When Ian woke up, he felt Jas grip him tighter by the waist. He couldn't help but smile. He missed this kind of intimacy between them, it had been way too long since they were last together this way.

As he moved to take her arm off of his waist, Jas stirred and Ian's phone began to ring.

"It's a Saturday morning." Jas groaned as she hugged Ian even tighter. "Who would be calling you so early on a Saturday morning?" She asked.

"Work." Ian said with a laugh as he got up and searched the floor for his pants.

Eventually he found them discarded in the corner with his phone ringing in the pocket. 

As he looked at who was calling he saw that it was Camilla, it was still thirty minutes before their self defence lessons. He found it odd that she would call so early.

Ian knew that despite Jas thinking that Camilla and Seth were a couple, she wouldn't be too happy to hear that Camilla had called him so early in the morning.

So Ian put on some boxers and stepped out of the room before finally picking up the call.

"I hope you weren't too tired from last night's activities." Camilla greeted him with a laugh. 

"Good morning to you too, Camilla." Ian groaned as he rolled his eyes. "I hope you didn't call just to tease me."

"Nah, I called to make sure you were awake." Camilla told Ian. "You can't miss today's training. It's only our second session and you can't be seen slacking off."

"I don't slack off Camilla. I'll see you at the gym." Ian told her.

"I guess I can't have breakfast there." Camilla said in a sad tone.

"You know that she's insecure about you." Ian said with a sigh as he leaned against the wall, making sure that the door to his room was closed. He couldn't afford having Jas hear his conversation with Camilla.

As it stood their relationship was already on rocky ground.

"I don't understand why she would be jealous or insecure of me." Camilla said sadly.

"Why don't we talk about this later? We both need to get ready for training and I've got a sleeping girlfriend that will wonder why I'm gone for so long." Ian said with a frown.

As much as he wanted to continue his conversation with Camilla, he needed to tell Jas that he would leave for training then be back right before she had to eat breakfast.

"Wait, before that, do you think I could borrow clothes for Jas?" Ian asked.

"I'm a bit bigger than Jas." Camilla said in a sad tone.

"That's fine, she just needs clothes to wear, maybe a dress?" Ian asked.

"Sure. I'll bring them over before we head down to the gym, is that fine with you?" Camilla asked as she waited over the phone for his reply.

"Sure, just give me call and don't ring the doorbell." Ian warned her.

"Or I can just come into your place and leave it on your couch." Camilla pointed out.

"No, I don't want to risk Jas finding out that you have access to my unit." Ian explained to Camilla.

"You'll need to be honest with her at some point." Camilla warned. "We can't keep pretending not to be friends or pretending that I'm dating Seth."

"I just need to get through this bump in our relationship." Ian said with a sigh as he hoped that Camilla would understand him."

"I understand. I'll call you when I'm outside." Camilla told Ian. "Catch you later, bye." She told him in a happier tone as she dropped the call.

Ian couldn't help but laugh as he looked at his phone. He himself didn't understand why he needed to keep his friendship with Camilla such a secret from Jas. 

It was obvious that as co-workers they would eventually become good friends, but Jas was just so insecure that she would try to attack Camilla if she got too close to Ian.

He knew he needed to talk to Jas about this, he just needed to find the right time when they were in a better place.

As he walked back into the room, he found Jas hugging his pillow as she peacefully slept. 

He walked into his closet and quickly changed into his workout clothes.

When he stepped back out into his room, Jas was still sound asleep. As much as he didn't want to wake her, he also didn't want to startle her.

He leaned in and kissed her cheek as he shook her awake.

"Jas, darling." Ian whispered as he tried to wake her.

Jas groaned and swatted him away. Ian laughed at her reaction as he shook his head and kissed her again.

"Wake up my sleeping beauty, just for a moment." He told her in a tender tone.

"What is it?" Jas asked as her eyes opened and she turned to face him.

Ian smiled as he looked at her eyes, they were the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen and he loved the woman who had them.

"Ian?" Jas asked, pulling him back from his thoughts.

"Right, I forgot to tell you that every morning I have self-defense lessons with Camilla and Leon, one of the CEO's bodyguards." Ian told Jas. "I'll be gone for a bit, but I've borrowed some clothes from Camilla for you and the maids will cook any breakfast you want."

"Oh." Jas said as she sat up.

"You don't need to get up, I'll bring the clothes up." Ian told Jas. "I'll also probably invite Camilla over for breakfast with us, I hope you don't mind." Ian told her.

"It's okay, I guess." Jas said in a hesitant tone.

"Jas, if you aren't comfortable with it, I won't invite Camilla. You are my priority, you will always be my priority." Ian swore to her.

"It's fine." Jas said as she shook her head. "Last night I realized that I was being unfair to Camilla. People can be friends without being romantically or sexually attracted. Plus she's been nothing but nice to me." Jas said with a smile.

"Perfect." Ian told her as he kissed her on the lips.

"Oh, she's there." Ian said as his phone began to ring. "I'll be back with your clothes then I'll leave for training. I love you Jas." 

"I love you, Ian." Jas said with a happy look on her face. "I wish I would wake up to you every day for the rest of our lives."

"You won't have to wait long, Jas. I'll prove to your family that I can support you. Don't worry, we will be together." Ian said as he closed the door to the room and headed down to meet Camilla.

"I can see that you had a good night." Camilla teased as Ian opened the door for her and invited her in.

"I had a very good night, so be jealous." Ian said with a laugh as Camilla handed him a dress and some sweats. 

"I just borrowed a dress." Ian said as he raised an eyebrow at Camilla.

"You never know what she wants to wear." Camilla said with a shrug.

"Thanks." Ian replied with a nod. "Jas also says thanks and she said she is sorry about reacting that way towards you." Ian said with a frown.

"It's fine, now shoo, go give that to Jas or else we will be late!" Camilla scolded as Ian ran back up to place the clothes in his room for Jas.

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