his eyes as he tried to recall all the gossip he had heard in the past year.

"He is a businessman with many illegal dealings. From what I heard the person controlling the underworld is looking for him, but he has stayed safe so far." Ian said.

"He is good." Ray chuckled.

"What else?" Jose Sebastian asked as he ignored Ray's comment.

"He has multiple mistresses, multiple illegitimate children, most of them are studying abroad. According to rumors his legitimate son is probably not his since his wife also cheats on him." Ian recalled. 

"That could be useful." Emilio Reyes said as the group continued to listen to Ian.

"Go on." Jose Sebastian urged.

"He is also known to be backing several candidates for the next presidential elections." Ian revealed.

"Do you know who?" Jose Sebastian asked, he was now much more interested in what Ian had to say.

"Stephen Gonzales, Renato Villon, Cesar Rio." Ian said as he recounted the names he had heard.

"Are you sure?" Jose Sebastian questioned.

"Yes, I wouldn't have told you if I wasn't." Ian said with a nod.

"Fuck, that's everyone else." Jose Sebastian cursed. "If this boy is wrong-"

"Then he is wrong." Emilio Reyes said as he defended Ian, cutting the senator off misstatement. "What he is telling you are the rumors he has heard. It's up to you to believe them."

"If what he says is true, then we have a problem." Jose Sebastian said with a worried look on his face.

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