Camilla noticed how Ian was in a much better mood during their morning training. It seemed that whatever issues he needed to settle with Jas had been fixed.

It made Camilla happy since working with a partner that couldn't focus could prove detrimental to them and their mission. 

"You seem to be in a much better mood." Camilla commented as Ian walked back to them after his session with the punching bag.

"Last night and this morning fixed things in a way." Ian said with a grin as he grabbed a bottle of water and drank from it. 

"Last night?" Leon asked as he eyed Ian suspiciously.

"He got laid." Camilla teased..

She laughed as Ian's face turned red, she was right, Ian had gotten laid the night before. 

"So sex cured your problem with Jas?" Camilla asked, turning an already awkward topic, worse.

"No." Ian said as he glared at her. "We spoke this morning and last night I realized that she was just doing all of this for her family."

Camilla frowned and shook her head. She didn't want to say anything or meddle in her friend's relationship. She knew it wasn't her place, but she couldn't help but worry about how clouded Ian's judgment was when it came to Jas.

"Aren't you going to ask what we talked about?" Ian asked her.

"Should I? I don't think it's my place to ask." Camilla pointed out.

"I know you are worried." Ian said with a sigh. "It's painted all over your face."

"I'm worried, but I'm sure you can fix your own relationship, Ian." Camilla said.

"Jas isn't jealous or insecure of you anymore, by the way." Ian told Camilla. "She said she realized that people can be friends without any romantic feelings being attached."

"That's kind of obvious." Camilla said as she raised an eyebrow at Ian. "And why would she be jealous or insecure of me? If anyone should be jealous and insecure it should be me." She said with a sigh as  she returned her focus to the training at hand.

"Camilla, Jas has never had to worry about sharing me with friends." Ian said with a sigh as he stood at the sidelines, watching as Camilla defended herself against several attacks Leon threw at her.

"Don't you think, it's a bit unfair that she only stopped thinking of me as competition after she thought Seth and I were dating?" Camilla asked as she countered a punch, one that Leon was able to deflect.

"Aren't you going to scold her?" Ian asked Leon. "Tell her to focus or something?"

"Nope, not really." Leon said with a laugh as he tackled Camilla. "In most fights you will be distracted, so this is good practice. You never know when another attack will come from another angle. Or if your enemy will use words to unhinge you." 

Ian shook his head in surrender.

"My life has never been fair, Camilla." Ian said in an exhausted tone. "Sure, it all started good and happy, but as the years went by life went against me. I'm used to being at a disadvantage."

"It's time you stopped accepting being at a disadvantage, Ian." Camilla pointed out as she tried to kick Leon from his blind side.

"She's right, you know." Leon said as he caught Camilla's leg and pushed her away. "You need to stop settling for the scraps people are handing to you and start taking what you deserve." 

"Whatever happened to being content with what the world handed to you?" Ian said with a laugh as he realized his friends were telling him to go against the most common advice he had heard over the years.

"That was for the version of yourself that had nothing." Camilla told Ian. "And even then I think you should have at least picked your fights, challenged those that you could win."

"I did." Ian said as he shook his head, remembering the times that he had to keep fighting.

"Then, fight for Jas this time." Camilla pointed out. "You have the resources to give her a good life."

"Will the Reyeses approve of me telling her family about our role?" Ian asked as he watched Camilla doge another attack from Leon.

He was quite impressed with Camilla, he had seen how she had struggled at the start of their first day of training and now she was able to avoid, block, and counter attacks.

"I think it would be best if you spoke to Mr. Reyes before telling her family." Leon advised. "There might be another way to show them you are capable without revealing who you are training to work for."

Just as Leon finished what he was saying he landed a punch on Camilla that threw her to the other end of the mat.

"That's enough for today." Leon said as he walked up to the young woman and offered his hand to help her up. 

Camilla thanked him as she made sure nothing was injured or broken.

"You should be fine. You fell properly and the punch wasn't that hard." Leon said with a shrug.

"Not hard? You threw her across the mat!" Ian pointed out.

"It only seemed like I threw her far, but that was because she fell properly and she was trying to get away from another attack." Leon pointed out.

"Oh." Ian said as he looked at Camilla who seemed to be alright. 

"You are both progressing quite well." Leon told Camilla and Ian with a nod. "I think Camilla can move on to strengthening herself soon and once she's at least at an acceptable level, we can have intermediate lessons."

"That's not intermediate?!" Camilla asked in shock.

"Of course not. That's barely the basics." Leon said with a laugh. "Don't forget who you will be protecting and how dangerous the people that might come after you will be. You will need to train your mind to assess the situation and decide between two things, protect the future CEO with your body, or help him escape." 

Ian and Camilla simply nodded as they both listened to Leon. 

"Ian, I highly suggest settling everything in your personal life." Leon pointed out. "I know that the training that you have ahead of you will be tough. There will be a lot of challenges and you will need all of your focus." Leon warned Ian.

"We already know it's not going to be easy, Leon." Camilla pointed out.

Leon chuckled at the two of them.

"Do you know who John is? Or how hard he has worked to prepare for his role in the future?" Leon asked.

"No." Ian confessed. "I've been tempted to ask him about his past, but the opportunity never came up." 

"I suggest you ask." Leon advised. "People are not always as they seem. He might be an easy going guy to both of you, but trust me, he is much tougher than he seems."

"He acts like a child sometimes." Camilla pointed out.

"Just part of his charm. Don't be afraid, ask." Leon said with a grin as he picked up his bag and bid them goodbye.

"Now I want to ask Leon about his past too." Ian said, to which Camilla just nodded.

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