After visiting the shops around his old university, Ian stood outside the gates of the school. Despite it being after office hours the university was still open and there were still classes going on.

He couldn't help but sigh at the sight. The university was truly beautiful, it was one of the best institutions in the country and was well known for educating the future business leaders of the country. 

With this came the steep price of education, just to study in the university for one year was equivalent to two years wages of the ordinary employee. That was an amount that was way too high for the fallen Lim clan to pay for their eldest son.

As much as they wanted to send Ian to this university they simply couldn't afford it. 

Despite all of that Ian and his parents strived to get him the opportunity to get the best education possible. They knew that it was the key for him to have a better chance at life, one better than what he was facing with their family's fall.

Ian tried everything to get a scholarship while his mother sold off all her jewellery and most of the Lim family's ancestral processions. 

"These are material things." He recalled his mother saying one day as he watched her wipe the tears from her eyes as she handed her wedding ring to a buyer. "Someday you'll be able to buy back material things, but the opportunity you are getting from your education, that cannot be so easily bought. Once you miss the opportunity it is gone and it may never come back."

Ian didn't even realize that he was tearing up from the memory as he felt the warm tear roll down his cheek. He wasn't a sensitive person and he preferred not to show emotion, but whenever he remembered his family's sacrifice it made him vulnerable.

He stood outside the school till the bell rang and the last class ended.

The students quickly came out, some to chauffeured cars, others hailing cabs to get home. 

There were a few that got on the nearby bus, but Ian knew that only a few of them were truly unable to afford their own cars.

He watched as several luxury cars passed with young men and women lowering the windows to wave at their friends, bidding them good night.

Ian took a deep breath as he thought of how lucky these kids were. They had the world at their feet, some would go on to conquer it, while others would take what they had for granted.

Such was life with the rich and powerful in the capital.

"Did you go here too?" A man asked as he stood next to Ian.

"I know you." Ian said as he looked closely at the man standing next to him. "I bumped into you in the R Tower lobby, you were rushing to get to an interview."

"Yeah." The man said with a laugh. "I was almost late for that one. My girlfriend would have scolded me if I had missed it."

"How did it go?" Ian asked.

"I got the job, but it's not exactly for the Reyes Group, but still it's a job. I'm glad I got it." The man said with a smile as he combed his hair back. 

"So we went to the same university?" Ian asked as he remembered the man's question.

"Yeah, I guess we did. I graduated last year and finding a job has not been easy." The man said as he shook his head. "All these sons and daughters of rich families are snapping up work because of their connections. It's made it harder for me."

Ian tossed his head back and laughed, he sympathized with this man, he had the exact same experience. 

"You're not alone." Ian said as he shook his head. "So what company will you be working for?"

"A newly acquired one by the Reyes Group, it's called Mor Co. I'll be working as an assistant." The man said with a shrug. "My girl's family will hate it, but what can I do, a job is a job."

"A job is a job." Ian said with a nod, agreeing with the man. "Sorry, I forgot your name, what was it again?" 

The man smiled and shook his head.

"Don't apologize, I have one of those forgetful faces, my sister says I blend in too much with the crowd." The man told Ian. 

"No, I remember you quite well." Ian replied with a nod.

"It's Cedric, Cedric Reyes. And you?" Cedric asked Ian.

"Ian Lim, nice to meet you again." He replied as he offered his hand for Cedric to shake. "Good luck with working at a Reyes Group company with your surname." Ian teased.

"It'll be fine, it's not even publicly known to be a Reyes Group company. My job just requires me to know." Cedric said with a shrug. 

"Anyway, I need to go, I have to meet someone." Ian said as he turned to leave. "See you around, I guess."

"See you!" Cedric called out as he waved at Ian.

As Ian walked back to his car, the memories continued to flood his mind. He remembered how one day he got so sick because he had to walk home from school as a typhoon raged. 

He had no choice, he either braved the rain or remained stranded at an unsafe area. He knew that if he stayed till night time he could be mugged or murdered.

When he finally got home he had a fever and could barely stand. He collapsed on the ground the moment he made it home.

He recalled his mother crying so much because they couldn't even take him to the hospital.

They lost everything and when they tried to get back up the Juans were there, ready to push them back down.

With every new business venture that his father would attempt, Manuel Juan would be whispering to the ears of the investor's son. He would tell them how Ian had been sent to jail, how he was a bad person of bad stock. 

Every single attempt his parents made to find a job Manuel's sister would be gossiping with the president's daughter, spreading rumors that Sam or Karina sold their bodies to make ends meet.

Ian clenched his fists at the memory. It was a painful one, something he never wanted his family to suffer. 

Everything led back to how the Juan family had suppressed them. 

Everything had the Juan name smeared across it.

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